
How to prolong the sleep of an infant during the day - possible ways

Young parents, especially those who have a stereotype that all newborn babies are constantly sleeping, are surprised when faced with the opposite situation. It turns out that some babies fall asleep poorly and wake up frequently. According to pediatricians, every third newborn suffers from a similar sleep disorder. Meanwhile, the younger the child, the greater his need for sleep. Therefore, mothers are concerned about the question of how to prolong the sleep of an infant.

Mom must observe the baby's sleep and wakefulness schedule

The need for daytime sleep for a newborn

The WHO has developed standards for the sleep of a newborn baby. According to normative indicators, he should sleep up to 19 hours a day. Of these, 9-10 hours fall at night, the rest of the time is distributed between the periods of daytime rest.

Children's specialists are of the same opinion: for a baby, not only a night's sleep is important, but also a full day's sleep. According to some of them, in the first time after birth, the sleepy state is a continuation of the newborn's stay in the mother's stomach. Therefore, if the baby is not worried about anything, a long rest is the norm for him, he himself determines when to wake up and when to stay awake.

Having understood the peculiarities of falling asleep and waking up their child, it is easier for parents to organize the correct mode of sleep and wakefulness.

Important! Sleep disturbances negatively affect the physical and mental health of the baby. If he does not get enough sleep, he becomes moody, vulnerable to infections, it is difficult for him to concentrate on games and activities.

During any sleepy period, both day and night, the child's body is restored after active loads while awake. Scientists-somnologists have found that proper rest is especially important in the infancy period, since REM sleep affects the memorization of information, therefore, the mental development of the baby. During the phase of slow sleep, the production of growth hormones is activated.

The advantages and disadvantages of sleeping during the day

Some mothers believe that with one hundred percent rest at night, that is, at least 10 hours, during the day it is not necessary to observe the baby's laying regime. Therefore, you can make indulgences, for example, be late or even cancel the laying. They have the opinion that if the baby sleeps less during the day than expected, then you can make up for everything at night. However, pediatricians and neurologists are convinced of the importance of daytime sleep in households. Babies need to get 4 to 7 pm sleep a day to stay healthy and alert. It is impossible to make up for the full sleep time just by resting at night. You need the same full sleep during the day.

Daytime sleep contributes to the full development of the child

According to research, regular daytime sleep for up to a year reduces the level of excitability in half, thereby reducing both anxiety and anxiety in babies.

All experts are unanimous in the opinion that daytime rest contributes to mental and physical development, strengthening of immunity, the ability to perceive the world around, which is extremely important for a baby.

Do not neglect the fact that the child's daytime sleep gives the mother an opportunity to relax. At the same time, some mothers, wanting to have more free time, try to artificially increase the number of sleepy hours during the day. For example, they try to put it down once, but for a long time. Meanwhile, children's experts say that such a technique does not bring tangible results, the child will not be able to fully rest.

Note! Despite the fact that the level of melatonin during the day is lower than at night, during this period there are also "sleep windows", that is, the time intervals when the baby is drowsy. These are morning periods within 8.30-9.00 and daytime - within 12.30-14.00 hours.

It is useful for parents to catch such a convenient time for falling asleep. For this purpose, it is recommended to keep a sleep diary or carefully observe the baby's behavior. Experienced mothers know that at these moments the child becomes lethargic, relaxed, being in a doze. It is useful to build a regime of the day and rest, taking into account the "sleepy windows" so that the little one is awake enough and gets tired. However, the mother should understand that when switching to the correct regimen, you will have to wake him up in the morning and put him in the evening a little earlier.

How to prolong the daytime sleep of a newborn

Pediatricians explain to parents that the duration and frequency of sleep in the first three months are appropriate for the infant's needs. The sleep period at this time can consist of 30-40 minute segments, the baby involuntarily wakes up to feed or change the diaper. This time period is considered the norm. According to doctors, it is more useful to follow the child's signals - signs of drowsiness, fatigue, activity, until adults determine the boundaries of wakefulness and sleep.

You can prolong the sleep of a newborn using special techniques.

Answering the question of mothers, whether it is necessary to prolong the sleep of the newborn if it does not fit into the framework of the standards, pediatricians say that it is necessary to do so. There are proven techniques for prolonging daytime sleep in newborns, but you need to adhere to the rules.

Advice! A newborn's intermittent sleep can be prolonged if the baby sleeps for less than 20 minutes. It is undesirable to do this if the sleep lasts 40 minutes. If, after a twenty-minute interval, it was not possible to prolong sleep, and the time between waking up and falling asleep is increased, subsequent wakefulness can be shortened by about 20 minutes.

Experts recommend how to prolong the daytime sleep of a baby:

  • A few minutes before the expected awakening, mom must wait for the moment when he starts tossing and turning. At this moment, you can easily hold the baby, purr a lullaby. This lulls the baby and helps to return to sleepiness;
  • Effectively repeat the actions that were used when laying down, observing the initial conditions of falling asleep: location, level of "white" noise, illumination;
  • Swaddling helps a lot, which keeps the arms and legs from throwing up. Often a newborn wakes himself up. You can use the advice of experienced mothers: 5 minutes before the usual throwing up, lightly press down, that is, restrain the activity of the baby.

Important! It may not immediately be possible to prolong the drowsy state of the baby, but mom should not despair. You need to try different ways to extend, follow the sequence, and the baby will fall asleep again.

Extending the baby's night sleep

Practice has proven that a baby wakes up on average two to three times a night. Children accustomed to the regime are able to calm down on their own and fall asleep again, while other kids need the help of adults. It has been noticed that a baby who has learned to fall asleep without parental help is less likely to wake up at night and, even upon waking up, does not require increased attention. Therefore, parents should learn how to put the child according to certain rules in order to facilitate their childcare.

Motion sickness rituals help your baby sleep well

If, nevertheless, it happens that the baby wakes up at night, then experts recommend using techniques that are effective in extending the daytime sleep. Following specific lying down rituals promotes deeper sleep at night.

Comfortable conditions for falling asleep

Pediatricians claim that the quality of sleep is influenced not only by age and adherence to the regime, but also by the creation of comfortable conditions for falling asleep. Each mother knows her own "tricks" that apply only to her child. Nevertheless, there are generally accepted, time-tested techniques:

  • Warm baths with baby foam have a calming effect, helping you to tune in to a good night's rest. Experts suggest arranging bathing not only in the evening, but also during the day, if the child is very excited and resists falling asleep;
  • Light massage helps to relieve discomfort and arousal. It is useful to soothe the baby with soft stroking movements, adjust it for laying. You can use oil with a soothing scent;
  • Often the baby's awakening occurs due to the fact that he is hungry. Therefore, pediatricians emphasize the importance of feeding before falling asleep;
  • For a sound and healthy sleep of the baby, it is necessary to carry out hygienic procedures: change the diaper, lubricate the skin with baby cream, put on clean underwear (bodysuit made of natural materials), and other manipulations that the mother conducts for her child;
  • A well-established practice is the motion sickness rituals, which should be adopted in every family. Usually this is a mother's lullaby, a favorite toy, a soothing melody (white noise), which sets the baby up for a sound and quick fall asleep;
  • We must not forget about conditions such as temperature, humidity and lighting, which also play a large role in falling asleep.

Bathing before bed is effective in setting up your baby to fall asleep

In each period of development of the crumbs, there are temporary norms for falling asleep and waking. The main thing for parents is knowledge of such age norms and the ability to understand the signals that the baby gives when he is ready to fall asleep. It is important to put the baby to bed during this period, then the laying will take a little time, and the children's rest will be complete.

Watch the video: 4 Month Old Baby Sleep Tips u0026 Guidelines (July 2024).