
Allergy in a child on the face - what the rash looks like

Allergy in a child on the face occurs for various reasons. Alien allergens penetrate into the child's body. The immune system is triggered, leukocytes are sent to the place of penetration of the "invaders". There is a slight swelling, rash, and itching. This indicates a protective reaction of the body.

Red cheeks

What is allergy

An allergic reaction is a response to the ingress of a foreign antigen into the human body. It manifests itself in various symptoms. Some of them can be fatal. The main thing is to detect them in a timely manner and begin treatment.

Babies have an imperfect immune system, so they often have rashes. The older the baby becomes, the less allergic manifestations he has.

It is completely impossible to cure allergies.

Allergic rash on the face is most often food, dust, flower, animal hair and chemicals. Treatment in childhood is carried out with antihistamine drops or gels.

Causes of rashes on the baby's face

A rash on the face occurs in babies up to a year. This is how the body reacts to new foods. Rashes often appear during the introduction of complementary foods, when the baby begins to get acquainted with adult food.

Complementary feeding and allergies

From 6 months old, babies begin to try puréed vegetables, fruits and juices. You can not enter into the diet at the same time several products. If a rash appears on the cheek, it will be difficult to understand which vegetable or fruit provoked it.

Pediatricians recommend adhering to a specific feeding regimen. They start it with vegetables, and a little later they introduce fruits. The older the baby, the more varied his diet becomes.

Important! When a rash develops from any product, its introduction is postponed for 1 month.

Allergies to medicines and insect bites

The reaction to drugs occurs at least as often as to food. Up to a year, babies are trying to prescribe drugs only in an emergency. The therapy takes place under the strict supervision of a physician.

Insect bites cause local allergies to the body, including the face. The reaction manifests itself in the form of swelling, itching, redness. The edema subsides in 3-5 days. In the summer, you need to try to protect the crumbs from insect bites, for this they use a mosquito net, light capes on the body, baby sprays.

Red dots on the face


This is a disease of the upper layers of the skin. It is transmitted from infected pets and sick people. The lichen spreads to the face, neck, behind the ears, and on the scalp. A bright red, scaly rash develops that coalesces into one large scab. Treatment is prescribed by a dermatologist, it is necessary to undergo a series of tests to make a diagnosis.

Papular urticaria

This is a serious reaction of the body to an allergen, most often occurs to food. The child begins to show large blistering spots. They resemble herpes and are filled with fluid inside. With prolonged exposure to the stimulus, the papules merge into one large one, causing itching. Gradually the bubbles burst and dry out.

Important! Do not self-medicate, allergies are similar to many diseases that can be easily confused.

Artificial feeding and allergies

Not all mothers are able to feed their newborns with breast milk. In such cases, children are prescribed artificial milk formulas. Sometimes they are not suitable for children, then they begin to pour all over the body: on the palms, legs, tummy, back, face. When a rash develops, the composition of the mixture is changed to another.

Allergy to physical exposure

The rarest allergic reactions are from exposure to the sun and cold. They appear in the form of a small point rash all over the body. During the unfavorable season, the child's skin is covered with clothing from exposure to sunlight or frost. In the summer they try to go for a walk in the afternoon.

Kid with red cheeks

Prickly heat

If you dress a newborn too warmly, he begins to sweat a lot. Because of this, a small rash occurs on the body, it is often localized in the armpits, buttocks, folds on the legs and arms. It is often confused with allergies; prickly heat passes after water procedures and air baths.


After 2-3 weeks, a small rash in the form of pimples may appear on the face of newborns. Inside, they are filled with a white or light yellow liquid. By the age of three months, bloom, or neonatal acne, goes away on its own. It occurs due to the restructuring of the hormonal background in the child.


This is a disease of the upper and inner layers of the skin. Eczema is wet and dry. Redness with itching appears on the body with a dry form. With wet eczema, the rash is accompanied by vesicles of fluid, which burst and fill with pus. They need to be anointed with special medicinal ointments to avoid complications.

Important! If there are changes in the child's skin, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist for a diagnosis.

Symptoms and localization of allergies

Manifestations can be on any part of the body. Food, drug, dust allergies usually fall on the cheeks. The child develops small red bubbles. Sometimes they look like a bright blush. The rash itches a little. With the addition of a new dose of the allergen, the rashes become larger.

The crumb is smeared with cream

How to avoid confusion between allergies and neonatal rashes

Neonatal rash and allergic manifestations are similar. Acne inside has a small white filling, does not cause itching, the size of the dots is only 1-2 mm. They are randomly located all over the face. With allergies, urticaria is localized in one place, accompanied by redness and itching.

How to understand what a baby is allergic to

To determine the type of allergen, you need to carefully monitor your baby's food. Introduce only one type of vegetable or fruit into the diet. New food starts with 1 tsp. in a day. If there are no manifestations, then the portion is increased, if there is, then it is stopped.

When it is not possible to establish the cause of such a reaction of the body, then an allergic test can be done. It is prescribed by a doctor, who preliminarily agrees with possible allergens with parents.

After 1.5 years, babies are allowed to carry out specific tests to determine the type of allergens. After examining and collecting anamnesis, the doctor selects 4-5 allergenic dominant substances with a high probability of manifestation. Select 5 ampoules with a predetermined composition.

A small area of ​​skin is smeared with a cotton pad with the contents of each ampoule. Sign areas with a marker. Observe the reaction throughout the day. In the presence of swelling and redness, the result is positive.

Important! Such an analysis is prescribed for frequent allergies.

The doctor decides how to treat an allergy in a child on the face. He usually prescribes antihistamine drops for children. Kids drink them with pleasure, as they are pleasant and sweet in taste. The effect of the drug comes after a couple of days.

Important! Antiallergic drugs cause drowsiness, this is normal.

Why allergies are dangerous for babies

In infants, an allergic reaction can cause two serious conditions:

  1. Quincke's edema. The airways and limbs begin to swell, oxygen is cut off, and the child suffocates.
  2. Anaphylactic shock. This is a sharp inadequate reaction, the baby faints, cold sweat is released, convulsions, decreased pulse rate, vomiting, and death are possible.

Urgently call an ambulance in the presence of the first symptoms of such conditions.

Recommendations for the care of an allergic baby

Allergy on the face what to do with the child does not go away and a new one constantly appears? Such children are assigned the status of allergy sufferers. They are prescribed special care:

  1. The nursery is regularly ventilated.
  2. Limit contact between baby and pets.
  3. Wet cleaning is carried out daily.
  4. Install a humidifier in the room.
  5. Indoor flowering plants are removed from the nursery.
  6. In the spring, prophylactically take drops or tablets for allergies during flowering.

Allergic children outgrow this condition with age. The older the baby gets, the less allergies he has.

If the child scratches the allergy on the face

Babies up to a year do not understand that it is impossible to comb the rash. Children comb the rash until it bleeds. To relieve itching, use antihistamine ointments or folk remedies.

Granny's best recipe is to smear the rash with a decoction of chamomile and string. These herbs are hypoallergenic, help relieve itching, and promote healing.

The boy has one red cheek

Possible limitations and consequences

If the crumbs have an allergy, then it is necessary to find out the allergen and limit its contact with it. The more often a baby has a rash, the worse it affects his immune system. It is recommended to enrich the diet with hypoallergenic products, stop using chemicals at home.

Prevention of allergies in children according to Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky advises children with allergies to carefully select food. New fruits and vegetables are given to babies with care. For washing, use only hypoallergenic powders for children. At a doctor's appointment, it is always necessary to warn him about such a peculiarity of the crumbs so that he can be selected for individual treatment.

An allergic rash on the face of a child occurs most often due to food. Many babies face such a problem in the first year of life. This is due to an imperfect immune system. As they age, children adapt to new foods and environments.

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