
Why does the navel bulge out in a newborn?

What to do if the baby has a navel, the surgeon will say after examining the baby. Most often, the baby is simply watched at home, strengthening the abdominal muscles. Over time, the navel retracts and the risk of complications disappears.


Anatomical features of the peritoneum in infants

After birth, the baby's umbilical cord is cut. It is fixed with a clothespin, when it dries, it falls off. The result is a retracted scar or navel. If a crust does not form on its surface, which should fall off in time, there is a pathology that requires a doctor's consultation.

It happens that due to muscle weakness in a newborn, the navel begins to protrude, while normally it is sunken. It's okay if the umbilical ring is expanded in a child after birth. This happens often, over time, the protrusion disappears.

Why babies have a bulging navel

A protruding navel may not bother the baby in any way, but it can also cause the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, which can only be eliminated by surgery.

Natural causes

It happens that the umbilical cord is cut high, leaving it too long, because of this, the navel remains convex. Then it is considered that this is a feature of the child. However, in this case, it can also cause inconvenience if the navel rubs against a diaper, clothing, which leads to irritation and redness of the skin.


The most common explanation for a child's navel protruding is a hernia. Usually it is congenital and becomes noticeable in the second month of the baby's life. Normally, after cutting the umbilical cord, the umbilical ring is pulled together, compressed. If this does not happen, or it does not close completely, a bulge is formed. It is especially noticeable when a child cries or coughs. Any tension in the abdominal muscles gives away a hernia. Moreover, in the normal state, when the baby is lying, he is calm, she may not give herself away.

Hernia formation is associated with muscle immaturity, delayed development of the child in the womb. Usually it can be removed by pressing, but it is not recommended to adjust it yourself. Any deviations should be observed by a doctor, it is necessary to act based on his prescriptions and advice.

Surgeon's baby

Note! Do not think that crying of a baby, coughing provoke the formation of a hernia. They can only intensify its manifestation, they are unable to become the root cause of the disease.

Umbilical fistula

It happens that during the development of the fetus, the yolk and urinary ducts remain open or closed, but not completely. Then a small hole remains in the navel, which goes to the internal organs. If the child's urine and feces are released through it, they speak of a complete fistula, which must be treated urgently and only surgically.

The ducts often do not have time to overgrow in premature babies. In healthy babies born on time, they should completely close. It happens that a fistula becomes an acquired pathology, this can happen under the influence of the following factors:

  • Pinched hernia;
  • Bowel trauma;
  • Incorrect actions of medical personnel when cutting the umbilical cord.

How to determine the presence of pathologies

A child's navel sticks out most often in the presence of a hernia, less often a fistula is observed in newborns.

An umbilical hernia can be recognized by the following:

  • The bulge increases if the baby pushes. It is more visible when the child is standing;
  • A part of the intestine may be in the hernial sac, then a rumbling can be felt during palpation. With a large hernia, movement of the intestinal loops is noticeable;
  • The abdominal muscles separate.


Only a surgeon can accurately diagnose a pathology after examination.

If a child has a fistula, symptoms are observed:

  • Inflammation of the umbilical ring;
  • There is a noticeable wound in the navel, which goes deep into the abdomen. It persists even when the child is 4 weeks old, gets wet, the crust does not form;
  • The tummy of the baby smells unpleasant;
  • Bloody, purulent discharge is observed. A yellowish liquid accumulates in the navel, the baby's bowel movements may be noticeable;
  • The navel sticks out when the baby starts crying or coughs.

Signs are determined by the severity of the disease. If the baby has a fever, he urgently needs medical attention.

Why are fistula and hernia dangerous?

Pathologies associated with the protrusion of the navel can lead to serious and dangerous complications.

Fistula can cause:

  • Severe abdominal pain;
  • Peritonitis;
  • Bowel obstruction;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • General intoxication of the body.

A hernia can provoke:

  • Bloating, constipation;
  • Infringement, which often results in intestinal obstruction;
  • Adhesion formation;
  • Inflammation of the skin in the area of ​​protrusion.

Note! If a child has a bulging navel, a doctor should regularly monitor it. When the doctor insists on hospitalizing the baby, you should not argue with him, so as not to harm the health of the baby.

When to see a doctor

Call a doctor or ambulance immediately if the following symptoms are found:

  • The child has a fever;
  • The baby is in severe pain, groans, pushes, cries;
  • The bulge increased in size, became red or blue. Any change in skin tone in the navel area should be alerted;
  • The kid has been suffering from digestive problems for a long time, which he cannot cope with on his own;
  • The appearance of a discharge if there is a wound in the umbilical region. This is especially true for a fistula, in which feces can come out in an unnatural way. Pus, blood on the surface of the skin are also direct indications for calling a doctor.

Pathology treatment methods

The hernia usually goes away on its own. For some children, it disappears by the age of one, others say goodbye to it closer to the age of five. If she does not cause inconvenience to the child, he is cheerful, cheerful and active, you should not notice her. However, regular visits to the surgeon remain mandatory. Usually doctors recommend strengthening the abdominal muscles.

What to do if the navel in newborns sticks out, what activities are permissible at home:

  • Laying out the baby on the stomach before eating;
  • Abdominal massage;
  • Gymnastics.

Baby gymnastics

The technique of performing massage and exercises is shown by a surgeon or pediatrician. It is advised, for example, to put the baby on his back and alternately bend his legs, lifting them to the stomach.

Note! Proper nutrition will help to avoid increased gas formation, constipation, which means it will not allow an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which increases the protrusion.

If the hernia is pinched, the baby has pain attacks, an operation is required. According to indications, it is carried out until the age of five. In any case, it is better to schedule it before school.

A complete fistula is also treated surgically. There are no conservative methods for this pathology. If the ducts are not completely open, drug therapy is prescribed, parents must constantly monitor the navel, disinfect, dry the wound. Any treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a physician. You cannot follow the advice of friends and rely on traditional medicine when it comes to the health of the child.

Inappropriate advice

There is a method that supposedly helps to get rid of the bulge, but in fact it does not have scientific evidence. It is often advised to apply a coin to the bulging navel. Such actions can harm a baby by promoting the spread of bacteria and causing inflammation.

If the navel of a newborn bulges out, you should also not put cabbage leaves and other vegetables on it, this will not have a result.

Even more often it is advised to seal the navel with a plaster. But the skin under it will not breathe, it will start to sweat, irritation will appear, which will definitely bring discomfort to the baby.

If the baby's navel crawls out, the baby should be shown to the doctor. The doctor will tell you why this happened and if treatment is required. You cannot act on your own if the baby is in pain, his temperature rises, and the navel swells, becomes inflamed.

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