
Developing board for toddlers - making a play stand for a child

As he grows, the baby becomes more active, begins to master the world around. The crumb is curious: at 3 months he examines toys, tries to hold them in his pen, at six months he crawls to the cabinets and tries to open them, and in a year, as soon as he goes, he can already learn everything that interests him on his own. A developing board for toddlers is a unique item in the period of a baby's curiosity, a kind of children's play corner with various switches and buttons. Such a device can be made at home.

Kid plays with a business board

The benefits of the development board

The name "business board" in translation from English means "board for classes." Such a toy was created both in order to develop a young researcher and to help give parents 10-30 minutes to go about their business. A board with different things for a child today can be bought from any materials.

Important! Very popular houses are "business boards", which include on each side of the structure various devices, toggle switches, buttons, threads. This toy, located in the children's room, will be interesting even at an older preschool age.

The base for an educational toy is made of wood, plywood or cardboard, then small objects are placed on it:

  • locks;
  • puzzles;
  • sockets and latches;
  • doors;
  • lacing;
  • abacus;
  • buttons with fabric loops and other details.

Note! The kid will surely be attracted by a variety of objects and a variety of colors. Therefore, when creating a business board at home, it is better to stock up on small details of different colors in advance.

The baby is very interested in the process of cognition, due to the active work of the fingers, fine motor skills of the hands develops, which means that the structure is useful for the general development of the baby.

At what age can children play

A developing board for a child can be bought or made when the baby is six months old. Already at 6-8 months, the baby begins to pay attention to an interesting subject, he sits and knows how to focus on the game.

Important! Up to a year, it is better to exclude hard stands, play with soft parts that are attached to the base with Velcro or a button.

Depending on the age of the child, objects are selected: one-year-old kids love to pull, open and close everything, a 3-4-year-old child will be curious to study numbers, letters, and solve puzzles.

Safety engineering

Usually, developing stands for a child are made as safe as possible for the baby. There are rules to follow if the board is made at home:

  1. The finished business board should be tightly fastened so that it does not accidentally fall on the child.
  2. The base should not be jagged; corners and sharp protrusions should be rounded or covered with soft material.
  3. Each detachable part is tied to the panel with a strong cord so that the baby does not swallow it.
  4. All items must be well secured so that the baby does not rip them off.
  5. All glowing parts must be powered by batteries only.

Varieties of developmental stands

Board for a child with all sorts of things can be of two types:

  • An ordinary development board on a solid base. It is suitable for children over a year old. Performed on a piece of wood or plywood.

Development stand on a solid base

  • Not solid board. If parents are worried that the baby will pinch a finger or get scratched, then a fabric stand is built that looks more like a rug than a board.

Felt business board

Recently, tactile bodyboards have become very relevant, where the baby learns counting and motor skills.

Tactile business board "Animals"

What can be attached to the board

Firms that make boards for the development and attention of a child, today accept individual orders from parents. Depending on the age of the baby, you can take a variety of items:

  • letters to show the name of the child on the stand;
  • numbers;
  • a drawing board to keep the wallpaper intact;
  • small houses;
  • buttons;
  • doors with locks;
  • light bulbs;
  • telephone dial and toggle switches;
  • abacus;
  • consoles;
  • eyelets with laces so that the baby learns to tie his shoes;
  • coils.

Note! The older the baby, the more complex the details on the panel.

For boys

A board with locks for a child can be made without considering the floor. The business board will be interesting for both a boy and a girl. Children have different interests, so the board should match their taste.

Boys are more fond of locks, buttons, different mechanisms. The shape can be made original, for example, in the form of a pirate ship, space station or car.

Color palette:

  • blue, light blue;
  • red;
  • grey;
  • green shades.

Business board for a boy

For girls

Girls prefer dials, telephone buttons, cords, soft elements, buttons. Decor is also popular: images of castles, fairies, unicorns, princesses.

Color palette:

  • pink;
  • purple;
  • light green;
  • turquoise shades - anything that is "gentle" and "warm".

Additional Information. It is worth carefully studying your child: what superheroes he loves, what names he calls, what colors he chooses in clothes.

Busyboard for girls

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

A do-it-yourself stand for a child is an interesting activity that captivates. To make the toy last longer, you should choose more durable items: metal handles instead of wooden ones, fasten the doors with two hinges.

If you are thinking about a music board, then you can slightly muffle the sound so that the baby is not frightened. For this, the call is wrapped in felt or foam rubber.

Important! For the safety of the baby, the socket is attached to the base without a plug, since later the baby will consider real sockets as toys.


To make such a structure, you will need to take the following materials:

  • door hinges and handles, 2-4 small pieces;
  • 2 latches;
  • hook or chain constipation;
  • small lock with eyelets (2-4 pcs.) and keys;
  • magnets for windows and doors;
  • switches and sockets;
  • a lamp or light bulb that runs on batteries;
  • call or phone circle;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • corners for a metal frame;
  • a sheet of plywood of the right size or made of wood, you can take a cardboard sheet;
  • remnants of laminate, fabric, ribbons;
  • buttons, threads;
  • numbers, letters, stuffed toys and other accessories on request.

It is also worth preparing, in addition to the base:

  • jigsaw and wire cutters;
  • drill and screwdriver.

Work stages

First, you should draw a drawing, on which all the details are located, so that the process will go faster later. A good example will help you navigate the necessary devices.

A step-by-step scheme for creating a business board:

  1. Planks for side pieces and shelves are cut. They will be attached to the inside of the product. They should be sanded.
  2. On a sheet of plywood, markings are made with a pencil, where the location of the parts is indicated. Particular attention is paid to large items: door handles, switches.
  3. Holes for the hinges are drilled.
  4. With a jigsaw, other holes are cut out for an outlet, a bell, a telephone circle, doors and windows. The edges are carefully processed, they must be perfectly smooth.
  5. With the help of self-tapping screws and metal corners, boards are attached to the plywood sheet.
  6. Magnets are attached to one side of the door openings. There should also be metal plates that will help fix the door closed.
  7. Espagnolettes, latches are also attached using self-tapping screws, like all accessories. You can shorten them with wire cutters if they are too long.
  8. There is only a button on the panel, when pressed, doors or other objects are opened, all the electrical elements of the lock are hidden inside the box.
  9. A lamp or light bulb is glued.
  10. The back side of the box is covered with laminate plates. Self-tapping screw is used.
  11. At the top, you can attach a handle, which will later help in carrying the toy. If the business board will hang, then in advance it is worth taking care of the eyelets - fasteners.
  12. Further, the stand is decorated as the parent sees fit.

Developing boards are a useful invention for children from 8 months to 3-4 years old. They develop hand motility, attention of the baby and contribute to the overall harmonious development of the child. Regardless of whether the stand is made independently or purchased, it must correspond to the age of the baby and to safety.

Watch the video: Sensory Cards for Babies u0026 Toddlers: Brain Development (September 2024).