
Bruises under the eyes of a child - what leads to them and what they mean

Mothers of some children note the appearance of cyanosis under the eyes of the baby. This symptom, like a high fever or cough, cannot leave parents indifferent. Despite the fact that some situations are the absolute norm, diseases of the internal organs should still be excluded.


Varieties of bruises under the eyes in children

Bruises under the eyes of a child can be divided into two categories: not requiring anxiety and signaling the need for specialist intervention.

The features of the structure of the skull, inherited from the parents, are not requiring concern. If mom or dad has wide eye sockets, under which bone cavities are located, this causes cyanosis.

In addition, in fair-haired children and blondes, the already thin skin around the eyes has a special transparency. A large accumulation of small capillaries and blood vessels in the area under the eyes creates a bruise effect.

In other cases, bruises that appear under the eyes of a baby speak of violations in the work of internal organs. There are reasons for the appearance of bruises under the eyes of a child by shade. The circles can be purple, yellow or gray.

Attention! If parents notice a sudden darkening of the area around the eyes, the child should be urgently shown to the doctor.

Why does a one-year-old child have blue under the eyes

All bruises under the eyes can be due to three reasons:

  • physiological;
  • psychological;
  • pathological.

The human body is able to signal its internal problems through the skin. Therefore, you should not ignore any changes in her appearance.

Bruises under the eyes

Physiological causes

The physiological features of the structure of the bones of the skull can, as the child grows, form cavities under the eye sockets, which shade the incident light at a right angle. Therefore, the mothers of such babies notice cyanosis under the eyes in the morning, which itself passes by the evening. In fact, the lighting changes the situation. The sun's rays may not fall on the area under the eyes, and the light from a room sconce, located at the level of the child's eyes, does not meet obstacles in its path and illuminates the little one's face well.

Psychological factors

Children, like adults, can get tired. Despite the seemingly inexhaustible energy, with the wrong daily routine, their body can be significantly tired. Similar situations occur in families where children over a year old are deprived of daytime sleep, because it is inconvenient for parents. Or parents, who are accustomed to staying up late, do not give their child the opportunity to fall asleep on time, or raise him early in the morning in order to take him to the kindergarten. From chronic lack of sleep, sub-eyes are necessarily formed in a small person.


Many diseases of internal organs are accompanied by cyanosis of the skin. You should pay attention to the shade that dark circles acquire:

  • Purple bruising can be a dangerous symptom. They often appear in children with iron deficiency anemia. Improper nutrition of a child, whose diet lacks meat, beets, and liver, can lead to a significant decrease in the number of red erythrocytes and hemoglobin in the blood.
  • If the area around your baby's eyes turns yellow, this may indicate liver dysfunction. Often, simultaneously with the yellowing of the skin, the eyeball also turns yellow.
  • Dark, almost black, age spots under the eyes are most likely hematomas. Even a slight blow to the bridge of the nose may be the cause. Brittle capillaries can break and bruise. Such circles will brighten every day, turning from dark blue to blue, and then yellow spots.
  • Redness of the lower and upper eyelids, accompanied by pink spots under the eyes, is an allergic reaction to vapors of inhaled air.

Important! Often the parents themselves are to blame for the appearance of circles under the eyes in a one-year-old child, who neglect the daily routine and do not provide the baby with a varied diet.

When under eye circles can be the norm

If the parents of the child are light-skinned, belong to the Caucasian race, then their children will certainly inherit the features of white skin. In the thinnest areas, it is almost transparent, the area under the eyes and eyelids is many times thinner than on any other part of the body. Therefore, everything that is easily hidden by dark skin cannot be hidden by light skin, in particular, dense capillary nets of the area under the eyes.

Teething is often the cause of facial swelling. This is especially true for the eruption of the upper canines. Swelling of the upper jaw cannot but affect the delicate tissues of the baby's face.

Teething is the cause of puffiness

Pediatrician Komarovsky always says that if any differences between their child and their peers are found, the first thing parents should look at is themselves in the mirror. It's even better if mom finds her own and dad's baby photos - it is highly likely that the baby dad had exactly the same bruises at his age.

Correct diagnostic methods

If sub-eyes appear in a child, the reasons should be looked for in a medical laboratory, but first at an appointment with a pediatrician. When the skin of a one-month-old toddler acquires an unhealthy color, a patronage or a pediatrician will definitely notice this during a routine examination. By the nature of the shade, the doctor will send for tests.

In order to exclude iron deficiency anemia, the baby will have to donate blood. By the number of red blood cells, a specialist will be able to draw a conclusion. If you suspect a kidney dysfunction, you will need to pass urine. If the results turn out to be with significant deviations from the norm, the pediatrician will give a referral for an ultrasound of the kidneys to confirm or deny their concerns.

Blood for analysis

How to help a child

First of all, parents should be aware that many health problems can be avoided if they do not ignore scheduled visits by narrow specialists. The child should make the first visit to doctors at the age of 1 month. The pediatrician, for his part, gives directions for routine laboratory tests of urine, feces and blood of the baby. If mom doesn't ignore timely check-ups, she will have less cause for concern.

Elimination of external negative factors

To avoid bruising under the eyes against the background of anemia, the child should be properly fed. For babies in the first six months of life, this is only mother's milk or an adapted milk formula. Mothers of infants on HB should provide their babies with all the necessary nutrients through their own proper and varied nutrition. Sitting on a diet of buckwheat and water is unacceptable.

Attention! If a child is allergic to vapors of washing powder or floor detergents, it is only necessary to clean the nursery and wash the baby's clothes with special hypoallergenic agents.


Do not neglect your sleep schedule. Babies sleep much more than adults. Newborns need up to 20 hours, six months old babies need 16 hours, children from 3 to 7 years old need one day's sleep, lasting 1.5-2 hours. Overwork, like sleeping too long, can cause bruising under the eyes.

So that hematomas have no reason to develop under the eyes of a child, adults must ensure the safety of the room in which the baby lives. A strong blow to the bridge of the nose during a fall can not only form a blue skin and damage to blood vessels, but also provoke a concussion. Therefore, all children's furniture should be selected, regardless of brand and fashion. The only thing parents should pay attention to is the reliability of the fasteners, the naturalness of the materials and the absence of sharp corners and edges in the furniture.

Furniture without sharp corners

If parents began to notice morning swelling, which has not happened quite recently, the first step is to analyze everything that happens to the child an hour before he went to bed. It often happens that the baby takes the habit of drinking 200 ml of compote before going to bed, then waking up at night and demanding attention, in response to which the mother gives him another 100 ml of compote. The result is morning edema caused by compote.

When you need a doctor

Despite the clear origin, a hematoma is a reason to see a specialist. He must examine the organs of vision and make sure that there is no cause for concern.

If one day parents noticed bruises under the eyes of a baby, be sure to pay attention to possible concomitant symptoms:

  • increased body temperature;
  • shortness of breath;
  • dry or moist cough;
  • whistling breath;
  • severe weakness;
  • lack of appetite.

A similar picture is observed in patients with pneumonia. Therefore, at the first suspicion of a violation of the general condition of the child, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Do not postpone a visit to the doctor when it comes to a child of the first year of life. It is better if the parents are reinsured and once again make sure that there is no reason for panic than bite their elbows and lament the lost time. The eyes, like the skin, are the mirror of the state of the internal organs, so any external deviations from the norm cannot be ignored.

Watch the video: Dr Shaun Marler sharing on WINNING MORE! (July 2024).