
How to rock a child on a fitball - popular ways

Rocking a baby on a fitball makes it possible to physically develop children from an early age, the ball is also successfully used for exercise by other family members. Pediatricians recommend using a rubber apparatus for motion sickness and gymnastics from the first months of life.

Child falls asleep on fitball

The main tasks of training on a rubber ball in 1-2 months are to improve the functions of the digestive system, prevent colic. For children under one year old, the projectile is useful for developing the vestibular apparatus, improving orientation in space, and treating hypertonicity. A sports equipment reduces colic symptoms and strengthens the back muscles, improves the quality of sleep.

Trouble falling asleep

Insomnia occurs for no reason or is the result of stress, medication (antidepressants, anticonvulsants or corticosteroids), psychological and physiological problems. Attention deficit disorder causes insomnia in children. Respiratory diseases also affect sleep quality. Home environment is of great importance. It is difficult for babies with sensitive sleep to fall asleep in a noisy room.

Hand swinging: pros and cons

There is no consensus regarding motion sickness; the procedure has many advantages and disadvantages.

Arguments in favor of motion sickness:

  1. Simple affordable solution to calm your baby.
  2. Natural need for children under 1 year old. Babies feel protected, loved. The closeness of the body, smell, heartbeat, mother's face form a trusting attitude towards the world, the baby develops well.
  3. Synchronization of biorhythms of the brain with the work of internal organs. Wiggling acts on the semicircular canals in the brain, causing drowsiness. Sleep is sound and healthy.
  4. Training of the vestibular apparatus is the key to successful intellectual development.
  5. Normalization of intracranial pressure.

Lulling soothes mom too. Yoga often uses specific swinging exercises to provide a relaxing effect.

The child falls asleep in his arms

Among the disadvantages of motion sickness, it is worth highlighting the habit of falling asleep during a certain ritual and the likelihood of harming the child with intense movements. The procedure is also dangerous for the health of the parents. The habit of motion sickness threatens with back and arm pain.

Devices for motion sickness

Barely born, a child has to get used to living conditions that differ from their previous habitat. However, there are little things that remind the newborn of being in the womb. Rocking the arms is similar to lulling in the mother's belly in time to the steps. For a quicker adaptation of the child to the environment, many rocking devices have been developed.

Rocking chair

Rocking chairs for children of 3 months of age exclude the lying position. Unlike chaise lounges, the designs have additional levels of backrest tilt (3-5 options) and curved legs. Chairs swing without assistance when the baby moves. Many modifications are equipped with an automatic swing function, they are powered by an electrical network or a battery. The presence of vibrating mechanisms and swing speeds allows you to set the optimal mode.


Many parents associate the name of the cradle with a chaise longue; cradles are intended for children from birth. The main function of the devices is to rock babies. The designs are usually supplemented with a control panel, a night light, and a music box.


The child's motion sickness ball wins many advantages over its analogues: the mother regulates the rhythm and force of the swing according to the situation, reduces the load on the arms and back, the baby quickly calms down.

How to rock a baby on a fitball

The first motion sickness is carried out 2 weeks after birth. The optimal time for procedures is 1 hour after feeding. The first lesson should be short. First, an adult must get used to the fitball. Before rocking a child on a fitball, mom should sit on a chair or sofa, put the ball in front of her. Cover the surface with a diaper, gently place the baby on his stomach in the center of the fitball. It is not necessary to undress the baby, but the dressed baby is less stable on the ball.

Fitball as a means to calm the baby

The most comfortable options for rocking a baby on a fitball:

  1. Mom sits on the ball, takes the child in her arms, jumps slowly, pumping up the muscles of the buttocks and legs.
  2. The child lies on the ball with his stomach or back down, the adult puts his hand on the back, holding the baby and swinging the fitball back and forth, right and left, then in a circle.
  3. Springing exercises down / up (with short jerky presses with the palm on the bottom and back of the baby) will also appeal to the baby.
  4. "Watch". The kid lies on the ball with his back. The mother holds the breast with both hands, rocking the newborn on the ball in circular movements (clockwise and counterclockwise) to the right / left.

Before rocking a child on a fitball, an important rule should be remembered: it is forbidden to hold or pull children by the hands, feet are prohibited. The ankle and wrist joints are not ready to work with the baby's weight - there is a high probability of injury.

How quickly does the child fall asleep?

A ritual will help to improve sleep. The same actions should be repeated daily 10-15 minutes before bedtime. Mom can read a book, sing a song, breastfeed a newborn. The scenario can be anything. The main thing is to create a relaxing environment that is the same and pleasing to both participants in the process.

Important! You need to get used to the ritual. The process will take at least 7 days.

Is it convenient for mom to use a motion sickness ball?

Working out on a rubber ball is not at all difficult, the procedure takes a minimum of time. Fitball “loves” comfortable clothing made from natural fabrics that does not hinder movement, a well-ventilated room and a safe space. Items that could injure the mother or baby should be removed away.

Attention! In the absence of confidence in your own dexterity or experience of training on fitball, it is better to ask loved ones to insure the mother and child for the first time.

For the first session, do not inflate the rubber ball too tightly. It is more convenient, easier and safer for beginners to rock a baby on a slightly deflated ball.

Ball gymnastics

The benefits of motion sickness

Measured swinging on the ball is an effective solution to the issue of children's fatigue and blues. Exercises for crumbs are useful with the ability to strengthen and develop muscles, solve the problem of colic, and develop the vestibular apparatus.

Movements on a rubber ball have a beneficial effect on my mother's spine, fitness ball exercises will replace visiting a fitness club. If the mother rocked the baby during lactation, it is convenient to put the ball under the swollen legs, enjoying the pleasant outflow of blood from the feet.

Healthy blood circulation and relief after tiring everyday life with a fitball are fully realized.

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