
How to properly instill drops in the nose of a child under one year old

The first thought that worries parents when a runny nose appears in a nursing baby is how to properly instill drops in a child's nose. In order not to harm the baby, on the contrary, to alleviate the condition, you should know the basic rules and nuances of this procedure.

Nasal drops

Types of nasal drops

Since there is a wider assortment of nasal products in pharmacies, many parents are lost than they need to drip a baby's nose. In order not to spend money on useless drugs, you should know the purpose of certain drugs.

Saline solutions made from ocean water should be in every home medicine cabinet. They have a number of advantages:

  • help cleanse the nose from discharge;
  • moisturize the mucous membrane;
  • accelerate the recovery processes in the nasal cavity;
  • increase the body's resistance to viruses;
  • help reduce adenoids in babies.

Vasoconstrictor drops effectively fight nasal congestion. They instantly relieve sinus swelling and restore nasal breathing.

Important! It is not recommended to use vasoconstrictor drugs for allergic rhinitis.

Frequent use of the products is addictive. Do not use vasoconstrictor drops for more than 3 days.

Nasal remedy

Antihistamine drops are an excellent anti-allergic agent, indispensable in the spring months. It has the following advantages:

  • reduces itching and redness of the nose;
  • reduces the amount of transparent discharge;
  • fights edema and congestion;
  • helps block sneezing.

In case of an infectious or cold cold, the use of antihistamine drops is not recommended, as they unnecessarily dry out the mucous membranes and worsen the condition.

If the child's snot is the machinations of bacterial pathogens, antibacterial drops are used for treatment. They work faster than tablets and do not affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. To increase the body's resistance to viruses, it is desirable to use drops-immunomodulators. If the baby has an allergic rhinitis, the pediatrician may prescribe a course of drugs based on hormones.

Rules for the use of drops

Most often, pediatricians recommend salt or oil-based drops for instillation.

Aquamaris is a popular seawater preparation

When treating each of the remedies, certain rules must be followed:

  1. With complaints of constant dryness of the nasal mucosa, the child is prescribed the use of oil drops. Before using them, it is necessary to clean the nasal passages with saline, only then, using a pipette, drip 1-2 drops into each nostril.
  2. Most often, the saline solution is used as a spray. This form of the drug spreads better through the sinuses. With the help of a spray, mucous membranes are cleaned before using other drugs. The interval between the use of funds should be at least 20-25 minutes.

How to carry out the procedure

In order to instill a nose for a baby, it is necessary to prepare all the necessary materials and preparations in advance. For the procedure you will need:

  1. Saline or seawater - to soften the crusts and rinse the sinuses.
  2. Cotton swab, bandage or cotton pad - will be useful for cleansing mucous membranes in crumbs from the 1st year. A blower or an aspirator can be used to cleanse the nose of newborns and babies.
  3. Nasal drops are the main drug.
  4. Children's toys - will help distract the baby during the procedure.

Actions and precautions

Bad nasal breathing is the problem most often faced by newborns and babies. Due to nasal congestion, the baby cries, refuses to suck on the mother's breast or drink the mixture.

Additional Information. Sometimes the reason lies not in a cold, but in crusts that have formed on the mucous membranes of the nose.

To restore the baby's ease of breathing and prevent the spread of infection, it is necessary to use nasal drops. A baby should be buried in a nose in accordance with all the rules, otherwise the wrong tactics will not lead to the desired result.

Lying position - comfortable position

Pediatricians recommend 2 methods to make the instillation process quick and effective.

First option:

  1. The child should be placed on his back with his head tilted slightly back. To make it convenient to bury a newborn's nose, the baby can be placed on a changing table or on your lap.
  2. The pipette with the product must be carefully inserted into one nostril. You should not stick the "nose" deeply.
  3. Slowly press down on the tip of the pipette to release as much medicine as the pediatrician has prescribed.
  4. Similar actions should be carried out with the other nostril.
  5. In order for the medicine to be evenly distributed in the sinuses, you need to lightly massage the child's nose.

Second option:

  1. The baby should be laid on its side.
  2. The "nose" of the pipette with the drug must be inserted into the nostril, which is located on top.
  3. You should gently press on the tip so that 1 drop of the drug gets into the nasal passage.
  4. It is necessary to make a light massage of the sinuses, then drop the medicine again.
  5. After the procedure, turn the baby over on the other side and do the same.

Important rules and requirements

To understand how to properly drip drops into your child's nose, it is necessary to study a number of conditions.

Hand washing

They will help to avoid crippling manipulations during treatment:

  1. Before the procedure, you should wash your hands with soap and water. Otherwise, you can bring an infection into the baby's nose.
  2. The drugs should be used strictly by the hour. It is better to work out a specific schedule in advance and adhere to it throughout the course of treatment.
  3. Before instilling drops, the baby needs to clean the nasal passages.
  4. In order not to injure the mucous membrane, immerse the pipette with drops carefully, without touching the walls of the nose. The healing of scratches is a long process, through them bacteria and infections can enter the baby's body.
  5. Before you bury drops in the baby's nose, you need to slightly warm them up to room temperature. You can do this with your hands, for this you should rub the bottle with them. You can not use cold medicine, as it can provoke vasospasm.

Parents of babies need to remember that it is necessary to moisturize and cleanse the nasal passages 2 times a day in order to prevent the mucous membrane from drying out.

Psychological preparation for manipulation

Before you instill a nose in a newborn, you need to create a favorable atmosphere for this.

Reference! For an unprepared child, the treatment process is a real tragedy that negatively affects the psychological state of the baby.

The kid smiles

In order for the procedure to pass without crying and crying, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Despite the fact that the baby is very small, the mother needs to explain to him the need for treatment.
  2. In no case should you raise your voice at the baby, swear and be nervous. Young children sense the mood of the parent and unconsciously begin to imitate him. In addition, the child's psyche suffers from screaming.
  3. If the baby is a year old or a little older, he must be told that the procedure is painless and will not cause discomfort.
  4. For children over 3 years old, instilling drops can be turned into an exciting game. First, you can "cure" the toy, then drip the nose of the dad, when the child realizes that there is nothing terrible in the procedure, offer him to be in the role of a patient.

The final part of the procedure

As soon as it turns out to drip drops into the child's nose, it is necessary to fulfill a number of mandatory requirements:

  • after the procedure, you should close the bottle with the medicine and put it in the refrigerator;
  • hands must be washed to eliminate the possibility of getting the product on the skin;
  • rinse the pipette with warm water or an antiseptic;
  • cotton wool, gloves and other disposable items should be thrown into the trash can.

At the end of the treatment, it is necessary to praise the child.

Encouragement helps to maintain a positive attitude

If it is a nursing baby, you should shake it on the arms, kiss, give milk, if the baby is older - cheer it up with a toy.

Important! Positive reinforcement after the procedure will allow the child to remember the treatment as interesting and enjoyable.

It is necessary to strengthen immunity from the diaper, therefore, in order to reduce the risks of a cold in a baby, do not forget about hardening and walking in the fresh air.

It is not so difficult for children to bury their nose. The main thing is to use only those drops prescribed by the doctor, and in no case exceed the permissible dosage.

Watch the video: NASAL CONGESTION NEWBORNS (July 2024).