
How to decorate the room for the birth of a child from the hospital

The birth of a child is one of the most significant events in the life of any family, which is associated with a large number of troubles and issues that need to be addressed. These include general cleaning of the apartment and decorating the room for the newborn.

You need to bring the baby from the hospital to a thoroughly washed apartment


A newly born baby has very low immunity. This means that the apartment to which he will be brought from the hospital must be pre-cleaned with a special degree of care.

To achieve an ideal result, you should adhere to the following simple recommendations:

  • the cleaning process should cover the entire apartment, not just the nursery;
  • dust should be removed even from the most difficult-to-reach places, including top shelves and cabinets;
  • remove all dust-collecting trinkets;
  • it is recommended to wash the toilet bowl and sink with special care, since a particularly large number of pathogenic bacteria and microbes accumulate in these places;
  • carpets need not only be vacuumed, but also knocked out and treated with special compounds to get rid of the dust mite.

Important! When doing general cleaning in the apartment, where the baby will soon be brought, in no case should you use ordinary household chemicals. Its constituent substances can be dangerous to a newborn baby. It is better to use folk remedies or hypoallergenic professional chemistry.

Street and entrance decoration

Many newly-born daddies are so happy with the appearance of a child that they are ready to announce this to the whole world. They not only solemnly furnish such an event as discharge from the hospital, but also decorate the courtyard and entrance of the house, sharing their delight with others. A variety of decorative elements are used for decoration: arches made of balloons, flowers, phrases like "Thank you for my son", made of plastic letters, and much more.

Important! Most often, the color that each balloon has is chosen depending on the gender of the newborn. If a girl was born, the decoration is done in pink, if a boy - in blue.

If the house does not have an elevator, the entrance can be decorated with minimal financial costs by tying balloons with helium along the railing. After the solemn arrival of the mother and child takes place, they can be brought into the house or distributed to friends to launch into the sky.

Children's room decoration

If not all are decided to decorate the courtyards and entrances, then the question of how to decorate the room for the birth of a child from the hospital is asked by many. There are no clear rules on how to decorate a room for a baby; some ready-made solutions may be useful.

You can decorate the nursery for discharge from the hospital in different ways


Decorating a newborn's room with balloons is the most common and popular decoration. Many do it themselves: scatter them on the floor, tie them to furniture. Balloons filled with helium look especially interesting - they can be launched under the ceiling.

To make the children's room look perfect, you can use the services of specialists engaged in the manufacture of compositions from balls.

Important! Decorating a room with balloons has one significant drawback - if at least one balloon bursts, the child will be very scared.

Foam letters

Another popular solution to decorate a room in an original way for the birth of a child involves the use of foam letters. Most often, the nursery is designed with voluminous words in Russian or English. This can be the name of the child or spouse, a pleasant wish, etc.

Paper jewelry

If the father of the family has a good imagination and a well-filled hand in relation to working with paper, a decoration for an extract from a family house can be made from colored sheets yourself. If a son was born, the room can be decorated with paper airplanes or boats, if the daughter - with flowers. Many people make beautiful garlands and bright flags with congratulations from paper.

Stickers and pictures

Stickers and pictures are the easiest way to decorate your home for your baby's birth. On sale they are offered in the widest range. If you wish, you can easily make a poster yourself. For work, you only need a certain amount of imagination, a sheet of Whatman paper, paints, pencils and felt-tip pens.

Decorating a room with a themed poster is easiest.

Buffet in honor of the newborn

On the day when a young mother with a newborn child leaves the maternity hospital, many arrange a buffet table. You should not arrange a noisy and large-scale feast with a large number of guests in honor of discharge. It is more advisable to leave such an event for a christening or bride. A modest buffet table with close friends will be quite appropriate, even taking into account the fact that mom will clearly not be before the holiday.

Menu and table for checkout

The table, bursting with food, will also not be very appropriate for discharge from the hospital. It should be limited to sandwiches and light snacks. To remind guests that the holiday is still for children, you can buy a cake.

When choosing specific recipes, you should focus primarily on the tastes of the invited family and friends. The child's mother is unlikely to take an active part in the event - if she is breastfeeding, then any culinary excesses are completely contraindicated for her. In addition, she just left the hospital and, most likely, is not particularly eager to celebrate.

A modest buffet table is the best solution for discharge from the hospital

Is it worth doing a photo session

This is what should be given special attention - this is the organization of a photo session for discharge from the hospital. The birth of a child is a very significant event, it is simply necessary to capture it.

You can take photos on your own, the necessary equipment is available in almost every family. If you order a professional photographer, the result of his work will be better. The most important thing is to carefully study his portfolio before choosing a particular specialist, because each person has his own idea of ​​beauty.

Watch the video: #StayHome and learn #WithMe New born baby welcome home decoration IdeasWelcome baby boy to home (June 2024).