
Why does a child have a blue nose bridge - the reasons for the appearance of a blue wreath

Parents who closely observe the baby pay attention to the slightest changes in his condition. It often happens that a child has a blue nose bridge. It will be useful for mothers, fathers to find out why the bridge of the child's nose turns blue, and what needs to be done in such a case.

Blue nose bridge in a child

A wreath on the nose of a baby

Children at the age of several months have very thin and delicate skin. Not surprisingly, veins can be seen through it. Doctors believe that this is not a sign of danger, unless it is about injury after childbirth. Later, when the skin becomes thicker, the vein will not be visible, and the color of the bridge of the nose will return to normal.

A blue wreath on the bridge of the nose of a baby may also indicate the individual characteristics of the skin. In such children, it can appear even after they reach the age of one.

Why does the bridge of the nose turn blue

The reasons for the blueing of the bridge of the nose from the left or right side can be physiological and pathological.

Physiological features

The physiological reasons for blue nose bridge include the following:

  1. Strong crying. It leads to breathing problems, because of this, the level of oxygen in the blood decreases.
  2. Fright.
  3. Feeding. The baby, sucking milk from the breast, makes an effort. Due to this kind of stress, the vessels expand, and a characteristic bluish tint appears.
  4. The impact of the mountain climate. For the crumbs, rarefied air is unusual, as the body reports with a blue skin.
  5. Often a child's nose becomes blue in the cold. This will pass as soon as the effect of the low temperature stops.

The blue of the bridge of the nose is likely and as a result of a fall, the baby can hit his head very often.

Bruise on the injured bridge of the nose

Important! When the child's nose turns blue, the skin color does not recover for a long time, it is necessary to show the baby to the doctor. These symptoms may indicate the development of a serious illness.

Pathological causes

Depending on the cause, there are three types of pathological cyanosis of the nose bridge:

  1. Constant. It occurs against the background of a sucking disorder or after injury during childbirth, with high cranial pressure or due to immaturity of the respiratory center.
  2. Pulmonary. It is accompanied by pallor of the skin, the presence of bruises under the eyes. Occurs due to pneumonia, bronchitis or asthma, diaphragmatic hernia, foreign body ingestion.

Attention! This type of blueing of the bridge of the nose can occur due to the inhalation of tobacco smoke by the baby.

  1. Cardiovascular. Blueing of the bridge of the nose sometimes appears as a result of pathologies of the cardiac septum, when listening to heart murmurs.

Do not exclude the risk of a tumor developing from vascular tissue. The vessel at the base of the nose acquires an irregular structure even in the prenatal period. At the same time, the neoplasm is volumetric. When touched, it is soft; when pressed, it loses its visibility.

What is hemangioma in infants

This is a benign tumor. Often it is found in a newborn under one year old, has the appearance of a reddish or bluish formation. Sometimes these tumors are flat.


Infants sometimes have subcutaneous hematomas. Outwardly, they look like a small bruise in a newborn girl or newborn boy. Thanks to the gradual increase, parents can distinguish a tumor from a hematoma and consult a doctor in time.

When to see a pediatrician

Komarovsky explains that parents do not need to be careless, but they should not panic too much either. Without a medical examination, it is impossible to establish the cause of the blue bridge of the nose. When a blue bridge of the nose appears, parents should find out the following:

  • how the baby grows and develops;
  • does he have a heart murmur;
  • whether he has a cough or shortness of breath;
  • whether blue discoloration appears on other parts of the body;
  • whether the infant is sufficiently active or is he tired;
  • what skin color (dangerous if it is pale).

If at least one doubt appears, it is necessary to show the baby to the doctor.

Parents can exclude the presence of pathology on the following grounds:

  • normal weight of the baby;
  • mobility;
  • lack of cough;
  • normal color of skin and mucous membranes.

Sometimes, against the background of a change in the color of the bridge of the nose, the child can get nervous. His limbs or chin may tremble. Noticing the appearance of such symptoms, there is no need to waste time, because these are the first signs of a developing heart disease. If wheezing occurs, parents should call a doctor immediately - this can be a symptom of severe lung pathology.

Cyanosis in a child

Note! The longer the child is sick, the more pronounced the color of his nose.


When diagnosing cyanosis in children, doctors adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. Laboratory examination: this is a general analysis of blood, including its gas composition.
  2. Chest X-ray.
  3. Functional diagnostics of the lungs.

Doctors also carry out differential diagnostics. They pay attention to the following signs:

  1. The presence of abnormal breathing indicates infection and bleeding.
  2. An increase in the frequency of respiratory movements can indicate a pathological state of blood circulation.
  3. A heart murmur indicates a heart defect.
  4. Hyperventilation of the lungs indicates a heart defect with a simultaneous decrease in pulmonary blood flow.

Chest x-ray reveals the pulmonary nature of the blue area at the bridge of the nose. Echocardiography is recommended if a heart murmur is present or if a heart defect is suspected.

Echocardiography in a baby

When an enlarged vessel appears on the bridge of the nose or near the forehead, doctors often determine the diagnosis of intracranial hypertension. This disease develops if during pregnancy there was fetal hypoxia or infection, and the mother had severe gestosis.

Note. If a child is diagnosed with hemangioma, doctors do not recommend surgery. This tumor tends to shrink.


There are no specific methods for preventing the appearance of a blue bridge of the nose in infants. During pregnancy, it is necessary to diversify the diet, move more and completely eradicate bad habits.

Due to physiological characteristics, it is impossible to prevent the appearance of a blue bridge of the nose in a child. Gradually, the color of the skin will return to normal.

The blue on the bridge of the nose in a child can be physiological and pathological. Parents need to closely monitor the condition of the child. If you experience shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, wheezing, call a doctor immediately.

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