
8 reasons why crying is good for babies

Most parents cannot hear the cry of their child, and do everything to stop it. But experts say that it is impossible to prevent children from crying, because crying is good, and here are some reasons why.

Lung development

The famous pediatrician Leila Alice Denmark always convinced mothers that it is not worth picking up and nursing a baby when the baby is crying. You can check if the diaper is dry, but you don't need to hold and lull. Babies can cry for several hours a day and this is the norm, because the lungs develop through this process.

Colic relief

Scientist Richard Ferber is convinced that tears help relieve tension and get rid of discomfort, for example, from colic. Therefore, it is recommended not to rush to calm the baby, but to give him the opportunity to cry. This assumption is supported by the observation that in hospitals, children quickly stop suffering from colic, because nurses do not have the opportunity to take everyone in their arms.

Good sleeping pill

Crying releases the stress hormone, which makes you fall asleep faster and better. Therefore, before going to bed, children can safely be given the opportunity to cry, and then they will sleep soundly all night.

Communication method

Babies have no other way to communicate that something is wrong. With the help of crying, he can communicate that he is hungry or that he is in pain.

Rinsing the nose

Ophthalmologists convince that during crying, some of the tears enter the nose, and then they come out of there along with excess mucus and dust. As a result, the nose is cleared, which is the prevention of ARVI.

Educational measure

With the help of tears, small children can manipulate their parents, so it is not worth it. If the baby is mischievous, then it is worth giving him time to cry and realize that the main parents are.

Outlet for emotions

You cannot completely ignore the tears of a child, but you also cannot forbid crying. You need to give the opportunity to cry on mom's shoulder when the child is offended or upset.

Tears are a sign of emotional maturity

Tears arise not only from pain or resentment, but also from happiness, but this begins to happen at a certain point in growing up. A baby will not cry with happiness when she receives a toy as a gift, but older children can, and this is a sign of their emotional maturity.

Watch the video: Should I let my baby cry and for how long when putting himher to bed? (July 2024).