Child development up to a year

The child is a month old and does not sleep well during the day (reasons)

From the moment the baby is born, the life of the mother changes dramatically. All her time will now take care of the baby, his upbringing and development. But at the same time, the newly-made mother does not cease to be a wife, a mistress, and a woman in principle - in addition to caring for the baby, she also has many things to do, from which no one has relieved her. Therefore, one of the most frequent questions asked to pediatricians while still in the hospital: how many hours does a newborn baby sleep (should sleep) during the day, what is his sleep rate, and what to do if a newborn baby who is not even a month old does not sleep or sleeps very little in the afternoon?

Baby sleep - the length of the day's sleep

Newborn baby from birth and during the first three months of life should sleep on average 18-20 hours a day... But since each child is individual, the amount of sleep in the range 16-20 hours a day. (See article how many hours per day does the newborn sleep)

Since the infant does not yet have a regimen, this number of hours is evenly distributed over the day and night. Much depends on the state of health - this is the main indicator of the norm, or on the temperament of the baby. If the child feels well, he is not tormented by unpleasant symptoms that occur in the first months of life, such as increased intracranial pressure, abdominal cramps, then his sleep can continue continuously for a couple of hours in a row. This is followed by a period of wakefulness, and again sleep.

During sleep, the baby may wake up to feed, or may miss another milk intake. If the child does not wake up to eat within four hours, this is an alarming symptom. Hunger in infants during the first months of life can be compensated by sleep. Therefore, after 3-4 hours of sleep, if the baby has not asked for food, wake him up and feed him. Feeding is preferable to offer the baby on demand, rather than by the hour. Then the duration of sleep will be longer, the child will sleep more calmly.

But a mother may face such a phenomenon as a sleep disorder in a child. If you notice that a newborn baby does not sleep all day, then you should pay special attention to this and try to understand whether there really is a sleep disorder in an infant.

Causes of sleep disturbance in a newborn baby

Let's say right away - the opinion that a newborn should sleep for the first weeks of life constantly, interrupting only for feeding and bathing, is wrong. From the first days of life, the baby learns the world, and during periods of wakefulness he scrutinizes everything around him with curiosity, although he still does not distinguish all colors and the perception of objects is not at all the same as that of an adult. But these periods are, and they should be, so do not be surprised if every half hour or hour the baby wakes up and groans, tosses and turns, opens his eyes. Sleep problems are worth talking about when:

  • The total amount of sleep per day in a newborn baby is less than 15 hours;
  • The child is awake 4-5 hours straight without slumber and sleep;
  • The baby is clearly overexcited, restless, has difficulty falling asleep and wakes up every 5-7 minutes.

Why does a newborn sleep poorly:

Factors affecting sleep deprivation

  1. The child feels uncomfortable... Check if the baby is full, if his diaper is clean. Wet diapers and hunger are the first causes of sleep disturbance. There are patient children, but most of them feel very uncomfortable and let them know about it.
  2. Room temperature abnormal... 20-23 degrees Celsius - it is this temperature that is considered optimal in the room for a newborn baby (See the article on temperature in a newborn's room). Dressing the baby should also be appropriate - not wrapping it up, but not keeping it completely naked. Active movements of the baby's legs and arms, sneezing will tell you that the child is cold. And a rise in body temperature, rosy cheeks - that the room is too hot.
  3. Sound background... In general, in the first weeks of life, the baby does not react too emotionally to sounds (when does the child start to hear?) But when falling asleep, sharp knocks, noise, loud music can interfere with falling asleep.
  4. Too light in the room... Bright daylight annoys the baby and prevents him from falling asleep. Use blinds or shutters to darken the room.
  5. Pain in the baby's tummy (intestines)... Colic and a large accumulation of gas in the abdomen of a child give him pain and discomfort. To make it easier for the baby, put a warm ironed diaper, a baby heating pad on his tummy, or give him a light massage (how to help with colic?).
  6. Loneliness... After birth, the baby experiences the first emotional shock. He no longer hears his mother's heartbeat, he is not rocked by her steps, movements. And of course he really needs affection and love. The baby will sleep comfortably and comfortably in his arms, but there is also an excellent device - a sling. It allows the baby to feel calmer, and this miracle thing frees the mother's hands and gives the opportunity to do business, while the beloved baby remains under close supervision.

What to do if the baby does not sleep during the day

  • If you really feel that something is wrong, then seek advice from your pediatrician. Better to be on the safe side, because sometimes sleep disturbance is a symptom of a serious illness. These include diseases of the central nervous system (central nervous system), respiratory disorders, increased HPV, etc.
  • Provide your child with regular walks and sleep in the fresh air. The lungs are filled with oxygen, the baby easily falls asleep to the sound of foliage, the rocking of the stroller. Make it a habit to walk twice a day, avoiding only cold days and bad weather;
  • Create all the conditions at home for a comfortable sleep. No nervousness in the family, a calm and relaxing atmosphere will help the baby fall asleep;
  • Healing herbal decoctions can be added to the baby's bathing water - string and chamomile. They will have a relaxing effect, providing the baby with a sound sleep;
  • Sew a small sachet with valerian herb filler. Place the sachet in the baby's crib. Sleep will be more calm and sound;
  • After sunset, exclude all active games, loud music. Getting ready for bed should begin several hours in advance so that the child is ready to fall asleep and is not emotionally overwhelmed.

[sc: rsa]

Links to articles on the topic of sleep:

  • Why does a child under one year old sleep poorly at night: how to improve the child's sleep?
  • Why does a newborn baby flinch in sleep?
  • When the baby starts to sleep all night
  • How to put a child to sleep without tears and whims
  • Can a newborn sleep on its stomach?

Watch the video: How we did sleep training with our 18 month old toddler (July 2024).