
What can not be eaten by a nursing mother (and what is categorically not recommended for mothers during GV)

During the period of breastfeeding, a nursing mother is doubly responsible for the health of her baby. After all, her diet and lifestyle affect the quality of milk, which is the main food for her baby. Consider the main negative factors affecting breastfeeding.

What is contraindicated for a nursing mother during breastfeeding

To begin with, I would like to note the bad habits that are strictly prohibited during lactation.

  • 1. Addiction to alcoholic beverages

Alcohol consumed by the mother freely enters the mammary glands in high concentration. The baby, along with breast milk, receives this poison, which creates a huge load on the baby's still underdeveloped liver. Alcohol is excreted very slowly from the baby's body and can cause serious intoxication. In the mother, with the use of any alcohol (beer, wine, etc.), lactation decreases. Read more about alcohol ...

  • 2. Smoking

Nicotine enters milk almost instantly after smoking a cigarette. Has a high toxic effect on the baby's organs. More ...

  • 3. Poor body hygiene

If a nursing mother neglects water procedures, especially with regard to the mammary glands, then the accumulated dirt and sweat create comfortable conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. In a child sucking on the breast, ulcers, stomatitis, and other inflammatory processes may form in the mouth. When breastfeeding, you should not use perfumes, deodorants with a strong fragrance, as they clog the pores of the skin, and the intense smell provokes the baby to abandon the breast.

  • 4. Increased nervousness and stress

A mother who is breastfeeding should avoid emotional shocks, overexertion, nervous shocks, because all this leads to a decrease in lactation. And with constant oppression and an unfavorable situation in the family, milk in the breast may disappear altogether.

  • 5. CATEGORALLY it is forbidden to use narcotic substances!

What can not be eaten by a nursing mother

With regards to the nutrition of a nursing mother, there is a certain list of food products that are undesirable for consumption during the lactation period.

  • legumes (peas, beans, lentils): they cause bloating in babies and cause severe colic;
  • spicy, bitter, overly fragrant plants and vegetables (peppers, garlic, onions), even in the composition of dishes they make the milk taste unpleasant and the baby may refuse to breast;
  • sweet confectionery and chocolate (buns, muffins, cakes, pastries), they cause fermentation in the tummy, which causes pain to a baby with an immature intestinal tract;
  • citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines, lemons) can cause a strong allergic reaction in an infant;
  • red berries, fruits and vegetables (red apples, watermelon, strawberries, tomatoes), due to the beta-carotene content, can cause allergies, peeling skin, rashes;
  • seafood (squid, shrimp, mussels) is also a fairly strong allergen, so when breastfeeding it is better not to take risks and not eat them;
  • drinks: sweet carbonated lemonades (bloating), tea and coffee (increased excitability), alcoholic cocktails (poisoning and intoxication), unboiled milk (pathogenic bacteria) - all this while breastfeeding can cause anxiety and discomfort to the baby.

But there is an even more important list of that it is categorically impossible to eat while breastfeeding. These foods should not be in the diet of a nursing mother until the end of the breastfeeding period, they can seriously harm the baby:

  1. Mushrooms (can cause severe poisoning);
  2. Smoked meats and sausages (high content of fat and artificial additives);
  3. Ready-made mayonnaise sauce (powdered milk, vinegar);
  4. Chili pepper (can burn a baby's larynx even through milk);
  5. Pickled pickles (danger of pathogenic bacteria);
  6. Fast food products, fast food.

Take your diet seriously while breastfeeding. Let your baby, along with milk, receive the maximum benefit, then his health will be strong for the joy of young parents.

Additionally, read the article on what you can eat for a nursing mother - grocery list.

About fruits during breastfeeding and vegetables (which are allowed, which are not).

Important and useful: Breastfeeding - advice for a nursing mother.

Top 10 nutritional rules for a nursing mom -

Watch the video: What I Eat in a Day While Breastfeeding. Doctor Mom (July 2024).