Child development up to a year

What a newborn baby can and should be able to do in the first month of its life

Many young parents believe that a month old baby is still too young, and all he needs is healthy sleep and mother's milk. To assess how the baby is developing, parents should know what a baby should be able to do at 1 month.

During the first month of life, the crumbs will have to get used to new living conditions, adapt to new living conditions. Now this is no longer a newborn man, but a baby. During this month he has imperceptibly learned a lot, already knows a lot.

Physical development

  • By the end of the first month, the baby gradually stops taking the position of the embryo, moves more actively, twists with arms and legs. All his movements are still unbalanced, but gradually they are becoming more coordinated. It will take another 2-3 months;
  • Some babies at 1 month manage to slightly raise their head when they lie on their tummy. The child manages to hold the head for a while when held vertically;
  • Lying on his tummy, he should be able to slightly raise the ass and head at the same time. If at this time a palm is placed under his heels, he will push off from it and move a few centimeters;
  • The newborns' reflexes have not faded away. During a medical examination, the child must clearly demonstrate them.

Emotional development

  • In the first four weeks of life, the child already knows how to distinguish his mother's voice from everyone else. He perfectly knows her smell, her touch; When a loved one touches a baby, he is happy and even stops crying. However, the touch of a stranger can greatly scare him. Therefore, it is not yet recommended to give the child to strangers in the hands;
  • The kid copies everything that he can see. Smile at him often. And very quickly he will answer your smile with a smile. And it will no longer be a reflex involuntary smile of a newborn, but a completely conscious one, intended for you;
  • At 1 month, he has already been looking at bright, motionless objects near his eyes for several minutes. He is already capable of following the toy that is slowly carried before his eyes;
  • The baby begins to pronounce throat sounds similar to gurgling. This is the beginning of humming, when the baby for the first time consciously experiences the vocal apparatus. And while the first words are still far away, the first attempts take place already at the age of one month;
  • At the age of one month, a child knows how to show his mood - by crying or smiling;
  • The kid reacts to sounds, can determine where he is coming from, turn his head in that direction. Listens to them. The reaction becomes more conscious, the child is less likely to be frightened by harsh sounds, distinguishes the intonation of speech. Mom's voice calms the baby, and the voices of strangers are frightening and alarming;
  • Wake up and eat at the same time. At this age, children are already forming a daily regimen. Mom can adjust it, but it must be done very gently, without stress for the child;
  • Scream and cry. A month-old baby cries for about three hours a day. This is considered the norm, since it is in this way that he can inform his mother about problems. Crying differs depending on the irritating factor - hunger, a dirty diaper, the desire to be on your hands, sleep, etc.

Skills and Abilities Table

Development sphereWhat's happening?
MovementThe arms and legs are bent at the joints, they move involuntarily and uncoordinated - the muscle tone is increased. All actions are controlled by unconditioned reflexes.
VisionBy the 10th day, the baby keeps moving objects in the field of view. Can follow an object (toy) at a distance of about 30 cm, but only in one direction. By the 20th day, it keeps motionless objects (the face of an adult) in the field of view for up to 5-10 seconds.
HearingBy the 10th day, he shudders and blinks at sharp sounds (clap, hitting the table) at a distance of about 30 cm. Can focus on sounds and voice for up to 10 seconds.
SensoricsDistinguishes between salty, sweet and sour tastes. Reacts to strong odors with crying and grimaces.
SpeechThe vocal apparatus is trained by ringing shouts, grunting, smacking his lips.
IntelligenceThe sensory development of the baby began (sensory-motor). Now he is practicing the skills given to him from birth: sucking, responding to sounds, light stimuli, temperature. The first conditioned (not congenital) reflexes are developed.

By the end of the first month, with the disappearance of physiological hypertonia, the child's posture becomes more relaxed. Some no longer need to be swaddled while sleeping.

That's how much the kid can already do! And you say - a month!

We read further:What a baby can do at 2 months

Mom's School: First month of life

Video: Development of a newborn from birth to 1 month. What should be able to? How to develop a baby at this age? How to deal with the most common problems of this age (colic, belching, crying, etc.)

Watch the video: Tummy Time - When to start and what you must know 2020 (July 2024).