
15 weeks pregnant

In the 15th week of pregnancy, the fetus exercises its movements. Mothers notice many changes for the better in their well-being. It is important to take care of yourself and avoid complications.

How mom's body changes

At the 15th obstetric week (methods for calculating the term - here), the stomach grows still and rises slightly. If you have a lean or medium build, any form-fitting piece will accentuate your characteristic lines. In a twin pregnancy, the belly grows faster and becomes noticeable earlier.

Photos of tummies:

Choose comfortable clothes for everyday wear that will not crush and chafe anywhere. If you don't want others to look at you, choose loose things, use bright accents - brooches, earrings, scarves. Such accessories are distracting.


Emotional outbursts are replaced by calmness. You become less and less annoyed. Some mothers experience hot flashes at this time. I don't feel like sitting still, some plans constantly appear in my head - to go somewhere, to do something. Do not be afraid of your energy, but do not overwork either.

In the fifteenth week, many mothers notice a gradual change in life views. The tricks of organizing family life, raising children and safely bearing a child take more and more thoughts.

Physical sensations:

  • slight nasal congestion without fever and other signs of a cold;
  • improved stool (the uterus rises and puts less pressure on the intestines);
  • light choking (the diaphragm is slightly compressed by the raised uterus);
  • discomfort in the tailbone area when you sit (nerve endings signal blood stagnation, change position or walk a little);
  • heartburn, flatulence;
  • increased appetite;
  • nipple sensitivity may persist;
  • excretion of colostrum;
  • sensitivity of teeth and gums (which means that the baby needs calcium);
  • skin pigmentation;
  • short cramps in the legs (sometimes due to a lack of potassium and calcium).

Your blood volume is now 20% higher than it was before pregnancy. Because of this, the heart sometimes works with overload, and then the head is slightly dizzy. If at the same time it seems to you that you are about to fall, be sure to tell your doctor. Do not be afraid of a slight loss of orientation.

Very rarely, residual effects of early toxicosis can persist. Find out here (about toxicosis) how to eliminate recent outbreaks of nausea and other discomfort.

Is it uncomfortable to sleep? Try lying on your side more often and place a small pillow under your belly.

What do expectant mothers say? Some people continue to complain of sleepiness. Others understand that they have successfully avoided toxicosis. Some moms admit that they always go to baby stores and admire tiny clothes, bottles and rattles. It is difficult for many to watch melodrama films, it is impossible to avoid tears. This is all normal. The main thing is that nothing hurts and does not disturb.

What to look for

Minor pains at this time are common. Your body is constantly working, getting tired and signaling about it. Change your body position if you have to sit, stretch, do a light warm-up. You have to stand a lot - let your legs rest whenever possible.

If your stomach or lower back really hurts, and does not ache slightly, tell your doctors about it. For severe pain and bloody smears, call an ambulance.

Normal vaginal discharge appears white or clear, scanty, and does not have a pungent odor. There should be no burning and itching in the vagina and on the labia.

Medical fact. Miscarriage and missed pregnancy are possible at any time. Be attentive to your feelings.

When will the baby start pushing?

According to the medical standard, if the pregnancy is the first, fetal movements will begin to be felt at 20 weeks, in other cases - at 18. In very rare cases, skinny mothers can already feel the first weak movements. They can be easily confused with the "whims" of your own digestion.

The doctor must be informed about the first fetal movement, this information is entered into your exchange card. But before you tell the doctor the exact date, make sure that the baby is really pushing.

Fetal development

There is an opinion that if you bring a switched on lamp to your stomach, the baby will definitely react to the light. Believe it or not - decide for yourself. But imagine: you are lying in a bath with water, the bath is covered with a thick blanket, and a leather cover is still on top. Will the light pass through such a thickness?

The truth is that at the 15th week, the baby's eyes, although still closed, have all the necessary nerve endings. But the baby will really start seeing only after giving birth.

What else happens to the baby:

  • ossification of the skeleton is the main task for which a lot of calcium is needed;
  • the skin becomes denser, it is no longer so transparent;
  • legs are actively growing up;
  • the shape of the ears is almost or completely determined;
  • sebaceous and sweat glands ready to work;
  • the development of the pituitary gland continues;
  • the circulatory system grows;
  • gyrus are formed on the cerebral cortex;
  • in boys, testosterone production begins (girls' sex hormones are formed later);
  • the first bile is produced;
  • the kidneys work: removing the amniotic fluid that the child swallows;
  • all muscles are improved.

A tiny child is actively "exercising", moving arms, legs and fingers. These movements are controlled by the motor reflexes of the brain. The surrounding sounds are heard to the baby. A small heart pumps over twenty liters of blood every day.

Photo of the baby (this is what the fetus looks like in the fifteenth week of pregnancy):

Observation by doctors

Follow the schedule set by the antenatal clinic. Take all the tests that you are prescribed on time. Checking the level of various hormones in your blood allows doctors to find out a lot: how well the fetus is developing, whether there is a threat of miscarriage, and much more.

Depending on your individual characteristics (age, chronic diseases) and your health, the doctor may suggest various examinations. Routine ultrasound is not performed at the fifteenth week. But if you are prescribed it, there is a tiny chance of knowing the gender of the child (if a good machine and an experienced doctor). In addition, the specialist will check the condition of the uterine membranes, the amount of amniotic fluid, and the location of the placenta. On the scanner screen you can see how your baby is moving and how much he already looks like a little man.

Photo of ultrasound:


[sc: rsa]

  1. Stick to the principle: vegetables and fruits, fish and meat, grains and dairy products. Kissel and porridge are excellent at preventing heartburn.
  2. The diet should contain as little as possible caffeine, smoked meats, preservatives, dyes, fatty and spicy foods.
  3. Steam, bake, or boil.
  4. Exercise, swim, do special yoga.
  5. Listen to classical, calm, beautiful music. If listening with headphones, do not set the volume to high.
  6. Forbid yourself to worry. In any situation, think first about the child, then about what happened and how to act.
  7. If you are concerned about your health, keep a diary of how you feel and feel.
  8. Sexual life requires attention to the posture during coitus. The joy and pleasure of being intimate with your partner is very important. With the threat of miscarriage, scarcity of amniotic fluid, twin pregnancy and a low placenta, doctors recommend limiting or excluding sex. But do not withdraw into yourself. Together with your partner, think of other ways to have intimate pleasure that both will enjoy.
  9. Watch out for colds and viral diseases. During a flu epidemic, wear a medical mask, try not to go where there are many people (if possible).
  10. Unless you are a doctor yourself, do not treat yourself for anything.

A gestation period of 15 weeks is already the end of the fourth month. This time helps the expectant mother gain strength and improve her health.

← Week 14 Week 16 →

Video guide: 15 weeks pregnant what happens to the baby and mom, stomach sensations, rhinitis, doctor's advice

Watch the video: Inside Pregnancy: Weeks 15 - 20. BabyCenter (July 2024).