Games and entertainment

The most popular dolls for girls in 2015

Contrary to the popular belief that modern children do not play with dolls, these toys not only "survived" to this day, but also have so many different options that parents begin to get confused in them. The first doll usually appears for a girl by the age of one year: the baby is already beginning to master role-playing games, she can swing the doll in the crib or ride it in the stroller. The present time for dolls comes after three, when the child begins to actively master the sphere of human relations. At this time, role-playing games come to the fore and remain there for a long time. The plots of the games are no longer only baby care and household chores. The older the girl, the more options for games she has: dolls-heroines go to work, do hobbies, meet friends, travel, save the world and much more. Modern dolls are very different, each of them "sets" the plot for games in its own way, so we have compiled a list of the most popular dolls for girls in 2015.

1. Interactive Baby Born doll

This doll looks like an ordinary baby doll, but in fact it has a lot of functions and capabilities. Baby Bon is able to laugh, cry, drink, eat, write and poop. For a girl over 3 years old, such a doll is an interesting and realistic version of a baby doll.

The props also add realism to the games: for this doll there are special cutlery, baths, diapers, nipples and other accessories. It will be difficult for girls under 3 years old to master all this, but for an older child, playing with an interactive doll will not be a problem.

Baby Born was created about 25 years ago, but they appeared on the Russian market relatively recently. Interactive dolls are sometimes criticized for depriving the child of imagination and fantasy by the fact that they know how to do a lot: before the girl had to invent herself during the game what the little lyalechka was eating or peeing, but now all this happens in reality. In fact, this realism does not bear any negative influence. The main thing is that the doll is of good quality and fulfills all its "skills" without problems and delays.

The cost of the original Baby Born doll is from 1500 rubles. The more "lotions" and accessories a toy has, the more expensive it will be.

2. Kind dolls Moxie (Moxie)

The creators of these dolls (American company MGA Entertainment) were inspired by kind fairy-tale heroines such as Snow White, Rapunzel and others. There is not even a hint of early sexuality or provocative appearance in these dolls: nice girls in modest children's outfits and practically without makeup. Such a doll is perfect for a child 3-7 years old. The girl will be able to play with her "on an equal footing" without feeling her backwardness or underdevelopment in comparison with her plastic friend.

Delicate images of Moxie dolls are imbued with fairy tale, magic and naive childhood dreams. You can buy such a doll for 1000-2000 rubles.

3. Winx dolls (Winx)

This doll will be especially appreciated by fans of the animated series of the same name about Winx. The prototypes of the dolls were not only cartoon sorceresses, but also real Hollywood stars such as Britney Spears, Cameron Diaz and others.

Of course, the image of such a doll is no longer a plump little lyalek, but a modern teenage girl, but this does not mean that the doll has age restrictions. The Winx heroines themselves are kind and positive, and their magical skills of girls are simply mesmerizing, so if a child is fond of a cartoon, the doll will come in handy even from 3-4 years old.

As usual, the quality of the toy should be good, so it is better to buy a Winx doll made in Italy (Giochi Preziosi) or Germany (Simba). The cost of a doll is on average from 500 rubles.

4. Unusual dolls Monster High (Monster High)

In appearance, these dolls are a real "evil": vampire fangs, ears and horns, strange skin color. They, too, did not appear on their own, but after the release of the cartoon about a school in which real monsters study with ordinary children. Like the cartoon itself, Monster High dolls are not intended for kids, the appropriate age for such a toy is 5-7 years and older. For younger girls, such a doll can be truly scary and incomprehensible, while older preschoolers, on the contrary, tend to invent various unknown creatures, fantasize and experiment.

Despite the frightening appearance, the heroines of the cartoon themselves are very positive, because they act on the side of good. Each heroine has her own pet, which she looks after, so each doll is also complemented by an animal.

Monster High is made by Mattel, and monster dolls cost at least 600-700 rubles. Depending on the accompanying accessories and add-ons, you can pay up to 3,500 rubles for such a toy.

5. Fashionistas Bratz (Bratz)

These dolls appeared a little more than 10 years ago and immediately fell in love with the girls. Despite the unusual appearance and proportions (large head and fragile body), Bratz dolls were in the wake of popularity among school-age girls. Compared to Barbie, such dolls are much closer to girls, because their prototype is not an adult woman, but a teenage girl.

Pre-adolescent girls tend to be interested in their appearance, follow fashion, and use cosmetics. It is on these things that the emphasis of the image of the Bratz dolls is made. These dolls are stylish and trendy modern girls. Of course, Bratz is a product of American, not Russian, culture, but given that Western influences are increasingly penetrating our lives, Russian girls also play with these dolls with interest.

The dolls are supplied with many different accessories and outfits, and if desired, the girl can dress up her "girlfriend" herself, creating her own dresses and costumes.

The cost of a real Bratz doll is about 600-3000 rubles.

6. Long-legged Barbie

For almost 60 years of existence, Barbie dolls have not gone out of fashion. Many generations of girls have been playing with these dolls, and the image of a long-legged blonde has become the ideal of beauty for many. A Barbie doll is suitable for older girls, closer to 12-14 years old, because her image is that of a young woman. It is very useful for teenagers to "try on" the images of adults, at least through games, and Barbie in the plots of games can have a family, work, her own house, etc.

It is believed that playing with Barbie only harms girls: they become fixated on their appearance and begin to complex due to the lack of a model figure. In fact, for adolescents, all these experiences are characteristic without any dolls, and games, on the contrary, can help cope with worries about their own body and appearance. It is another matter if a little girl plays a Barbie doll, for whom the plots of adult life are not at all close: in this case, the toy can really play a role in the early sexualization of the child.

A Barbie doll can be bought within 500-600 rubles. Accessories, clothing and various characters for games will increase the amount to 4000-4500 rubles.

7. Textile Tilda

Both children and adults love these dolls. The doll appeared about 16 years ago and immediately won the love and attention of girls and women. The new image of a rag doll is coziness, simplicity, funny curvy shapes, long legs, stylish dresses and hats.

Many craftswomen began to sew dolls themselves, creating them in different ways: a summer resident, a bather, etc. Patterns of dolls can be easily found on the net, and the design of clothes and details of the image is most interesting to come up with yourself. By the way, Tildas come in a variety of ways, including the images of animals (long-eared hares, seals, etc.). such a doll is suitable for a child of any age, including the smallest: it is soft, environmentally friendly, and if you add aromatic herbs to the stuffing, it will also be useful.

If you can't sew Tilda, you can buy a ready-made doll in the handmade goods department. Its cost is about 2000-3000 rubles.

You can choose a doll, see prices, read the reviews in the online store - dolls

Each doll adjusts to certain games, so you need to choose a doll for a girl by age and interests. It is the violation of the age limit, and not the dolls themselves, that leads to the negative consequences that parents and psychologists so often talk about. With the right choice, the toy will be useful for the girl, because in games she can develop the necessary skills, “work through” difficult situations for herself and learn to understand modern life with its rules.

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