
"Pancreatin" during pregnancy: instructions for use

"Pancreatin" is a popular drug that belongs to the group of enzyme agents. It is in demand for various digestive disorders and helps to replenish a number of enzymes normally produced by the pancreas. The need for taking "Pancreatin" may appear in every person, not excluding the period of bearing a child.

However, it is not worth drinking such a remedy during pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters without a doctor's prescription. Only a specialist can assess whether an appointment is needed early or late. If "Pancreatin" was prescribed to the expectant mother by a doctor, she should study the instructions for using such a drug, as well as a review of reviews.

Features of the drug

Pancreatin is produced by several Russian companies in the form of enteric-coated tablets. They are usually sold in blisters of 10 or 15 tablets, but they are also found in glass jars. One pack contains from 10 to 60 tablets.

It is not required to present a prescription from a doctor to purchase a drug in a pharmacy.

The active substance of the tablets is called pancreatin, which gave rise to the name of the medication. It contains such pancreatic enzymes as lipase, amylase and proteases. The amount of pancreatin in 1 tablet is 100 mg or 125 mg. Some manufacturers, instead of the amount, note the enzymatic activity of proteases in the composition of the drug. In such tablets, the dosage is 25 IU or 30 IU (25 IU corresponds to 100 mg).

The Renovation company produces two versions of the drug - Pancreatin 10000 and Pancreatin 20000. The numbers in the name of such tablets indicate the minimum lipase activity in their composition.

And also in pharmacies you can find "Pancreatin forte"... Such a medicine from the pharmaceutical company "Biosynthesis" is distinguished by an increased dosage of all enzyme compounds, but in its effect on the body it is identical to the usual "Pancreatin".

Operating principle

The active substances of "Pancreatin" are enzymes involved in the digestion of food. Under their action, carbohydrate compounds, protein substances and fats are broken down, resulting in the formation of amino acids, simple sugars, fatty acids and other components, which are quickly and without problems absorbed through the walls of the small intestine.

Thanks to this influence, "Pancreatin" provides support to the pancreas, as it takes over part of its "work". This is especially important if the function of such an organ is impaired, which affects digestion in general.

The use of the drug eliminates uncomfortable symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes the process of food digestion and improves health. Since "Pancreatin" has a shell that is resistant to gastric juice, the drug ingredients are released in the intestines, where they begin to act on food.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

"Pancreatin" refers to drugs that can be used while carrying a child. If indicated, this drug can be prescribed to a woman in position, since doctors call it safe for the fetus, and the drug itself has a long-term positive experience of use. However, you should not drink Pancreatin on your own initiative without consulting a doctor.

In the first trimester the most important changes occur to the embryo, therefore, many medications are prohibited in early pregnancy. However, "Pancreatin" is not one of them, so it can be prescribed by a specialist even in the first weeks of gestation, since it does not provoke developmental defects. In the 1st trimester, this enzyme preparation helps the digestive system and relieves the symptoms of toxicosis.

In the second trimester the list of drugs allowed for pregnant women is expanding, since the main organs of the fetus have already formed, and the fetus is under the protection of the placenta.

The use of "Pancreatin" during this period is recommended when indicated, that is, before use, a doctor's consultation is required.

In the third trimester such pills are also used without fear, because they do not in any way affect the onset of labor and the birth of a child. In the later stages, "Pancreatin" is a good help for the digestive tract, which is under great stress from the grown uterus. However, it is not worth drinking such a medicine without the consent of the doctor.

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

"Pancreatin" is often prescribed for impaired function of the pancreas, for example, due to a chronic inflammatory process, tumor or partial removal. The drug is used in the treatment of cystic fibrosis, diseases of the biliary tract, chronic pathologies of the stomach, liver and intestines. In addition, the remedy is used for temporary deficiency of digestive enzymes, among the causes of which are:

  • eating fried or fatty foods;
  • binge eating;
  • non-infectious bowel disorder;
  • acute intestinal infection;
  • excess plant foods;
  • irritable bowel syndrome.

In addition, "Pancreatin" can be prescribed in preparation for the examination of internal organs, for example, if you need to do an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. Such an enzyme preparation is often included in the treatment of many other problems, including dysbiosis, atopic dermatitis and lactase deficiency.

It is also advised to take it after surgical treatment or an infectious disease (to improve food absorption and faster recovery), as well as if you need to stay in a lying position for a long time.


The use of "Pancreatin" is prohibited in several situations:

  • if a woman has hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug;
  • if the doctor suspects the presence of acute inflammation of the pancreas, or it has already been detected;
  • if a woman has been diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis in the past, and the malaise may be its exacerbation.

Side effects

Sometimes taking "Pancreatin" causes digestive upset in the form of constipation, bloating, nausea and other symptoms. Occasionally, an allergic reaction develops to the medication, for example, a woman has an itchy skin rash. With these or any other negative symptoms, the reception of "Pancreatin" should be stopped immediately.

Instructions for use

The tablet should be swallowed without biting or breaking, so that the integrity of its shell is not violated. It is recommended to drink the remedy during meals or shortly after meals. The dosage of "Pancreatin" is determined by the doctor for each patient separately, because it depends on many factors, including the degree of disruption of the pancreas.

How long to drink the drug should also be decided by a specialist. Some women need "Pancreatin" only periodically, or several days of use are enough, others have to take such a remedy for several months, and in some cases the medication must be drunk constantly.


On the use of "Pancreatin" during pregnancy, you can find mostly positive reviews. They call the drug effective, inexpensive and convenient to use. According to women who have resorted to such a drug for different periods, it is well tolerated and quickly improves the condition. The mothers-to-be confirmed that the pills helped to relieve the heaviness in the abdomen, belching, loss of appetite, bloating, stool problems and other unpleasant phenomena. Judging by the reviews, side effects for this remedy are extremely rare.


Other enzyme preparations containing the same active substance can be used to replace Pancreatin. These include "Mezim Forte", "Pangrol", "Creon", "Panzinorm", "Hermital", "Micrasim" and other means. All of them improve digestion, are used for the same indications and are allowed during pregnancy, but only after consulting a doctor.

Such medicines are available in the form of capsules, pills and tablets, and the dose of enzymes in their composition varies. And if the expectant mother needs an analogue of "Pancreatin", then a specialist should choose the appropriate dosage.

Another enzyme preparation that can replace Pancreatin during pregnancy is "Festal". Such small round dragees, the sweetish shell of which is destroyed in the intestine, contain not only pancreatin, but also hemicellulase for better digestion of plant fiber, as well as bile components that affect fat metabolism.

Although it is noted in the annotation to "Festal" that this remedy is not used during pregnancy, doctors call it relatively harmless and are often prescribed to women in a position with bloating, constipation, heaviness in the abdomen, problems with the gallbladder and pancreas. However, you should not drink such a medicine on your own during pregnancy, since it has a rather extensive list of contraindications.

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