
How does the stool change after the introduction of complementary foods in infants

Quite a common situation - the stool changes after the introduction of complementary foods. It is necessary to introduce new foods into the baby's diet with care, since his digestive system is still too delicate. After expanding the menu, it is recommended to look after the consistency and color of the stool, since deviations from the norm may indicate the development of pathologies or increased stress on the stomach.

The expanded menu is not only a joy for parents

The norms for the introduction of complementary foods

It is necessary to give complementary foods to children on the recommendation of a doctor. Normally, the stool after complementary feeding in infants acquires a smell that is not pronounced, but more close to an adult. Usually, the readiness to receive a new type of food is determined by several factors:

  • Child's age - from 4 months (for HB - six months);
  • Weight since birth has increased at least 2 times (for example, 3.2 kg - 6.4 kg);
  • The pushing reflex of the tongue, characteristic of newborns, ceased to appear;
  • Water and complementary foods, if given not from a bottle, but from a spoon, do not end up on the chin (the child swallows the contents).

The norm for the introduction of complementary foods for artificial people is when they reach 4 months or the moment when they do not eat completely, but consume at least 1 liter of the mixture per day.

In the recommendations of pediatricians, a vegetable type of food is indicated as the first supplement to the diet. Zucchini or cauliflower puree can be given if the child is six months old. You do not need to immediately introduce vegetables such as carrots or white cabbage - these products load the digestive system.

Complementary feeding and stool formation

In most cases, a child's feces at 6 months of age change with complementary foods. It takes on a consistency that resembles that of an adult's stool. If at first mistakes were made with the introduction of a new type of food, then a liquid or mushy composition of feces may be observed.

In order to avoid a negative development of events, the norms for complementary feeding should be observed:

  • Start giving it at six months;
  • The first new dish is a vegetable, not an apple;
  • The initial dose is half a teaspoon;
  • First week - increase in volume up to 50 g;
  • By the first year of life - 250 g.

There are deviations from the norm. Changes depend on the weight of the baby and his individual characteristics. Slight changes in the color and consistency of the stool are the norm for the child's body.

Porridge helps to change the usual stool

If a child is naturally overweight or is gaining weight quickly, then you can use:

  • Broccoli;
  • Cauliflower
  • Zucchini.

Gluten-free cereals are shown for those who are thin or poorly gaining weight:

  • Buckwheat;
  • Rice;
  • Corn.

In order for the baby not to refuse new food, it is recommended to dilute the composition with a mixture or breast milk. You should not rush and immediately add cottage cheese, kefir and other dairy products to the menu. It is better to give them from 8 months, from 10 - meat and fish, chopped finely and free of bones. Another recommendation - for the first time, new food should be given to the baby in the morning. Until the evening, carefully look at the state of health of the crumbs and the reaction of the gastrointestinal tract to unusual food.

Important! Drink should be given to the child before and after eating complementary foods. The optimal interval is 30 minutes.

Difficulty introducing complementary foods

The fact that the stool of the baby will change after feeding is a normal reaction on the part of his body. Parents may face other problems:

  • Prolonged constipation;
  • Skin rashes;
  • Intolerance;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Too loose stools;
  • Indigestion (bloating, abdominal pain).

Children's reactions to familiar foods may change. Formula or breast milk will no longer taste so delicious to your baby. Often, children refuse to taste new food because they are afraid of the unknown. Often, the period of introducing new products and dishes is accompanied by hysterics and rebellion from the crumbs. Recommendation - this period you just need to wait.

Important! A product unknown to the baby should be given in small portions. It is better to beat the process of acquaintance with a new complementary food: put your favorite toy at the table and show how she likes the food.

Why add water

Your baby's usual breast milk or formula is delivered to the baby as a liquid. Complementary foods, even in the form of puree, have a thicker and more dense structure. The crumb needs water to replenish the usual volume of liquid. It is necessary to supplement it so that water exchange and salt balance are not disturbed.

Fears and real violations

After the diet is expanded, the stool will certainly change. Normal reactions:

  • color change;
  • dense feces;
  • the appearance of a smell (buckwheat, vegetable, depending on the type of food).

Do not worry if there are small amounts of undigested particles and lumps in the stool - over time, the problem will go away, the digestive system will adjust.

Violations are present if:

  • feces become too thin;
  • a rash, itching appears;
  • vomiting is present;
  • the smell is very pronounced and unpleasant;
  • the baby is crying;
  • refuses to eat.

Also, the little one may not fall asleep for a long time. When one or more of these symptoms appear, it is recommended to issue a ticket to the pediatrician. The doctor will tell you how to feed in an individual case, how much food to give, how many times a day to offer the product and how to better acquaint the baby with a new food element for him.

Water is an important element of proper nutrition

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky believes that it is not necessary to give complementary foods before 6 months if the child is breastfed. Necessarily, along with vegetable puree and other types of products (porridge, curds), ordinary water is given. It is needed to facilitate the digestion process.

Effect on stool color and consistency

The usual stool of a small child after the introduction of complementary foods acquires a different color and smell. This process is not a pathology or abnormality.

Vegetable puree

After their appearance in the diet, the stool may turn greenish or yellowish. Most often, there is a change in consistency towards relaxation. The smell is not sharp.


The product contributes to the viscosity of stool. If the porridge is thick, constipation may appear. The stool may become irregular. Color - light or brown.

Apples, other fruits

After their inclusion in the menu, feces liquefaction is observed. Its color depends on the fruit: a yellow apple will brighten, a red apple will make the stool darker. Orange fruit will also give stools a similar coloration.

Milk mixtures

If this group of products is included in the baby's menu, then a tight stool in the baby will not appear after complementary feeding. The consistency will be soft. The smell is characteristic fermented milk. The color may turn greenish.

Tips for parents

In 90% of cases, the time of introducing complementary foods is a period of unrest. Changes are observed not only in the composition of the stool, but also in the behavior of the baby. It is recommended to pay attention to the following factors:

  • whether rashes appear;
  • whether there is an intestinal disorder;
  • whether constipation or diarrhea is present.

The baby's general mood and desire to eat are also carefully analyzed.

The new and expanded diet is interesting for the child. Along with it comes taste preferences, favorite and not so favorite dishes, emotions appear. If the baby has nowhere to put his energy, he begins to be capricious, crying may also indicate violations in the digestive tract. This problem is often associated with complementary foods. Parents can achieve the desired beneficial effect if they follow the rules and do not rush to the appearance of vegetables or fruits on the baby's table. The recommended age for this is 6 months.

Watch the video: Complementary feeding and need for supplements in infants. Dr Sridhar, Dr Jacqueline Gould (September 2024).