The age of why

How to answer a child correctly where does mom and dad get money?

The ability to make money and manage it wisely is instilled in early childhood. Therefore, you should definitely explain to your children where mom and dad's money comes from, in order to enable them to better understand the structure of society.

Big conversations with small people

There is no specific age when a child should find out where mom and dad get money from. You can start a conversation on this topic as soon as the child asked the first question about the source of income, be it at least 2 years old. It is important to answer truthfully and as intelligibly as possible, you can bring allegories that are understandable to children, but in no case do not lie. Avoiding discussion can be fraught with:

  • Distrust. Without thinking twice, the child will decide that the bills can always be obtained from the ATM, and the parents simply do not want to buy a new toy out of harm.
  • Ignorance. The habit of receiving money from parents in adolescence and not wondering where it comes from can play a cruel joke in the future. The child will not be able to earn money on his own, relying on the usual sponsorship.
  • Inability. In the absence of an explanation, the child will not know where to get the money and what it is better to spend it on

The main ways to get money clearly explained to the child is the ability to make the world around him more understandable and comfortable.

Money as a reward for work

For most adults, work is the main source of money. So it's worth saying: mom and dad go to work, there they are engaged in important and useful things, for which they are awarded money. You can offer the child to earn something on his own, but you should not give money for what the child already has to do, for example, collect toys, teach lessons, etc. He can help mom around the house, even with something simple: watering flowers, sorting the laundry by color, or feeding a pet.

Let your child do what he or she earns, regardless of age. You can give hints, but you don't need to insist. Subsequently, this will help teach them how to spend their money on really necessary things, how to save and save.

If possible, show your child your work, explain its principles and usefulness to other people. You can talk about the main professions, and then ask the children to name the professions of the people you meet based on their dress and occupation, for example, city drivers, doctors, waiters, police officers, etc.

Money can be grown

Many have deposits that are also worth telling the children about. In addition, some parents earn by investing in securities, projects, etc. All this can and should be explained. Say that money can grow if you let it go to other money: give it to the bank so that it grows; to let go to the plant or factory so that she would bring more money with her; buy securities for it, which allow you to get even more money.

This will broaden the child's horizons, allow him to look for parallel ways to make money in adulthood, learn to invest money wisely, not letting them rest in their pockets and making them work. And this gives great guarantees that your child will become a successful and wealthy person.

Money is given for what you can do

You need to tell the kids that money can be earned for doing what you do best. It is important to explain to the child that any work can be paid, but it is better if it is pleasant work.

Show the child of athletes, artists, photographers, musicians, tell them that they all get paid for what they like to do, but only if it benefits and pleases other people. This is a good way to encourage the development of your baby's talents (By the way, useful article: how to properly encourage children). If he loves to paint, an example of a successful artist, will inspire him to put in the effort and become more skillful in this activity.

Show the little person that the source of income lies in his skills and depends on his desire to develop. After all, everyone wants his child to be not only rich, but also a happy person.

Only honest practice deserves an award

From an early age, children should be told that bills do not fall from the sky, they are given for certain actions. But in no case should they be stolen, taken away by force or obtained by fraud. Say that this kind of money turns out to be dirty, it does not bring joy to a person and makes him suffer severe punishment.

Correct answers to children's questions about the source of money will instill in kids the correct concept of earning opportunities, teach them how to properly manage their earnings and quickly find themselves in life.

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Watch the video: Child begs mom not to spend grocery money on clothes for herself. What Would You Do? WWYD (July 2024).