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Children and money: 10 mistakes of financial education

Parents often find it difficult to form a literate attitude to money in their children. How to avoid major mistakes and teach how to spend money correctly.

It is important to know about the principles of proper handling of money from childhood. You should not deprive your child of pocket money, control his expenses and pay for help around the house. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with these and other mistakes in the financial upbringing of a child in detail.

1. Prohibition of talking about money

Many parents choose not to devote their children to the financial affairs of the family. Usually the conversation about planning the monthly budget goes without their presence. As a result, the younger generation may develop a wrong idea about the purpose of money, and at a more mature age there will be difficulties in managing their own funds. Remember that discussing the family budget is a completely normal process that should not be hidden from the child. It helps to understand how to spend money, thereby forming financial literacy.

2. Lack of pocket money

Having their own money makes children feel independent. From about age 6, try giving your child small amounts weekly or monthly to use as they see fit. With age, he will begin to spend this money wisely - pay for the Internet or buy gifts in honor of a holiday.

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3. Constant monitoring

You should not forbid the child to buy something with pocket money or scold him for another unnecessary waste. Of course, you want to teach him how to properly handle finances, guided only by good intentions. However, it turns out that the allocated funds belong to your children only formally. Such a harsh approach creates a feeling of insecurity - the child is constantly afraid to make a mistake and to anger the parents. Get ready for the fact that initially attempts to spend money on your own will be wrong. This is the only way to accumulate valuable experience and gradually begin to measure desires and possibilities.

4. Complete lack of control

It is important not to go to extremes, trying to still take part in the financial education of the student. He must be sure that he has a reliable support in the person of parents who will give wise advice and support. Be sure to voice the basic rules for handling money: take only small amounts with you, do not tell your friends about your “wealth”, avoid gambling and disputes. Give advice on how to quickly collect the required amount for the purchase of the coveted toy.

5. Cash reward for achievements

It is not recommended to use money as an incentive - this applies to both good grades and good behavior. The child goes to school not in order to earn money, but seeks to acquire the knowledge and experience necessary in later life. This is practically the only serious task of the student throughout the entire period of his stay in a secondary educational institution, so learn to instill a craving for knowledge in some other way. As a last resort, let useful things - a computer or a sightseeing trip to another city - be a gift for a report card with excellent marks.

6. Paying for home help

The constant delivery of funds for a carefully tidied room or flowers watered on time is not the best solution. Children will quickly get used to this way of "making money" and in the future will refuse to do something for free. But the mother does not receive an additional payment for the cooked dinner, and the father repairs a broken vacuum cleaner for free. Train your child to the idea that all family members should equally take care of the home and create comfort in it. Better to give your teen intangible privileges to buy groceries or help raise a younger brother.

7. Measuring everything with money

It is necessary to teach the child to correctly distribute values, without neglecting spiritual education. Of course, a financially successful person has many advantages, but security does not at all imply the presence of unlimited possibilities. It is worth explaining to children that the importance of a person is not measured by his welfare. Books, illustrations or films, the main themes of which are love, friendship, kindness and mutual assistance, will help to form the correct attitude towards intangible values.

8. Taking away earnings

Often teenagers want to earn some extra money during the summer holidays. There is no need to take away their entire salary to replenish the family budget. Better to ask for a treat for the whole family, or offer to partially pay for a trip to the cinema. At the same time, part of the funds should still remain with the teenager for personal needs. It will be useful to inform him about the possibility of accumulating capital - for example, a tenth of the money earned can be saved monthly in a savings account.

9. Choosing a profession for a salary

There are many professions that do not involve career growth and solid earnings. The teenager has the right to choose the specialty he likes and realize himself in the sphere close to him. You may not like his choice, but you should respect him. Offer to discuss his plans for the next few years. Ask who he sees himself after graduation, and ask if he will be completely satisfied with life if he gets the desired job. The most convincing argument will be the example of the parents. Share with the children your personal experience of choosing a profession, climbing the career ladder and your own achievements.

10. Money Manipulation

The main purpose of issuing pocket money is to lay the foundations of financial literacy. With their help, the child feels independence and responsibility for his own actions. Make the process of receiving funds transparent and obvious. It is recommended to establish a clear and consistent scheme for the payment of a certain amount, which should not in any way affect the relationship between parents and children. Depriving pocket money is only for serious misconduct.

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