
29 weeks pregnant

29 weeks pregnant. The weight of the fetus is about 1.4 kg, the total body length is about 38 cm. It is time for the expectant mother to master the method of calculating movements.

How many months are it now?

The 29th obstetric week is the 27th from the intended conception. Your eighth lunar month of pregnancy begins. Read more about timing and calculations here.

What happens to the baby

Now the crumb is just growing and consolidates earlier achievements. The development of subcutaneous fat continues most actively, and not only the usual one that any person has. The fetus also develops a special brown fat. When the baby is born, this substance will perfectly protect him from the cold. This is important, since heat regulation in newborns does not improve immediately.

In addition, the formation of tooth enamel continues on the rudiments of milk teeth. The skeleton of the fetus is still actively mineralizing. This requires approximately 250 mg of calcium every day. So there are dairy products you need every day. If there is not enough calcium, it literally begins to wash out of the mother's bones. The teeth are the first to be affected, they become brittle and sensitive. If you notice such a symptom in yourself, immediately tell your doctor about it. You may need calcium supplements in your situation.

What else is known about fetal development:

  • the liver and lungs are improved;
  • the pancreas and adrenal cortex are already producing hormones;
  • decreases the amount of skin lubricant and vellus hair throughout the body.

How is the fetus now located? Many children have already settled down correctly, that is, head down. But the position of the baby's body may change more than once before the onset of labor. There is no reason to worry now. When two children grow up under the mother's heart at once, they are cramped, there is less room for coups. But the twins do not always occupy the correct position during this period.

The tremors of the fetus become more pronounced, at times they deliver unpleasant sensations and pain. If the baby often hits you in the ribs, you may be slouching too much. Sit so that you can recline on a chair, armchair or sofa, if possible, place a pillow under your back.

We count the movements

Many mothers often hear about calculating fetal movements, but do not know why it is needed. Now is the time to find out everything in detail.

Counting movements is another way to diagnose a baby's condition. You don't need any equipment for this - just a calm environment:

  1. Choose the right time when you will not be distracted. You only need an hour.
  2. Make yourself comfortable: sit down, lie down.
  3. Time yourself and count every movement of the fetus. If you are afraid to get lost, then just take a piece of paper and tick the box - then you will count.

At a period of 29 weeks of pregnancy, normally you need to count about ten movements. If you succeed less - perhaps the baby is just sleeping. But this may also mean some problems in its development. Don't let yourself get worried ahead of time. Wait a little and repeat the count. This time, try to set aside time immediately after eating - perhaps the last time the baby just did not have enough energy.

If several times it has not been possible to count ten movements within an hour, inform your doctor. He will conduct an additional examination, prescribe an ultrasound scan and / or CTG (this is cardiotocography, check of the fetal heart activity).

If you count more than ten movements, also tell your doctor. It is believed that excessive fetal activity indicates hypoxia. This is called a lack of oxygen.

Photo of ultrasound on the 29th week:

This is how the baby moves 🙂

Your feelings

In the third trimester of pregnancy, many women begin to slowly get tired of their condition. The second trimester is over, usually it is the happiest and easiest of the entire term. Your body is preparing for childbirth, before which there is not very much time left.

Have already become familiar:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • drowsiness;
  • inability to bend over, see your own legs;
  • increased appetite;
  • more frequent urination;
  • protruding navel.

Now, many unpleasant sensations can be added to the joy of waiting for a child. They spoil your mood and can worsen your condition.

During pregnancy, your body produces special hormones that relax your smooth muscles. This is such an internal muscle tissue. Relaxation is necessary so that the uterus does not experience tension until the very birth, and is not overly toned. But this beneficial property of your body has two side effects.

  1. Heartburn. There is a small annular muscle between the stomach and the esophagus. Normally, it firmly bridges the border between these two organs. When this pylorus relaxes, gastric juice can spill out of the stomach into the esophagus. When this happens, you experience heartburn. Porridge and jelly will help to survive this phenomenon. They create an enveloping layer in the stomach and protect the esophagus to some extent.
  2. Constipation. Relaxation of smooth muscles reduces intestinal motility, that is, reduces the number of its contractions. Because of this, feces move slowly and sometimes even accumulate. This is very undesirable - such internal formations prevent the uterus from growing. You should not have a bowel movement less than once a day. If there is a problem, prunes, dried apricots and compotes from them will quickly help. In no case should you sit in the toilet for a long time and strain, otherwise constipation can be complicated by hemorrhoids.

Other unpleasant sensations include shortness of breath, cramps, edema and varicose veins in the legs. Read about how it is easier to get over these states in our recommendations.

Sleep pose

You have been unable to sleep on your stomach for months. In the third trimester, many women get bored with sleeping on their side, they want some kind of variety. Unfortunately, you can't lie on your back now either.

The fact is that in the area between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae, a very large blood vessel begins - the inferior vena cava. It goes to the very heart. When a pregnant woman lies on her back, the grown uterus survives the vena cava and greatly obstructs blood flow. At the same time, some women feel dizzy and dizzy. Some people do not have such symptoms. But regardless of the woman's feelings, the blood supply to the fetus is also disrupted.

This is why the recommended sleeping position now is on the side. For those who have cardiac disorders, it is better to lie down on the right side. For complete comfort, it is advisable to place pillows under the stomach and between the knees. It's good if your back has support for sleep.

If it is completely impossible to lie down comfortably on your side, you can settle down half-sitting. Your body should be folded back at an angle of approximately 45 degrees.

Correct sleeping positions


Vaginal secretion should be abundant, transparent, without an unpleasant odor. Colostrum may be secreted from the breast. You cannot express it. If your clothes get dirty, there are special bra pads, use them or just a piece of bandage folded several times.

You may get thrush on its own. It will be indicated by copious discharge, white and sour smelling. Yellow, cheesy discharge indicates inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system. If your discharge is abnormal, go to your doctor right away.

At the 29th week of pregnancy, bloody and profuse watery discharge is considered the most dangerous.


Many expectant mothers often have pain in their legs during this period. One has only to walk a little longer. This is not surprising - after all, the load on the lower limbs has increased. You want your legs to rest more often. You cannot completely refuse to walk, otherwise there will be problems with blood circulation. It is important to maintain a balance between exertion and rest.

You may feel the lower abdomen or the entire abdomen pull at times. In the first case, the ligaments are stretched, so they adjust to the growing uterus. In the second, you probably feel the training contractions. From time to time they appear for a few seconds, but quickly pass. Alarm signal - if the contractions become more frequent and go at regular intervals.

Premature birth

The danger of having a baby prematurely always exists. Delivery at 29 weeks of gestation is an undesirable phenomenon. Modern medical equipment is likely to help the child survive, but still the baby will be weak and not fully developed. Whenever possible, doctors try to stop labor at this time and give the mother an opportunity to inform the baby. But if the waters have already departed, then there is only one way out - to give birth.

Premature birth can be induced artificially by doctors. This decision can only be made in the event of a threat to the life of the mother and / or child. For example, with late toxicosis. Read about this condition here.

Doctor's observations

At the 29th week, examinations and tests are scheduled at the discretion of your doctor. If your health, weight and pressure are normal, you just need to adhere to the calendar of visits.

Photos tummies


[sc: rsa]

  1. Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet if possible. Just don't include exotic fruits in your diet. The body can react to unusual foods with indigestion.
  2. Wear a bandage and supportive bra.
  3. Make sure that your clothes and shoes do not hinder your movements, do not squeeze or rub anywhere.
  4. For the prevention of hemorrhoids, be sure to wash off with warm water.
  5. If hemorrhoids have already begun, do not use any medications (such as suppositories) without a doctor's recommendation. Not all drugs for hemorrhoids are approved for use in pregnant women.
  6. For minor swelling on the arms and legs, wear contrasting douches.
  7. If you are thinking about taking umbilical cord blood, carefully study this issue, including its financial side. You will have to pay not only for the procedure itself, but also for storing the material in a blood bank. The bank itself must have a state license. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing the stem cells received.
  8. Even small vascular enlargements in the legs require attention. Compression socks or knee-highs will help you. You should definitely discuss wearing them with your doctor.
  9. Don't listen to superstitions. If you already know whether you will have a girl or a boy, you can buy the first things for your daughter or son. This is especially important if after giving birth you will have no one to wait for help. Unfortunately, this also happens.
  10. Talk to your baby, sing songs to him, turn on your favorite music. Let your family talk to your belly if they want to.
  11. Try to avoid strong emotions, even joyful ones. Stress hormones and especially fear hormones are harmful to a child.
  12. Don't forget about daily walks. Even if it is winter and frost outside, choose the warmest time of the day and go outside. For walking in the rain, buy rubber shoes and a good umbrella.
  13. Watch out for colds and infections. Do not hesitate to wear a mask during flu epidemics. In hot weather, there are bursts of intestinal diseases. Frequent hand washing will help protect against them. Wash fruits and vegetables very thoroughly.
  14. Do Kegel exercises, especially if you have a small amount of urine when you sneeze or cough.
  15. Some women develop specific depression after childbirth. Something can already be done to prevent it. Review your favorite comedies and melodramas, re-read books that you like. Just remember: the content should be light, joyful. It is important for you to accumulate positive emotions for the future.

Now you will have to try very hard to make the third trimester of your pregnancy go without complications.

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Collection and storage of umbilical cord blood

Watch the video: Pregnancy At 29Th Week The Complete Mothers Guide About 29th Week Of Pregnancy (July 2024).