Games and entertainment

How we spoil the game for children: 6 common mistakes

Let's remember ourselves as a child. Our grandparents, mothers and fathers constantly forced us to do something: either draw or sculpt, then read or write, while we wanted to play tag with our best friend on the street. They introduced us to household chores, taught us how to distribute responsibilities, and help each other. Then - to learn lessons, go shopping ... And all our plans to play robbers often thwarted and led to discontent and resentment. But adults only had to take our entertainment more seriously, because play is the best way of self-expression for a child. This is exactly that independent occupation in which there is an opportunity to realize your desires according to your own rules. In the game, the child is what he wants to see himself: a hardy superhero or a beautiful princess. Children's play is needed not only for fun, but also for the development of the child. And even those adults who want to understand this do not always encourage the hobbies of their child. What mistakes should we avoid in the difficult process of education?

WE READ: The meaning of play in a child's life

1. We buy technological toys for ourselves, not for a child

Most modern parents are very busy with work, and they try to compensate for the lack of attention to children with the help of fashionable and expensive toys. The so-called "educational" toys with many colorful elements of various shapes, sound and light effects, singing and telling fairy tales, become interesting to us, adults, but not to a kid, who still does not understand such a number of functions. It turns out that parents buy toys and development centers not for their child, but for themselves. It looks as if we are trying to compensate for the lack of toys in our own childhood. It is much more interesting for children to play with plasticine, balls, cubes, a bucket and a spatula, as well as other useful things. Playing with all this, they seem to be preparing for adulthood, developing their imaginations and finding new uses for objects.

Advice: it is better to have few toys, but they will be carefully selected in accordance with the age and interests of the baby. So that the child is not bored, it is worth hiding some of the toys, leaving him half. And then alternate them. So the kid will not lose interest and the toys will not seem monotonous to him.

2. We impose our views

Parents constantly try to come up with activities for their child according to their own plan, instead of giving him the opportunity to come up with entertainment at his discretion. Be patient and give him the opportunity to play with saucepans, ladles. Allocate a few cups of cereals for him, give him access to drawers and shelves. Let your child have the opportunity to choose what to play today and how, while you watch from the side and then join his game.

There is nothing wrong with the fact that the child will study the objects at hand, while choosing entertainment to his liking. After all, limiting his space and activities, thereby we deprive the child of initiative and freedom of decision-making. You should not deprive the kid of a carefree childhood, let him sometimes idle, dream, and then share with you fictional stories.

3. Baby and TV

They have been talking about the dangers of television for a long time, to say nothing of its dangers for a young body. On the one hand, watching TV negatively affects vision. On the other hand, they often do not carry a semantic load. Unfortunately, mothers are used to showing cartoons to babies almost from the cradle. While the child is distracted, the mother's hands are untied and she can go about her business. He can fall asleep under the quiet hubbub of a working TV, or watch cartoons with enthusiasm, reacting to bright characters. This becomes a kind of distraction from reality. Before reaching the age of three, this should not be done at all, you can cause irreparable harm to the child's psyche. Watching cartoons deprives him of imagination, makes him passive, gives him ready-made solutions in certain situations. Adults, on the other hand, films and programs often carry aggression, which is certainly not needed for a young brain. The kid may get scared, or even get addicted to television.

Remember! Depending on age, a child can spend at the TV: from 15 to 40 minutes a day at the age of 2-5 years and no more than 1 hour a day if he is older than 5 years. TV is contraindicated for children under 2 years old!

[sc: rsa]

Some rules for watching children's cartoons -

The influence of American cartoons on the psyche of a child -

Influence of modern gadgets on children (pros and cons) -

4. Overloading with circles and sections

We try to teach our children everything that we have not mastered in our entire life. Therefore, from early childhood, we begin to strain them by learning foreign languages, mathematics, writing, sports, choreography ... As a result, the child seems to have no childhood, he is busy with learning and training all his free time. There is an overload of the body, general overwork. This is wrong, such children often grow up closed in themselves, notorious, at school they have problems communicating with classmates. And later it will become noticeable in a decrease in intelligence and social activity. Restricting the child in play, over time, this will manifest itself as a negative character trait. After all, in the game the kid also learns a lot! On the contrary, it is necessary to develop communication skills in him, to give him enough free time for playing with peers. Let us recall, not imposed by us, but those that they themselves choose. Any activity should have its time when the baby is mentally and physically matured for this.

5. We do not teach a child to play

Children adopt all the habits of adults. And, first of all, we are talking about bad habits. But for us conscientious parents, it is very important to set a good example. Therefore, you need not be afraid to show your childishness, to find time to play with your child. Dress up as Indians, build wigwams, stock up on weapons, and go! Help your daughter sew a dress for the doll, swaddle the doll, show how to sculpt sand beads, jump with him into classics or with an elastic band. Your child will definitely like what you are doing, and he will start repeating after you. In the end, outdoor games and physical activity are beneficial not only for the baby, but also for yourself, improving shape and increasing immunity. It is good to instill a love for sports activities from early childhood - this will be the most valuable investment in the future of the child, contributing to normal development and good health. If you feel uncomfortable fooling around with your kids, just tell them what other games you can play, what you have played, and how much fun it really is!

6. We do not show interest in joint games

Coming home from work in the evening, you most likely want to have tea in silence or watch TV. But there is no way to play hide and seek, or add the constructor. But your child requires attention to himself, and you are forced to fulfill his whims, making efforts on yourself. Any child is spontaneous and feels your unwillingness to participate in the game. Do not take away his pleasure, take it seriously. Try to play games with your baby that are of interest to you. If you are doing something, or even preparing food, involve the child in this business. He will be happy to play with your instruments, he will sort out beads, ribbons, sculpt pigeons from dough. Together, come up with a storyline for the role-play - this is so important for developing creativity. Do not neglect reading, tell fairy tales (influence of fairy tales on children's development -, consider the pictures together. You will definitely like the enthusiasm with which your baby will listen to your stories or repeat after you what you teach him. After all, a little helper or a skillful hostess is growing in your house!

Watch the video: No ball games: life and play through the eyes of children across the UK (July 2024).