Good to know

7 tips for transforming from an ordinary parent to a wise parent Often overlooked parenting details

Any parent will say that they know how to raise their child. But sometimes parents lack patience, and in some situations, wisdom. Therefore, we sometimes go the easy way, making obvious and quick decisions to solve an urgent situation. But over time, inappropriate behavior with the child turns into a problem. We have collected the top tips that wise parents use.

The main rule for all moms and dads is don't clip your child's wings, give an opportunity for self-expression. Having realized his potential - he will inspire you with his success.

  1. A good parent spends all the time with the child, often forgetting about their own interests and hobbies. A wise parent does not forget to take care of himself, and teaches children the same.
  2. A good parent spends every evening with the child's homework. The wise one understands that the child must work on his homework himself and bring what he started to the end. If the lessons seem difficult, wise parents help or point out a solution to the problem, but they do not solve everything for the child.
  3. To make amends, ordinary parents buy gifts and cater to whims. A wise parent gives out pocket money and teaches the child to independently manage their income, so that the child learns how to spend it correctly. But parents need to control spending and help prioritize purchases. We also read: Children and pocket money. How to teach your child the right attitude to money
  4. Usually moms and dads do not have enough time and patience to understand the reasons for the whims of children. All they want is immediate results. Stop bad behavior immediately. Wise parents look for the reason and help in solving the inner problem of the child.
  5. Good parents strive to raise a worthy person who is respected and honored. They want their child to have the best job and a lot of money. Wise parents are primarily concerned with trust and a good, intimate relationship with their child.
  6. We often observe how parents desperately protect their children from problems and prevent any difficulties from arising. The child does not always even ask for it. A wise parent sometimes gives the child the opportunity to experience certain difficulties, after which they help to realize what lesson the child has learned from the situation.
  7. Some parents are led by tears. And in order not to listen to tantrums again, they allow what the child wanted to receive. Such permissiveness does not play into the hands of parents in the future. A wise parent knows that if he said his firm “no,” then the decision is unshakable. The refusal must be reasoned so that during the upbringing the child realizes why he should not do this.

TEST: Do you know how to raise children? Are you patient and persistent enough in raising your child? Are you raising him with love? Do you know how to understand his psyche? We hope this test will help you answer these questions.

Watch the video: 8 Lessons You Should Avoid Teaching Children (July 2024).