Newborn care

My mistakes in caring for a newborn daughter

Young mothers, caring for a baby, often make mistakes due to inexperience. They listen to the opinion of the grandmother and wrap up the baby too much, talk very little with the baby, thinking that she does not understand, do not allow the child to swim in the spacious bathroom on a beautiful inflatable ring.

My daughter is already 1.5 years old, and it seems that they have recently arrived from the hospital. Then I was an inexperienced young mother and made mistakes in caring for her.


Consider some of the mistakes in caring for babies: wrap up warm; do not change the position of the baby during sleep; believe that diaper rash is from diapers; do not talk to the baby; when they bathe, they are afraid to let swim in the bathroom and others.

Are you cold, baby?

In the first months it often seemed to me that my daughter was freezing. I touched her handles and they were cool. I put on clothes in the apartment and on the street warmer. Mom said that I was doing everything right. If there is another blouse on top, the baby will definitely not freeze.

Once I invited a neighbor, who works as a pediatrician, to talk. She was indignant that it was warm in the apartment, I did not wear a hat, but pulled on the baby.

I replied that I had bathed my daughter an hour ago, so I put on a hat. But the neighbor did not back down and said that it was quite warm and that a hat was not needed. She said that during perestroika she was also a young mother and wore a hat to her son, but then the apartment was + 16 C (the heating was often turned off), and from the cracks in the windows I was constantly blowing hard.

The neighbor left, and I became thoughtful. After all, my mother also told me how cold it was when she raised me in the hostel, and we have +22 C in our apartment and there are no cracks in the plastic windows, which means there are no drafts. I decided that tomorrow I will not wrap up the baby. Now I'm tempering it. In winter, she runs around barefoot in her panties.

Change the pose

My daughter was so tiny that I was afraid to touch her and turn her over again. It turns out that it is imperative to change the position of the baby so that the skull does not deform. When the baby is awake, turn her over on her side after a while, then on her back, on the other side.

By the way! Even in the department of otkaznichki in the maternity hospital, it is necessary to turn babies every 3 or 4 hours from side to side. Such instruction, until they learn to roll over themselves.

Are diapers evil?

Walking on the playground with the baby, I heard that many children have diaper rash. The mothers complained about the diapers. Use them correctly and you will be fine. Change every 3 hours. After a bowel movement, it is imperative to change the diaper.

What shall we talk about?

At first, I talked very little / communicated with my newborn daughter. Moreover, she believed that the neighbor, who was constantly cooing about something affectionately with her newborn son, was strange. I realized that I was wrong when my daughter first smiled. Then I realized that my baby understands everything and wants me to speak to her affectionately, stroked, kissed.

Bathing in a tub

When the baby was 1 month old, the godfather presented an inflatable ring in which the child can swim in the spacious bathroom. I thought that such a bath could be dangerous for my daughter and hid the circle in the chest of drawers. I decided that I would read on the Internet whether it was possible for a newborn to bathe like that and I would call the pediatrician and consult.

I remembered about the rubber ring when my daughter was 5 months old. The pediatrician approved such bathing in a large bathroom, but said that it should have been done earlier, when the child was 1-2 months old.

I put an inflatable ring on my daughter and tried to teach her to swim, but she could not swim. She is large and strong, pushing off the bottom and diving upside down, like a dolphin.

This is how, because of fears, I was wrong when my daughter was growing up. Dear readers, can you share how wrong you were when caring for a baby?

  • The most important tips for caring for a newborn. Best Memo Article for Moms and Dads
  • IMPORTANT!The main fears of a young mother
  • Misconceptions in Newborn Care
  • 5 most common and typical mistakes in caring for a newborn baby

Watch the video: Day In The Life With a Newborn. Mom Vlog (July 2024).