After childbirth

Why you should be a mother of many children: 5 weighty and compelling reasons in favor of a large family

Recently, our state has become concerned with the problem of low birth rates in the country. So, all new projects are being introduced into the law, which should provide benefits to young families, and they try to increase the amount of maternity capital every year. Starting a family has become much easier than before. And women are increasingly thinking about the second, and sometimes even the third child.

Yet some of us continue to be plagued by obsessive fears and disturbing thoughts. From the outside it may seem that many children are an unbearable burden for a modern woman. But we invite you to familiarize yourself with the real facts and find out the reasons why being a mother of many children is wonderful, and sometimes also beneficial!

Benefits for maternal health and benefits for the whole family

Healthy natural childbirth is an extremely beneficial process for the female body. The hormonal and immune systems work at full capacity throughout the entire period of gestation and lactation, and therefore the risk of the formation of inflammatory and oncological processes in our body is significantly reduced.

During breastfeeding, a mother and her baby experience a special, invisible psychological and emotional connection that positively affects the nervous system of both. Full work of all the main female organs: uterus, mammary glands and ovaries is also possible only during 9 months of gestation and in the postpartum period.

Mothers with many children can say with confidence that they have fulfilled their female part of the mission in full, in such families psychological crises occur much less often, and the relationship between partners is especially close and trusting. Scientists have proven that children themselves grow up more self-confident and purposeful if they are surrounded by brothers and sisters.

And how nice it is to relive these days when your own baby is in mom's stomach. With what joy a woman chooses once again a crib or a dowry for an unborn baby, examines goods for newborns in shop windows! Allow yourself to remember and relive these fading memories.

There is always someone to rely on

As mentioned above, children in large families are in many ways ahead of their peers in development, who do not have brothers and sisters. This is due to the fact that constant contact with children of different ages forces the child to quickly adapt to society, children start talking earlier, think better. In a large family, children quickly overcome their problems, constantly feeling the support of all their numerous relatives.

There is another important reason to give your child several brothers or sisters: there are things that children willingly share only with other children. Not every child dares to share something intimate and personal with their parents. And even about problems in school, it is much easier to tell your older brother or sister, asking wise advice.

In a large family, the child never feels lonely or abandoned, even if the parents do not have free time to spend the weekend with their children. The child will always find someone to talk to and what to do. And the useful habit of coming to each other's aid will do a good job in the future when your children begin their adult and serious life.

Child psychiatrists insist: much more often psychological problems and difficulties in communicating with other children are found precisely in the only child in the family who does not have siblings. Such children often feel lonely, make up imaginary friends for themselves. And if the child has no one to talk to, then he begins to develop the habit of referring to himself. He can talk out loud with his invisible friend to make up for the lack of communication with peers. The only child in the family is often withdrawn, very shy. It is more difficult for him to adapt to changes, for example, moving or going to a new school can drive a child into a strong state of stress, make him experience psychological or moral suffering.

In a large family, attention deficit simply cannot be. Children constantly communicate with each other, play together and develop more actively. The younger ones look up to the older ones, try not to be inferior to them, and therefore they themselves begin to go to the potty, try to independently learn to read, write and count. In a large family, children motivate each other!

Opportunity to babysit with children longer

What unforgettable moments of happiness the first smile of her child gives a young mother. Or his first word, a timid and hesitant step on his own. And how fleeting are these moments! Deciding on a third and fourth baby, you can relive all the most touching moments. You will hear the first word of the child again, again take him to kindergarten for the first time ... Isn't it such happy moments that real female happiness lies?

Older brothers and sisters are always delighted with the appearance of a new family member in the house. Who refuses to sit next to a tiny brother or help mom put on a cute dress for her little sister? Small children in the house are always fun, noise and a complete lack of boredom and monotony!

The ability to develop in all directions and not stand still

A mother of many children is practically Julius Caesar in a skirt. She manages to literally do everything: do the laundry, cook dinner, check the lessons of the older children, read the fairy tale to the younger ones, and then find a couple of hours to work. Motherhood teaches a woman to use her time wisely and more efficiently.

Many women begin to try themselves in creativity, and someone even successfully builds a full-fledged career on this.

I know a mother of five children who was very fond of sewing children's carnival costumes. At first she created them only for her kids, then she sewed to order for neighbors and acquaintances. And now she has her own children's store, which is very popular in the city.

Do not be afraid that children will be able to limit you in some way. On the contrary, practice proves that women with many children have a more lively intellect, they develop an iron grip and good instinct. After all, what could be more motivating than caring for the future of your children?

Benefits and social programs

The state takes care of large families. For example, almost every institution provides special programs for large families. So, in children's and even adult clinics, a mother with many children and her children can go to the doctor's office without queuing, and medicines are prescribed free of charge. In educational institutions, students from large families are provided with payment incentives, as well as free meals.

Payment for utilities is also significantly reduced, because a large family pays only 50% of their bills. A mother of three or more children is exempt from the need to pay for kindergarten, and in public transport, a parent with many children accompanying children does not pay for travel. It is easier to get housing from the state: for such families, the queue for an apartment is much shorter. And in some regions of the country, the state provides a large family with a free land plot for building. There is one more pleasant moment: a large family is completely exempt from the transport tax on one of their cars.

Details about benefits and benefits: what benefits and allowances can be used by large families in 2016?

And do not forget: being a mother of many children is the biggest female reason for pride!

  • manifesto of a mother with many children: why children are hard and what to do if you want to leave everything and run away
  • the experience of a mother with many children: 5 ways to make life easier for both parents and children
  • 10 arguments in favor of a large family
  • pros and cons of a large family
  • one day in the life of a mother with many children: frankly about a family of 10 people

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