
My experience of breastfeeding in public

My child is only five months old, but with him we have already done a lot: we constantly get out somewhere together, accumulate useful experience and learn various tricks literally before our eyes. I was lucky, because our daily regimen was established at 2 months and we did not have any problems, but small changes in it, of course, are still taking place. My child is growing up, actively exploring this world, one month follows another ... But I, as before, feed the child with breast milk, I am a supporter of natural breastfeeding. And I, like many nursing mothers, have more than once had the need to feed the child in full view of everyone, in some crowded place (shop, cafe, park or just a room with guests). The first few times I also felt awkward, ashamed and embarrassed in front of strangers, putting my baby to the breast outside the house. But I soon realized that this is the most natural and natural process in the world! And if you organize it correctly, then no one will even notice that you are breastfeeding in front of everyone!

Feeding a child in a foreign place is not so easy. And nursing mothers often have to breastfeed a hungry baby on the street or in public places, when there is no way to quickly run home, and the baby is demanding milk louder and louder. And I, too, know this feeling of awkwardness and shame when you literally have to put your baby to your chest in full view. Outsiders are used to believing that breastfeeding is a kind of sacrament and a very intimate process, when a woman completely bares her breasts, and then applies a baby to her, sighing from time to time. And all this only adds to the embarrassment of a nursing mother. The surrounding people believe that a mother should breastfeed strictly within the walls of an apartment, and many nursing mothers obediently obey public opinion.

It is very easy to overcome these complexes, the main thing is to learn how to cope with the feeling of shame and your embarrassment. Once I had to do this, when a large company of relatives and friends gathered at our house to celebrate the christening of my child. There were a lot of people, so it was not possible to find a quiet and secluded place for feeding. I had to surreptitiously pick up my clothes and put the baby to my chest in the room where there were strangers. Surprisingly, no one paid any attention to this, taking feeding the baby for granted! As if nothing had happened, I talked with our guests, while the baby was calmly sucking on breast milk. Then I realized that feelings of fear and shame can seriously interfere with breastfeeding, and there is nothing shameful or unnatural in this process itself. You can lead a normal life and breastfeed, it's very easy and simple!

It is not at all necessary to sit at home in four walls without leaving the entire period of breastfeeding. Or walking somewhere not far from home, in order to always have time to return and feed a hungry child without embarrassing anyone. This can be done in absolutely any place, imperceptibly for the eyes of the people around, with comfort and without hesitation. If you are still afraid or in doubt, then make a choice in favor of your well-fed baby! Trust me, no one really cares if you are breastfeeding on the street or in the store. And if you do it in special clothes, then the chance of being “caught red-handed” is reduced to zero.

Think about examples from your own life. How often have you seen a mother on the street or in public places feeding her baby in front of everyone? Surely, even if they noticed this, they did not attach any importance to it, right? So no one will think of condemning you if they notice. It's a big deal - a mother feeds a hungry baby with her milk, what's the big deal?

If you are still very shy and ashamed, then use some tricks. For example, you can buy special clothes to wear when walking with your baby. And then you can always quickly give a screaming baby a breast, and no one will ever notice. Once I put my hungry child to my breast while walking around the mall. The feeding process reliably hid the sling from prying eyes, and we calmly continued on our way!

If you need to breastfeed your baby on the street or in a crowded place, then it is better to find a secluded corner where there will be no drafts, unpleasant pungent odors and loud sounds. Then both of you will feel comfortable starting the feeding process.

Take advantage of the three most important helpers for discreet and comfortable breastfeeding anywhere:

  1. Clothes for nursing mothers... It is comfortable and practical, has a special cut that will allow you to quickly and easily give a breast to your baby. No need to pull up a T-shirt or get naked, it's very convenient!
  2. Detachable bra... A nursing bra is a wonderful (and necessary) addition to nursing clothes. A second, and the baby is already quietly sucking on the breast, eating mother's milk!
  3. Sling... In a sling, it is not only convenient to carry a baby, but you can also feed him discreetly in it! It is enough to pull the fabric edge higher - and no one will guess anything, even if they walk right next to you. And mom's hands are completely free! We also read: how to rip out a sling, types of sling

Last week we had to wait several hours in line at the children's clinic, and my baby quietly ate breast milk in a sling, showing no concern. And before that, we went to visit, and just as quietly ate on the way on the bus! I never worry that my baby may suddenly get hungry, because I am always there, and comfortable clothes allow breastfeeding anywhere and under any circumstances!

Do not worry and do not think that some of the passers-by will be able to think badly of you, even if they notice. The most important thing is your comfort and a well-fed, calm baby. Drop all stereotypes and live your life. Breastfeeding and being with him is always a real happiness for any mother!

Watch the video: My breastfeeding experience (September 2024).