
6 ways to piss off a pregnant woman

Any woman who has carried a child under her heart knows how difficult it can be to cope with hormones. But those around her do not want to understand her feelings at all. You need to learn to perceive a pregnant woman as an ordinary person who may be unpleasant to constant touching and lisping. Remember that this is not just a vessel for the child, but the same person. Here are six tips to help you understand what irritates pregnant women.

1. Touching the stomach

The belly of a pregnant woman is not at all in the public domain. Therefore, she is not very happy with the attempts of every acquaintance she meets to touch her. Many people cannot stand the touch of people they are not used to. And from the fact that they acquired bellies, this character trait has not changed at all.

Therefore, even if you are a relative, do not forget to ask permission. And if she refuses politely, don't be offended. And it is better for strangers to pass by, no matter how tender a pregnant woman may cause. For some women, even body contact with clothing during pregnancy is unpleasant, not just with human hands.

2. Questions about the duration of pregnancy

For a pregnant woman, each month of the term matters. Her baby is growing, developing, and she already begins to feel like a mother. But people around them often begin to take an interest in the health and development of a child only when they hear about a period of at least six months. Three months doesn't seem like a big deal to them. By showing your disinterest in a shorter period, you seem to be telling the mother that her child is not even human yet, although it is not.

If you have already asked such a question, then watch your subsequent reaction. Remember that a pregnant woman has something to share, no matter how long she is. Therefore, ask questions and enjoy every little progress in the development of her baby.

3. Talking about how she gained weight or lost weight

Any woman is unpleasant to talk about that she gained weight, and even more so for a pregnant woman. Yes, this is all natural, but who told you that she wants to hear about it? Some people experience weight changes very hard. After pregnancy, many will have to restore their former shape for a long time. Therefore, if you do not see that the woman herself is calmly joking about her weight, then do not bring this up.

4. Remarks on changes in character

Every woman experiences pregnancy differently. For some, it comes calmly without any significant changes in character, while for others, hormones are played out in earnest. No need to compare different cases. Also, do not blame a woman, thinking that she is behaving differently on purpose to get attention. Such statements will upset the pregnant woman, who cannot do anything about her mood swings, and will make her angry.

5. Permanent bans

Pregnant women really can't do much. But there is no need to go as far as absurdity. Do not grab a glass of wine from a woman's hands if she wants to take a sip, and then read her lectures. The same goes for coffee. Do not look into another person's mouth. If a pregnant woman wants to eat fries, don't look at her as the worst person in the whole world. Let her watch her own body. And a doctor can read her moral admonitions.

6. Treating a woman as a vessel for a child

Pregnancy is a very important event for a woman. She will talk a lot about it, read, ask for advice. But are you sure that for these nine months she should forget about herself? The pregnant woman still has her own interests, thoughts, desires and dreams that she wants to discuss. Stop reading medical advice and saying what a woman shouldn't. There is no need to reduce any topic to the child. Remember you have a personality.

Watch the video: How to piss your mates off!! (July 2024).