Good to know

About the size of maternity capital 2017

It was decided to extend the term of the program “Family (maternity) capital” for one more year until 2018. Recently, the exact size of maternity capital in 2017 was reported.

At the end of September of this year, the head of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation announced that a social program aimed at supporting parents who have adopted / given birth to a second or subsequent child, is extended until 2018... For more than 9 years of its operation, the project has proven the great efficiency and demand for such state. support. This is confirmed by statistical data, noted by many members of the Russian Government, including its chairman D.A. Medvedev. And according to V.I. Matvienko, Speaker of the Federation Council, the program must be introduced for a long time.

However, despite the extension of the payment period, the size of the maternity capital for 2017 was not indexed again. In the draft Federal Law on the Distribution of the Federal Budget, in the column "Maternal (family) capital" there is an amount equal to 453 026 rubles... Note that this figure has not changed since 2015 (2 years ago, the amount of payments increased by 5.5%) and, obviously, will remain the same until 2018.

Maternity capital appointment

We remind you that maternity capital is paid to a family for the birth / adoption of a second or any subsequent child (third, fourth ...). In this case, the composition of the family does not play a role. But only a special certificate on the issuance of funds is handed out, while the money itself is kept in the account of the Pension Fund. At the request of the owners, this amount is partially or completely transferred as intended.

Matkapital can be used to improve housing conditions, pay a mortgage (down payment or close a loan), solve the housing issue, educate a child, receive medical services for a mother or child, pension contributions for one of the parents. These funds cannot be used to pay off consumer loans, purchase a car or some personal belongings. You can find out more about the conditions for participating in the project and obtaining family capital, as well as other features of the program at official state portals.

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