After childbirth

What a meeting, or a list of strange and funny surprises awaiting you on the day of discharge from the hospital

When childbirth and all the experiences associated with it were left behind, strength returned and the young mother learned to take care of the baby, the last hours before discharge seem unbearably long. At this time, “on the other side of the barricades,” loved ones and relatives are impatiently going crazy - husband, parents, older children, as well as everyone who is glad to see the baby. This "temporary madness" is not in vain. It is likely that happy relatives will present you with a number of surprises that can cause a whole range of emotions - from tenderness to shock.

So, you may be met ...

1. ... showmen and musicians

You hope to quietly and peacefully leave the building of the maternity hospital, without attracting too much attention, because you do not have the strength to do makeup and hairstyle, you have no desire to dress up, and in general you gave birth 3 days ago, your back hurts, your legs do not hold, and you only want in the shower and in the bed. But for your relatives and friends, an extract is a holiday.

Relatives meet you almost with fanfare, open champagne on the porch and pounce from all sides with bouquets of flowers, balloons and cameras ... In addition, you are greeted by videographers, animators, an orchestra or a gypsy ensemble (possibly with a bear). Fireworks, rose petals and an impromptu buffet table right on the hoods of cars. If you have not agreed in advance with your loved ones about a "quiet and peaceful" departure from the hospital, gather your will into a fist and pretend that you like what is happening. No need to offend your relatives and friends, because they sincerely wanted to arrange a bright and unforgettable holiday for you.

2. ... dad with short-term amnesia

Have you already waited for someone from the hospital? If not, you're in luck. You can’t even imagine how many “flights” in a few days the “meeting party” makes between the supermarket, home and maternity and postnatal wards. Food, clean water, things that need to be brought and taken away ... Moreover, homemade preparations - the final touches of decoration and furnishings for the nursery, the final marathon of shopping, constant, albeit joyful, excitement ... This literally drives you crazy.

Do not be surprised and try not to get angry if, having gone through all this, your husband accidentally leaves a bag with your clothes at home. Yes, it happens, and not so rarely.

Of course, the nursing staff will donate a robe and slippers for you. Not a luxury class, but you will get home ... It remains to be hoped that in your case, caring relatives did not foresee a detailed show program (see the previous paragraph).

3. ... sudden talents

The appearance of a new family member can not only motivate relatives to take unexpected actions, but also inspire the manifestation of hitherto hidden talents. For example, an older sister can suddenly rush into the decorators and furnish her niece's room in a lace and candy style and decorate the nursery in a vigorous pink color цвет

A young grandmother, sensing the talent of a designer and knitter, will present you with hats of all possible stripes and configurations, and, well, my dear husband-football player, to top it off, composes a serenade, which she is ready to perform under the windows of the maternity ward.

4. ... a horde of guests

Popular wisdom has long identified the place of the uninvited guest on a par with a foreign invader and even worse. An even stranger situation is if there are many such guests and they are all “invited”. But not by you.

You finally got home, dreaming of rest ... And then you are greeted by a crowd of people, among whom you recognize former neighbors, brother's classmates, a colleague of father-in-law and distant relatives from the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug who visited you for the last time during your childhood. Their name is legion, and everyone is vying with each other with congratulations ... Take courage. Your loved ones just wanted to emphasize your importance to the world community - at least in the person of those who were able to get through / to add.

5. ... a table with forbidden dishes

Okay, let there be guests. In the end, they won't all stay overnight. You just need to be patient and sit at the table for a couple of hours - just now I wanted to eat. The table, I must say, corresponds to the number of guests - the female part of your families did their best.

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What is it on our plates and salad bowls? "Olivier", "Mimosa", herring under a fur coat, crab salad, mushrooms in mayonnaise, eggs under mayonnaise, beets and carrots with mayonnaise. It seems that in the nearest grocery store there was a total sale of mayonnaise ... For hot, of course, fatty pork or red fish, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, citrus and exotic fruits in the range. The table is crowned with a two-story chocolate cake. And next to me, relatives are smiling, who tried their best for the holiday, but completely forgot about the diet of a nursing mother. “The diet of a nursing mother? No, you haven't heard. Olechka, will you drink champagne with us? And the wine? And vodka? Well, half a glass is possible, right? "

Experienced advice! To avoid unpleasant situations, inform your relatives in advance how you plan to spend your first day of "freedom" after the hospital. Pack the necessary things yourself, put them in a prominent place and sign. Make a menu or describe to relatives what should be included in the diet of a young mother, and what should not be there in any form. Specify accompanying events in advance. Having the most detailed and unambiguous instructions on any occasion will save you unnecessary headaches ... or bright memorable moments?

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