
How to end breastfeeding with maximum comfort?

Breast milk is essential for every baby. In the first years of life, this is the most useful food, which helps to grow quickly, gives good immunity. However, breastfeeding has to be stopped one day. This is always a lot of stress for a child, but it can be minimized. If you want to know how to wean your baby as comfortably as possible, read this article.

The benefits of breast milk

Breast milk a valuable source of vitamins and minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It also contains antibodies that form children's immunity (the benefits and composition of breast milk).

Some people argue that breast milk loses its beneficial properties over time. It's a delusion. Scientists have done a lot of research and found that even after 2 years of feeding, breast milk retains its valuable qualities.

When should you stop breastfeeding?

Many pediatricians now argue that a baby should be breastfed until he begins to give up on it himself. This usually happens in the third year of a baby's life.

WHO advises to complete breastfeeding before the baby is two years old. This is the best option in the realities of Russian families, because by the age of 3, the child usually begins to go to kindergarten. The new environment and the absence of a mother next to her create a stressful situation for the baby. Not the best time to deny your baby his usual breast milk, because this will only add to him discomfort and worries. So it's worth getting ready for kindergarten and completing breastfeeding early.

How do you know if your child is ready?

When weaning, it is important to think not only about the age of the baby, but also about his psychological comfort. Children are all different. Some sleep peacefully all night, while others wake up several times to demand breasts. If the baby still cannot calm down without breast milk, if the baby falls asleep and wakes up with breast - stop lactation early.

The baby will be psychologically ready for weaning only when he eats milk only before bedtime (before daytime and nighttime sleep). Only this rarely happens. Most babies get used to frequent feedings and literally hang on their chest. If your baby is like that, it is better to wait until his milk teeth erupt, and he will start sleeping at night without waking up.

Weaning a baby

You need to stop breastfeeding gradually. It is better to split this process into several stages:

First step

Start breastfeeding less often throughout the day. In return, offer him fruit puree, which he loves, a delicious compote. You can just tell your baby that you are breastfeeding when you are done with something. Try replacing one meal every day with an “adult” meal, or create fun activities for your child.

In order for the baby to quickly wean from the breast, the mother can begin to leave the house for a short time. The end of the first stage occurs when the baby gets by with two feedings a day. in the morning when he wakes up, and before going to bed. Be gentle with the baby and don't be too persistent. A small child can sometimes yield.

Second phase

If the baby has already begun to get by with two feedings a day, it is time to teach him to wake up without breast milk. To do this, you need to try to get up earlier than the crumbs. If the baby wakes up and mom is not around, he will think about where she is now, what she is doing. The desire to eat will fade into the background.

Stage three

The most difficult thing remains - to teach the baby to fall asleep without asking for a breast, during the day and especially at night. A certain ritual that you will repeat every evening will help (the importance of rituals). Breastfeeding should be an insignificant part of it. For example, bathe your child, read a fairy tale, or sing a lullaby. Have your toddler turn his attention to other activities before bed. This will help him to get rid of the habit of breastfeeding when falling asleep.

What cannot be done?

To wean babies, some mothers put something bitter and tasteless on their nipples that will alienate the baby. You cannot do this, because this is a mockery of the baby. For so long, his mother's breast was dear, tasty, but suddenly it tastes unpleasant.

Nursing mothers have a risk of developing mastitis, lactostasis, and other breast problems - in order to avoid them, it is important to smoothly stop lactation.

Sometimes there is a need to wean the baby from the breast quickly and even abruptly. Even so, you should not overtighten your chest. This method from the arsenal of our grandmothers is fraught with milk stagnation and can provoke mastitis, as well as injure the mammary glands.

You should not take hormonal drugs to stop lactation either: they have too many side effects. It is recommended to express milk until the breasts are soft, and to use herbal infusions that reduce lactation.

When should you not stop breastfeeding?

If the child is sick, there is no need to add torment to him by denying the usual breast milk. This is especially true for children who have intestinal disorders and infections, and have also been vaccinated.

It is a bad idea to end lactation in the summer. The optimal time for this is cool autumn days. Breastfeeding should be continued when the baby begins a new stage in life (for example, the appearance of a nanny or potty training).

The end of breastfeeding takes a lot of time and causes discontent on the part of the baby. However, if you follow the advice of experts, a young mother will be able to reduce discomfort for the child and for herself to a minimum. The main thing is to act smoothly, without pressure and coercion. The kid will gradually switch to regular food, you just need to be patient.

  • Weaning a baby correctly: ways, rules, myths and what not to do
  • Weaning a baby: how not to do it (bad advice)
  • Folk ways to stop lactation and a list of drugs to quickly stop lactation
  • 8 rules for weaning twins

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Watch the video: How to wean a toddler off of breastfeeding (July 2024).