After childbirth

Template stereotypes that prevent a young mother from living

There are many myths about what a good mother should be. Guided by them, those around them strive to point out to the woman her mistakes, and this so darkens the joy of motherhood. And often being in the shackles of the stereotypical "so accepted" we do what others want from us, and not what we want. We will try to debunk some of the common myths in this article.

A good mom never gets tired

Caring for a child takes a lot of energy, therefore, like all people, mom gets tired. Of course, she loves the baby, she has been waiting for him for a long time, but sometimes she just wants to sit in silence for 20 minutes, watch TV or talk on the phone with her friend. These are common human needs, and there is nothing surprising or shameful about them.

Good mom is the perfect wife

After spending several sleepless nights, in the evening the young mother is no longer able to accept the playful offer of her husband. Falling asleep from fatigue, she feels guilty whenever she refuses sex. Or she no longer has time to iron her husband's shirt for tomorrow or fry cutlets for dinner. Of course, there are reproaches from the spouse: “You sit at home all day, you do not do anything difficult. What could you get tired of? "

Words are useless here. Leave your husband alone with the child for half a day - having been in your place, he will understand how much strength and patience it takes to take care of a baby, and also keep the house clean. Deadlines at work and lengthy meetings are exhausting, but all of this is nothing compared to 20 minutes of tantrum for a one year old.

A good mom shouldn't leave her baby for long.

"For a long time" is for a month or even longer. Such a long separation will be really difficult for a baby to endure. However, a young mother can afford to go to a beauty salon or sit in a cafe with her friends. For a couple of hours that the kid spends with his grandmother, dad, aunt, nothing bad will happen, and you can study English with him or fold the pyramid at another time. And it is also worth listening to the opinion of psychologists who assure that it is useful for children from the cradle to learn to communicate with different people.

A good mother does everything herself and does not ask for help

How is a typical day for a young mom? - baby care, cooking, washing and ironing, mopping, going to the supermarket for groceries ... what else should a good mother do? - vacuuming, dusting, watering flowers ... Almost Cinderella looms, except that it is not necessary to separate the beans from the peas.

Part of the housework is important and needs to be passed on to other family members (and to do this without any doubt and embarrassment) - the husband, older children.

Try the first time to say the phrase "I don't have time, could you ...". At first, it will be difficult for you to admit that you are not doing well and ask for help, but it will soon become easier and life will improve. If only the assistants could do it!

A good mother must give her children a better education.

Now children have very high loads. Kids go to development centers, older children go to a gymnasium with a mathematical bias or in-depth study of foreign languages, and after graduation they attend sports sections and music schools. All this is done so that in the end the child enrolls in the most prestigious university in the country, and if funds allow, it is better for him to continue studying abroad.

In reality, it is far from always necessary to apply modern methods and exercises for a child to develop normally. Children are already curious, they are interested in everything, so you need to answer their "why" - and they will explore this world, strive for new knowledge.

A good mom is never wrong

With the birth of a baby, a woman develops excellent intuition. Only she cannot predict that during the walk it will suddenly rain, and the baby will get wet and catch a cold. Mom is unable to predict that the child will suddenly run, fall and break his knees. Yes, and that the crumbs will show an allergy to the pills prescribed by the doctor, she cannot find out in advance.

No matter how much a mother loves her child, she remains an ordinary person who stumbles and makes mistakes. You cannot be perfect and avoid all problems. But if you stay calm, you can learn invaluable experience from your mistakes. Then the next time you find yourself in a similar situation, you will be able to make the right decision.

A good mom has perfect kids

There is also such a stereotype that a good mother should raise an obedient child who eats broccoli and cabbage with appetite, does not make noise, does not be capricious, who sat down at 4 months, and started talking at 9 months. He is deceased, quiet, completely independent, without preferences in food and clothing, not paying attention to himself, understanding at a glance any requests from his parents. Even the child of a good mother does not show age crises that all children go through.

It is unlikely that such a baby can be found all over the world. A normal, healthy child is a cheerful prankster (that's why he is a child), he is mobile, he violently expresses his joy and his discontent. Forget about the characteristics of "ideal" children and love yours for being special.

A good mother must give her children a better education.

Now children have very high loads. All this is done so that in the end the child enrolls in the most prestigious university in the country, and if funds allow, it is better for him to continue studying abroad.

In fact, the development of a child does not always require any special activities and techniques. The baby will be happy to explore the world, just listening to the stories of his beloved mother, because he is interested in learning about everything that is happening around.

  • Want to be a super mom? 7 important skills will help you with this!
  • 10 ways to get rid of the complex "I'm a bad mom"
  • 5 rules of ideal mothers that modern mothers are ready to argue with

Watch the video: Ep 9 Think Before You Click (July 2024).