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How to spend a weekend with your child in an interesting and useful way

Life is fleeting. We work and rest the lion's share of our time. Only people who already have a child can spend the whole day caring for and communicating with him. It's human nature - we are born, we have children, and we die when our time comes. As parents, we are obliged not only to take care of a decent future for the baby, but also to educate him. It is impossible to do this without constant communication. Unfortunately, working parents can only devote enough time to their children on weekends.

Some work according to the standard 5-day schedule, while others work in shifts. In any case, it is important to plan your time in such a way as to devote maximum time to your beloved children.

Any child always suffers from the absence of mom and dad, from the lack of their attention and care. He may not show how he actually feels. Only parents should remember that every baby wants to be the center of attention. If relatives are absent for a long time, and the child remains left to himself, this leaves an unpleasant imprint on the soul of the little person. No one wants, having matured, to remember their childhood years as lonely and uninteresting.

Only the love and attention of parents can fill a child's life with happiness and joy. No toys in the world can replace this. There is only one conclusion: since you have given birth to a baby, spend enough time with him. Then, becoming an adult, the child will remember only good things about his childhood and about you.

A weekend with your kids is a good family tradition that will benefit both kids and adults. This is an opportunity to get closer to the child, talk heart to heart, discuss exciting topics and solve problems. Of course, this does not mean that children can be ignored on other days.

What to do with your child on the weekend

Today we want to bring you some interesting ideas for family weekend activities. Classes are always chosen depending on the weather, season, health status and opportunities. However, despite the circumstances, you can always find a way to spend time with your children in a fun, interesting and useful way. Joint leisure will remain in your memory as the happiest time, so you will not regret it.

How to spend a weekend with children at home

On weekends, it is not always possible to leave the house or go somewhere. Sometimes there are good reasons for this, in other cases it is all due to ordinary laziness.

Even if you stay at home, it doesn't matter. In any situation, you can find a worthy occupation that will entertain you and your little ones, and also give a sea of ​​positive emotions.

The easiest, but at the same time, fun way to spend time with children is to watch a movie, TV series or cartoons. So that this activity does not seem mundane, it is better to arrange movie shows less often, but it is interesting to hold them. For example, you can buy popcorn, bake homemade pizza, close the curtains and dim the lights, put on 3D glasses, turn up the volume, and start watching. It will turn out no worse than in a real cinema! The main thing is for children to enjoy watching a movie, so choose it according to the interests and age of your children.

A non-standard idea is to organize home master classes. Girls can be taught how to make homemade pizza or beautiful and aromatic soap. Now in stores you can find many sets for children's creativity, designed for a certain age. This is a great chance to tell your child in an interesting and exciting way about physical laws, about the world around him, and just teach something.

The simplest drawing or modeling from plasticine can be unusual activities. You can create a family tree or make polymer clay jewelry for kindergarten or school.

One of the most interesting activities, which gives great pleasure to children and adults, is pampering. People of any age don't mind fooling around. The kids just love it. So you can throw out your emotions, get relaxation and fill with new, fresh energy.

Emotional release is extremely important for every person. Moreover, everyone has their own concept of pampering. It's fun to fool around with the kids to the music, make funny faces, throw toys around, roll around on the floor, jump on the bed. All this is not only funny, but also useful from a psychological point of view. After pampering, of course, everyone also needs to clean up together. It's also a good idea to come up with a prize for the one who cleans up the fastest and best.

Competitions are a great idea for a weekend getaway with kids. Make a bet on who will quickly collect toys, make the bed, paint his family, find a hidden treasure or blind a plasticine man. Competition topics can be very different - use your imagination. Come up with a prize for the winner. The main thing is that the losing kid does not remain offended. Family competitions are not only fun, they also develop different skills that will be useful to the child in the future in order to achieve the set goal.

Children love very much when guests come to them. So it's a good idea to have a theme party or even have a home show. Don't forget to prepare a delicious treat for the kids and take photos. Then you will be happy to review them with the whole family.

Even while staying at home, you can spend time with the kids in a fun, interesting and unusual way. Encourage the children to create fun activities together. All this does not require large expenses. It is quite possible to spend a weekend in a narrow family circle on a budget and at the same time get a lot of vivid impressions.

How to spend a weekend with children outside the home

If you decide to get out of the house for the weekend, you have unlimited options for organizing leisure activities with your children. You can think of both free and paid ways to spend your time. Here are some interesting ideas:

  1. Arrange for kids a tour of the park or along the streets, telling about the world around them, about the history of the city. Show the children different plants, suggest looking at them up close. Introduce the kids to the local fauna, talk about interesting natural phenomena. Children will be happy to run through the puddles or walk in the warm rain. In winter, they will gladly take up your offer to mold a snowman or a whole castle out of snow.
  2. Active recreation is one of the best leisure options: in addition to being fun, it is also beneficial for your health and overall development. If it's summer outside, take the kids to a river to swim in. In winter, the whole family can go to the pool. Most toddlers will be delighted with the idea of ​​having a picnic in the park and playing active games in the fresh air. You can go horseback riding or ice skating, play robber Cossacks, visit the water park or come up with your own version. All of this will benefit you and your children.
  3. Activities such as going to the zoo, cinema, circus, attractions or performances are very popular. Not a single child can refuse this.
  4. Visiting is also a great option. Visit family members or friends who also have children. In this case, you can relax, and your children will not be bored.
  5. Depending on the time of year and weather, you can make and fly a kite, collect a herbarium, build a sand castle, or look at snowflakes. Such activities are extremely enjoyable. The main thing is to choose what is in the interests of the baby, to do everything together and it is interesting to tell the child new information.

Be sure to shoot home videos, take more photos. It will be interesting for you and your children to remember the day that brought so much joy and positive emotions. Pleasant memories are more valuable than any money!

Watch the video: 10 Parenting Tips to Calm Down Any Child In a Minute (July 2024).