Newborn health

Hardening of children: how and at what age to harden a child (hardening methods)

The best way to protect your baby from colds and strengthen the immune system is to harden. In the modern world, no means have yet been invented more effective. A hardened child is not afraid of cold, wind, or sudden temperature changes.

This versatile protection has many advantages:

  • does not require material costs,
  • held at any time,
  • does not need special conditions,
  • does not require preliminary preparation,
  • does not take long,
  • available to everyone,
  • has no age limit.

Why do you need hardening

Hardening trains the immune system. In other words, this is a set of procedures aimed at preparing the body for dramatically changing environmental conditions. Which one: strong wind, draft, frost, rain. When hardened, the resistance of immunity to microorganisms increases: bacteria and viruses.

Seasoned children are less likely to get sick and tolerate diseases much easier.

At what age to start tempering a child?

They begin to temper the baby from the first days of birth. Washing, bathing, changing the baby's clothes, parents do not even suspect that they are thus training his thermoregulation.

It must be said that the child is born already prepared for external natural conditions. But overly caring mothers and grandmothers violate this natural ability by overly wrapping in clothes and taking care of them.

The sooner you start, the better. But this does not mean that if the child is three or five years old, then it is too late to temper. You can start at any age. Observing the principles and rules of hardening, you will achieve the same result as if you were engaged from birth.

Hardening principles

Often, the determining factor to temper a child or not is the psychological unwillingness of the parents. Remove all fears and doubts. And forward to a healthy lifestyle!

  1. Good mood. It is important! Hardening will be beneficial if the baby is in a positive mood. The best way to do this is to play with it.
  2. Regularity. The procedures must be carried out constantly. Breaks lead to a weakening of the adaptive mechanisms. In babies up to a year, a pass of 5-7 days leads to the disappearance of the effect.
  3. Gradualness. The dosage should be increased gradually. A sharp change leads the body into a shock, stressful state.
  4. Individual approach. If the child is sick or after a sick leave, you need to wait with hardening. Children with weak immunity are tempered according to an individual, sparing schedule.
  5. Taking into account age characteristics. Each age has a corresponding limitation on the duration of hardening procedures and a range of permissible temperatures. Do not overdo it!

Air hardening

The most affordable way. Applied from birth. And the first thing to start with is to stop wrapping up the baby.

We remove the extra undershirt. Additional clothing leads to the fact that the child's adaptive mechanisms are weakened. His body gets used to "greenhouse conditions", and the slightest drop in temperature leads to hypothermia.

Regular airing. Carry out from the moment of birth. In the summer, the vents must be open at all times. Drafts are not allowed. The optimum temperature in the baby's room is + 20— + 22 ° C.

In the cold season, rooms are ventilated for 15 minutes 5-6 times a day. They do this in the absence of the child. The best effect is provided by through ventilation.

Air baths. Carried out from the first days of birth. When changing clothes, a newborn baby is left naked for 2-3 minutes. Once every two weeks, increase the time by 1-2 minutes. By six months, 10 minutes are permissible. After six months, the time is increased to 15 minutes. Air baths are done 2-3 times a day at room temperature.

There are warm (+ 20 ° C), cool (+ 17 - + 19 ° C) and cold (+ 15 ° C) baths.

  • 0-3 years old apply warm,
  • 3-4 years are cool,
  • The use of cold baths is allowed for 5-6 years.

This procedure is performed in combination with physical activity. Mom makes exercises or massage for newborn babies. It is advisable to play with older children (for example, with a ball), do simple exercises or give the opportunity to move (jump, run).

Walking. In good weather, they go for a walk after being discharged from the hospital. In summer, from 20 minutes or more. It is better to choose places for walking away from the roadway. If possible, walk in nature: in the forest, in a clearing, in the shade of an alley.

In autumn, winter, cold spring in calm weather, they start walking for 15 minutes, gradually increasing the time to 1-1.5 hours. Babies are allowed to walk at least -10 ° C.

A preschool child should be outdoors in the summer as often as possible. In winter, it is allowed to walk down to -15 ° С, duration is 1-2 hours.

Both babies and preschoolers should be outside twice a day: in the morning and after lunch.

Walking in unfavorable conditions. Walking in any weather gives a good hardening effect. They begin after 1.5-2 years. The child is taken out in cloudy, windy weather for 3-5 minutes. In this case, the baby must actively move so as not to freeze. Do not wear extra blouses.

It is allowed to walk with a preschooler (3-6 years old) in light rain, snowfall, and wind. The main rule is to gradually increase the time of stay to 15-20 minutes, and to monitor the child's condition (so as not to overheat and not overcool).

Water hardening

Children are especially pleased with water treatments. Besides being beneficial for the immune system, water also has a calming effect.

Washing. Made from birth. Initially, the water temperature is taken at + 28 ° C. Gradually (once every 2-3 weeks) it is lowered by 1-2 ° C, by six months it is brought to + 25 ° C, by the year up to + 20 ° C.

Washing is carried out daily in the morning, before bedtime and as needed. First they wipe the baby's face, then the pens.

For preschool children, the water temperature is reduced:

  • 3-4 years - up to + 18 ° С
  • 5-6 years - up to + 16 ° С

Rubdown. They start at 6 months. To do this, take a soft mitten (or towel) and moisten it in + 35 ° C water. Wipe the child in sequence: arms, legs, back, chest and tummy. After, wipe dry. Every 2 weeks the temperature is lowered by 1-2 degrees and brought to + 28 ° C.


  1. General dousing. Do from birth. Each time after bathing, the baby is lifted up over the bath and poured with water for several seconds. The main rule is that the water temperature should be a couple of degrees lower than in the bath.
  2. Local dousing. Recommended from 2 years of age. The baby's feet are watered for 20-30 seconds. Initially, the water temperature is taken at + 30 ° C. Once every 2 weeks, it is reduced by a couple of degrees. At 4 years, a temperature of + 18 ° C is allowed, by 5-6 years it is brought to + 16 ° C.

Cool shower. After 3 years, the general douche is replaced by a shower. Starting from a temperature of + 35– + 36 ° С, the water is gradually reduced to + 26 ° С. The duration is a few seconds. After the procedure, the child is wiped dry and dressed.

Swimming in open water. Acceptable from an early age. It is possible to bathe babies in rivers, lakes, and the sea in summer at temperatures not lower than + 22 ° С. Begin with 1-2 minutes, gradually increasing to 5-8.

Children 3-5 years old are allowed to swim at a water temperature of + 19— + 20 ° C, and increase the time to 10 minutes.

Hardening by the sun

Magic sun:

  • Prevents rickets.
  • Has antimicrobial effect.
  • Increases the resistance of immunity to colds.

And gives a good mood!

Walking in the sun. Infants in summer weather begin to walk from 2 minutes under the scattered rays of the sun. Gradually (every 3-4 days), the parents increase the time by 1-2 minutes and bring it to 10-15.

Sunbathing. It is not recommended to spend up to a year. The kid is stripped down to his panties and allowed to play in the sun.

Age / Time:

  • 1-3 years - 5-10 minutes.
  • 3-7 years - 10-15 minutes.

It is advisable to carry out such procedures near a water source. A good hardening effect is given by sunbathing in combination with dousing. First, the baby is basking in the sun, then it is sprayed with water.

Hardening is carried out in the morning before 11.00, and in the second - after 16.00. When the sun is not at its peak in order to avoid burns. The child must have a headdress.

In heat above + 30 ° С, hardening procedures are not carried out.

Other ways of hardening

They temper both the whole body and its individual parts: feet, throat. Household items such as a fan can be used.

  • Draft hardening (or fan).They start after 3 years. The procedure is carried out at an air temperature of + 20— + 22 ° C. The child is placed at a distance of 6 meters from the fan in light clothing. The blade speed is minimal. They start with 20 seconds, while the baby must toss and turn so that the blowing occurs from all sides. Gradually (once every 2 weeks) increase the fan scrolling time and speed;
  • Gargle with cold water. From 3 years old. Initially, the water temperature is set at + 25 ° C. Every four days, it is reduced by 1 ° C, and brought to 8 ° C. The child should take water into his mouth and continuously pronounce the sound A-A-A. Then spit it out. The procedure is repeated several times;
  • Walking barefoot. They have been practicing since the time the child began to walk. At a floor surface temperature of + 18 ° C, the baby walks in socks. After a week, the socks are removed, and he runs barefoot for 3-7 minutes. In summer it is useful to walk on sand, grass, pebbles.

Ice hardening

  • Resorption. A small cube of frozen broth of calendula or chamomile is put in the child's mouth and offered to dissolve like candy. Remove after 30 seconds. The time is increased every 4 days by 10 seconds and adjusted to 2 minutes. It can be frozen berries, syrup;
  • Rubbing the heels. Allowed from three years old. For a few seconds before going to bed, the child's feet are rubbed with pieces of ice. After that, wipe dry and put on socks. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day.

Intense and contrast hardening

All of the above methods are moderate hardening. Which is based on the principle of gradualness. But there are more extreme ways. For example, intense and contrast hardening. These methods are based on an abrupt change in temperature with a large range, for a short period of time.

Intensive hardening. The essence of this method is short-term contact of the body with frost, snow, icy water.

It includes:

  • Dousing with water at extremely low temperatures;
  • Snow rubdown;
  • Plunging into an ice-hole in winter.

These are quite extreme methods of hardening. They are not recommended for preschool children. Although some active parents practice even with babies quite successfully.

Contrast hardening. A more gentle procedure. It is based on an alternating, abrupt change in temperature with a large difference.

For instance:

  • Dipping feet in warm, then in cold water;
  • Cold and hot shower.


Signs and diseases in which hardening measures are not carried out:

  • Negative attitude of the child towards the procedures;
  • Malaise, temperature above normal;
  • Signs of a cold
  • Intestinal diseases;
  • Increased excitability (hyperactivity);
  • Acquired (decompensated) heart disease;
  • Depletion of the body;
  • Decreased hemoglobin;
  • Diseases of the epidermis (skin);
  • Respiratory system disorders.

Each parent worries about their own child, but sometimes these fears do more harm than good. To prevent colds, do not wear extra blouses and pants, but train your immune system. In other words - temper your health!

Dr. Komarovsky: hardening children

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