Newborn care

What means and how often do you need to wash your child's hair up to a year

What products do experts recommend using for the hair care of newborn children? Why is it so important to use only special baby shampoos? And how to properly wash your baby's hair to keep it healthy, thick and beautiful?

Baby's skin is very delicate and sensitive, it needs careful care. The hair of a child under one year old also has its own characteristics, based on which it is necessary to select children's cosmetics. Let's figure out together what hair products you need to use and how often you can wash your newborn baby's hair.

Basic rules for caring for a child's hair up to a year

  • To care for the hair and scalp of a newborn, use only safe baby cosmetics. The acid-base balance (pH) of the shampoo should be neutral. Shampoo should not contain harmful substances (silicones, sulfates, etc.), which can cause rashes and redness of the scalp;
  • It is not recommended to immediately apply shampoo to the baby's head. It is better to pour some of the product into the palm of your hand, beat into a lather and apply it to the child's hair with gentle massaging movements, then rinse. Young children wash their hair so that the water flows from the forehead to the back. To make it more comfortable, you can put the baby's head on your elbow and support him by the shoulder. The most important thing is to prevent water and soap suds from getting into the eyes, so as not to scare the baby. Do not forget about the water temperature - it should not exceed 37 degrees;
  • Shampoos should be used 1-2 times a week... On other days, you just need to rinse your child's hair with water. If this is not done, then flaky crusts will appear on the head. Such flaking is not dangerous, but quite natural when changing hair in children. If there are a lot of crusts, then immediately after washing the steamed scalp should be lubricated with baby oil. Try to apply the oil directly to your skin, not your hair.

How to comb your child's hair correctly

The scalp of a newborn is very delicate. In order not to damage it, you need to use special brushes with soft natural bristles. When the baby is a little older, you can comb his hair with a comb. This can be a wooden comb, a plastic comb with fine, non-sharp teeth, or a soft massage brush.

  • Do not use someone else's hairbrush - it is unhygienic and can lead to skin diseases. The child must have his own comb. Make sure that the comb is always clean, wash it with soap after use;
  • Let your baby's hair dry well before combing. If the child's hair is very tangled, then the selected shampoo does not suit him;
  • Do not blow-dry your baby's hair after washing. Under the influence of hot air, the hair scales are opened and damaged. Hair becomes weak and loses its natural shine.

What is bad for baby's hair

Below we have collected the most harmful factors affecting the health and condition of a baby's hair. So:

  1. Long exposure to the sun (in direct sunlight) without a headdress.
  2. Drying your hair with a hair dryer.
  3. City dust, which contains many harmful substances (the child's head must be covered with a cap or panama).
  4. Frequent washing of hair with shampoo (hair with shampoo should be washed once a week in normal weather, if it is hot outside - 2 times).
  5. Wrong water temperature for washing hair.

If you take proper care of your baby's hair, it will be healthy, thick and shiny.

  • Wash my head with pleasure: 7 surefire ways to persuade a child to wash their hair without tears
  • How and what to wash your child's hair with: 8 simple but important tips for parents
  • How to wash a child's head without tears and whims: 11 tips + video consultation

Watch the video: Newborn To Toddler Natural Hair Regimen (July 2024).