After childbirth

Fitness with baby: 6 exercises for mom and baby in pictures

What could be better than playing sports? Of course, playing sports with your child! We have selected for you the most effective exercises for strengthening the muscles of the arms, shoulders, back, abdomen, hips and buttocks. Do the exercises with your child!

In the first months of a child's life, the mother does not always manage to find time for herself, especially if she has no one to help her. But after the baby is 6-8 months old, you can try to play sports. Start, for example, with joint charging. She will tone the muscles and raise the mood of mom. And a happy mother, as you know, and children are happy.

A kind of fitness for young mothers begins immediately after the birth of a child. Raising the baby in her arms, a woman involuntarily pumps up her biceps. She also constantly strains her back, bending over the baby while changing clothes, hygiene procedures and changing diapers, and this does not have a very good effect on the back muscles, which need relaxation and strengthening. In this case, an uncomplicated set of exercises will come in handy. And "weighting" in the form of a child will add effectiveness to classes.

Many exercises are suitable for fitness with children, for example: squats, push-ups or lunges. But all this is possible only if the mother has no contraindications to playing sports. Joint exercises tend to be very popular with children. Kids perceive them as an exciting game, and they themselves unwittingly join sports. Fitness classes with mom strengthen the child's vestibular apparatus and develop his sense of rhythm if the exercise is accompanied by music. Prepare your fitness mat - and get started! Three approaches, three times for each exercise.


An exercise that perfectly relaxes the back and relieves tension from the lower back. Get on all fours in a square position. Hands under shoulders, palms firmly on the floor, fingers pointing forward, legs bent at right angles. Exhale deeply and twist your pelvis inward, while rounding your back and lowering your head. During the exercise, the child can crawl under you as if under a bridge. As you inhale, return your body to the starting position. Now, on the contrary: inhale, lift your head and pelvis up, and bend your back down. As you exhale, take the starting position.


Workout of the gluteal muscles and hips. Stand up straight with your child's back to you. Step forward with your left foot, bend your knees and lower yourself down. When bent, the left leg should form a right angle, the right knee directed towards the floor. Return to starting position and repeat the same, but on the other leg.

Chair squats

Again, strengthening the buttocks and thighs. Cuddle your child and stand with your back to the chair. Keep your back straight and tighten your abs. Take your pelvis back and sit down. Touch the chair lightly, then stand up and repeat again.


Strengthen your upper back, biceps and shoulders. Sit in a chair with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Take your baby in your arms facing you and hold him at chest level. The arms should be bent at the elbows. Now tense your stomach and stretch your arms out, lifting the baby up. Blow in his face and bend your elbows again. Repeat.


Exercises to strengthen the abs. Lie on your back and bend your knees. Place the baby on your stomach with his back touching your legs. Hold the baby at the sides and lift the body up. Reaching for the child, kiss him and slowly lower yourself. Repeat.


An abdominal exercise that kids love. Sit on the floor with your knees bent. Place the baby with your belly on your shins. Holding the baby by the sides, lift your feet off the floor and lie on your back, lifting the baby up. Return to a sitting position and repeat again. During training, you can tell rhymes about airplanes.

Remember that joint fitness activities should bring joy to both mom and baby. Always focus on the mood and well-being of the baby, so as not to cause him negative emotions from classes.

Drawings by Irina Dedusheva

Watch the video: 15 Minute Mommy + Me Workout 6 Exercises for Mom + Baby (July 2024).