Good to know

How to develop negotiation skills with your child

Do you want to take a walk in the park with your baby, and he throws a tantrum because he wants to go to the cinema? We tell you how to find a compromise in communication with a child and not lose credibility.

Be the initiator of negotiations

Set a good example for your child right from childhood by discussing issues that bother you. Do not hush up problems, but initiate negotiations. Conversations with parents on a variety of issues will teach the baby to listen to himself, to realize the importance of his opinions and desires. The child should be sure that it is possible to discuss the problems that bother him with you.

Answer all incoming questions

Let these questions be poured in hundreds every day, each of them must receive a worthy answer. Discuss each situation with the child, explain the phenomena of interest. Don't know how a light bulb burns and why trees need leaves? Find the answer with your baby. Explain why you are doing this and not otherwise. Ask the child's own opinion. Subsequently, he will copy your actions, trust you and understand that you are open to dialogue. Otherwise, the child will ignore you, as you once did.

Find an example to follow

Children take an example not only from their parents. Close relatives, friends of parents and an older friend from kindergarten can become an authority. Often the heroes of your favorite cartoons and books become role models. Use these allies wisely. Watch a cartoon with your child, where the characters communicate with their parents and listen to them. For example, in the Walk with Dad series of the Three Cats animated series, the main characters, little kittens Korzhik, Caramel and Kompot, understand how important it is to take dad's opinion into account: his experience helps avoid many problems. Watch the episode with your baby and discuss the behavior of the kittens. The next time you have to find a compromise again, your favorite characters will help your child make the right decision.

Develop a tactic to follow

Going with your child to the park, shop or cinema? Discuss the rules of conduct in public places in advance: do not shout, do not run far from your parents, do not talk to strangers, do not be capricious. If the kid suddenly forgets one of the rules, it is enough to calmly recall the agreements that he promised to fulfill.

Sometimes compromise

If you understand that you can give in to a child, do it. After all, the baby must understand that you are ready to listen to him and take into account his wishes. Next time he will make concessions.

Of course, there are situations that are not negotiable. You can agree to go to the cinema, and not to the park, or allow you to slide down the hill a few more times. But it is categorically impossible to cross the road to red, insert scissors into the outlet, throw garbage past the trash can or talk to strangers. The child must understand that there is no other way out in these situations and cannot be.

Crisis situation: postpone negotiations

The kid is hysterical, what to do? Forget about negotiations for a while. If the tantrum occurs in a public place, take your child out into the air or move to an uncrowded place. Try to calm him down, calmly say simple, short phrases: "look at me", "breathe deeply." Offer to drink water. The main thing is not to succumb to tantrums and not to get nervous yourself. When the child calms down, find out why the tantrum occurred. The child may be tired or nervous. Discuss the behavior and explain that next time you should tell your mom and dad right away about your tiredness or worries. Parents will always understand and hear. After all, you are one family, which means you must be a mountain for each other.

Watch the video: 7 Ways To Be A Better Negotiator. Negotiation. How To Negotiate. Negotiating Skills Tips Tricks (July 2024).