Good to know

We go on a visit with a one-year-old child: 5 important rules

In European countries, young mothers do not stay at home with their children, they lead an active social life, go about their business with the kids and visit friends. With the advent of a child, a woman's life changes dramatically: many young mothers lock themselves at home and forget about meeting their friends.

They motivate this by the fact that it is inconvenient to visit and meet friends with a small child. Of course this is so, but only if we are talking about a newborn baby. If the baby has already grown up and has reached the age of one, you can and should leave the house with it. But, when going on a visit, it is important to remember the simple rules.

Plan the day of your visit in advance

During this time, you should not have any other important activities scheduled that cannot be rescheduled or postponed. This can be developmental activities with a child, a trip to a children's clinic for a routine examination or a massage session. Thus, if you have a free day, you can spend it on a trip to visit. At the same time, there is no need to plan several visits in one day, since a one-year-old child is not yet used to such events, and this can become a strong emotional stress for him.

Observe the baby's day regimen

It is also important to choose the right time for visiting. You do not need to leave the house when the crumbs have a nap on the schedule. In this case, the baby will be irritable, capricious. And you won't get any pleasure from meeting your friends. Moreover, it will be more difficult for the child to go to bed in the evening, and this will negatively affect the general condition of the baby the next day. Therefore, it is better to go on a visit when the baby is usually awake.

Find out about the health of a friend's family members

If a friend's family member is sick, it is best to reschedule the visit. You don't want your little one to get infected, do you? You also need to refuse to meet if your child is sick.

Take with you everything you need for your child

Before going on a visit, you need to collect all the things that your baby may need. This is baby puree, water, cookies, baby dishes (it must be individual), changeable diapers, a diaper on which you can change a diaper in case of need, wet wipes, and other household items that are used daily.

Take your favorite toys with you

With them, the baby will be much more comfortable. He will know what to do with himself at a party. Despite the fact that at this age the baby actively learns the world around him, it is better if in a new environment for him there are familiar objects nearby - favorite toys.

Watch the video: 8 Japanese Parenting Rules All Kids Need (July 2024).