
Mom's experience: what and how I eat while breastfeeding

Hello everyone, Julia and my daughter Mia are with you. So, what and how do I eat while breastfeeding.

Firstly, I eat everything, absolutely everything that I ate before Mia was born, during pregnancy, before pregnancy. The only trick is that each new product must be introduced gradually, every 3 days. This is so that you understand what the child is allergic to and not guess what you ate so interesting. That is, if I ate a tomato, then for the next three days I do not introduce anything new and watch the reaction. If Miyu is not sprinkled, if there is no allergic reaction, then we continue to eat tomatoes. And after three days, you can introduce a new product.

Secondly, I eat a variety of foods, but prefer seasonal vegetables and fruits. This recommendation is not only for nursing mothers or pregnant women, it is, in principle, for people who want to eat normally.

Thirdly, I eat in a balanced way. Of course, during pregnancy, I gained a few pounds, and I wanted to lose them as quickly as possible, but fast does not mean good. This can be detrimental to lactation, so a balanced diet is the best diet. The diet should contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Also, for a good lactation, I drink a lot of liquid: tea, weak coffee with milk, compote, but at the same time I drink a lot of water, since water is responsible for all the processes in the hiring of the body. Therefore, I highly recommend drinking your daily water intake. I have about 2 liters.

I don't blame myself for the baby's colic. It has long been proven that colic is the maturation of the digestive system in an infant. Imagine, he gets everything in his mother's stomach through the placenta, but here he needs to eat and digest. The child just needs to get used to it.

I don't blame myself for allergies. Do not go on a diet right away if you see a rash. In fact, you could not otherwise find out if the baby is allergic to this product. Talk to your pediatrician, it may be enough to just minimize the use of this product, rather than eliminate it entirely.

I prefer natural products, because food additives and dyes most often cause allergies. For example, if I want something sweet, I prefer a small piece of natural chocolate or homemade cheesecake, rather than a cake from the store.

Don't forget about snacks. I understand that with the advent of a small child, there is not always time to eat, so I always have dried fruits, fruits, cookies at home, and when I am going for a walk I make myself tea in a thermos and also take some cookies with me. This allows me to walk quietly, not rush home and not stay hungry.

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Watch the video: Good Nutrition for Mom and her Baby: Update on What to Eat When Breastfeeding (July 2024).