
"Validol" during pregnancy: instructions for use

Great changes are taking place in the body of a woman expecting a baby. Due to changes in hormonal levels, many expectant mothers experience irritability and nervousness, which can lead to poor health and an increase in heart rate. However, you should not rush to take medications that help relax and calm tachycardia. Caution is also required by such a popular budget drug as "Validol"... According to modern doctors, this medicine is outdated, therefore it is undesirable to use it during pregnancy.

Features of the drug

"Validol" is presented in pharmacies mainly in the form of absorbable in the mouth pillsbut it is also available in drops and sublingual capsules. The active substance of the drug is menthol solution combined with menthyl isovalerate. In one tablet, this ingredient contains a dose of 60 mg, in one capsule - in the amount of 50 and 100 mg. The inactive components of the drug differ in different forms. The product is sold without a prescription in blisters or dropper bottles.

Operating principle

The main effect of "Validol" is a reflex stimulation of nerve endings, which leads to moderate vasodilation and the release of active substances that can affect the vascular walls and the sensation of pain. The drug also there is some sedative effect.

Considering such therapeutic effects, "Validol" is most in demand for angina pectoris, nervous disorders and decreased vascular tone.

After taking it, a person calms down, relaxes, tolerates stress more easily. However, this is not always a positive action.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

In the paper annotation that the manufacturer attaches to the capsules, drops or tablets, there is no detailed information on the features of the use of "Validol" in women carrying a child. Special studies with the participation of pregnant women, confirming the safety of such a medication for the fetus, have not been carried out, therefore, one cannot be completely sure of its harmlessness to a growing child's body.

Since "Validol" is absorbed in the mouth, it has no direct effect on the fetus, therefore it does not affect the development of the embryo in any way. However, the property of the drug dangerous for expectant mothers is the ability to dilate blood vessels, because the medication can also act on the vessels of the placenta.

If you do not monitor blood pressure, then after taking Validol it may decrease, which is dangerous in case of self-selection of the dosage.

Also the use of "Validol" in the early stages is not recommended, since the drug contains menthol, which can affect the uterus. Hypertonicity at any gestational age is one of the strict contraindications for the treatment with Validol, therefore, in case of problems with tone, it is prohibited to dissolve this remedy. Wherein in 1 trimester the increased excitability of the uterus is the greatest danger, therefore, during this period, treatment with "Validol" can harm.

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

The reason for using Validol is:

  • neurosis;
  • angina pectoris;
  • seasickness;
  • hysteria.

The tool is in demand with neurocirculatory dystonia, flowing in a hypertensive or cardiac type. Symptoms such dysfunctions are tachycardia, pain in the region of the heart, pulsating tinnitus, increased blood pressure, palpitations, a feeling of pulsation of the vessels of the head and neck, weakness, bad mood, increasing fatigue, inability to concentrate, headache, and so on.

Pathology arises as a result of disturbances in the nervous and endocrine regulation of the state of blood vessels, and under the influence of stress factors, its manifestations intensify. If this condition is detected in the expectant mother, the doctor can decide on the appointment of "Validol", taking into account the results of analyzes and EKG.

Some women are thinking about taking Validol in 1-2 trimesters to combat toxicosis. Due to the mint taste, the drug helps alleviate the symptoms of early toxicosis, relieve nausea and headache.

However, doctors say that the use of "Validol" for toxicosis is inappropriate.

Under the influence of menthol, salivation is really reduced and vomiting is eliminated, but the expectant mother can get the same effect from ordinary mint candies. At the same time, sweets with menthol aroma do not pose a threat to the fetus and do not increase the risk of miscarriage, which cannot be said about Validol.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite its wide scope of application, "Validol" cannot be called a harmless sedative, because it has contraindicationslike any other medicine. First of all, a medication prohibited for persons who have found intolerance to its components... Moreover, its should not be used if hypotension occurs.

However, even in the absence of contraindications after resorption of "Validol", various negative reactions. For example, the medication can make you watery or dizzy. In some patients, this drug does not eliminate nausea, but, on the contrary, intensifies it.

In most cases, side effects occur with a high dose or prolonged use, and after withdrawal they disappear on their own. But the risk of their occurrence confirms the fact that it is impossible to dissolve "Validol" without a doctor's prescription during pregnancy. If a woman's heartbeat has increased, her head starts to feel dizzy, nausea and weakness develop, blood pressure values ​​have dropped, stop taking it immediately and consult a doctor.

Instructions for use

It is very easy to take "Validol" in tablets or capsules - you just need to place the product under the tongue and keep in the mouth until it is completely dissolved... If a liquid form is used, then the number of drops prescribed by the doctor is applied to the sugar, which should also be kept under the tongue until it dissolves. The dose of the drug and the scheme of use should be checked with the attending physician.


Women who have used Validol during pregnancy to relieve nervousness, tachycardia, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms, speak about him mostly positively.

The advantages of the drug include a quick effect, cheapness, and a pleasant aroma.

According to doctors, such a remedy is generally safe and can very rarely provoke undesirable consequences., but the final decision, whether it is possible to drink "Validol" for a future mother, should be for a specialist. If a woman can do without such a remedy, it is best to refuse it.


If a sedative effect is needed, the doctor may recommend one of the following medicines to the pregnant woman instead of Validol.

  • "Glycine". These pills, like Validol, must be dissolved in the mouth, but they are considered completely safe for the fetus, therefore, they are safely prescribed to pregnant women both in the early and late stages. The medication is in demand for strong experiences, sleep problems, nervousness, weakness, high blood pressure.
  • "Valerian". Such a remedy in tablets attracts with its plant base and excellent calming effect. It is often prescribed for pregnant women with insomnia, stress and extreme fatigue. The drug can be used for any period of time, but it is capable of provoking an allergic reaction, so its intake should be monitored by a doctor.
  • "Motherwort forte"... These are also herbal pills with a calming effect. The remedy is indicated for neurasthenia, increased nervous excitability, sleep disorders, vegetative neuroses with an increase in blood pressure and heart rate. It is not contraindicated for pregnant women, but should be used by expectant mothers only on the recommendation of a doctor.

To combat seasickness and air sickness, a woman in a position can replace Validol with tablets "Dramina". They act on the vestibular apparatus, prevent nausea, soothe, eliminate dizziness. In the 1st trimester, this medication is contraindicated, but in the 2nd or 3rd trimesters it can be used under the supervision of a specialist if there is a great need for it.

For the use of Validol, see below.

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