
The benefits of natural fruits and vegetables: organic baby food

Every mother wants to give her baby only the best, and therefore she carefully approaches the issue of choosing puree for the first complementary feeding. A wide range of purees from various manufacturers is presented on store shelves, but how to choose the best one? Today we will talk about organic food and the principles of its production.

Organic puree technology

Today, mothers are increasingly paying attention to baby food labeled "Organic". Skeptics tend to say that such a label is only a marketing ploy, but this is not the case. In order to obtain organic certification for puree, a manufacturer must pass a number of tests. In addition, the most stringent requirements are imposed on such products, fruits and vegetables for puree are grown in specially designated areas.

Let's highlight the distinctive features of products labeled "Organic":

  • Fruits and vegetables for the production of such mashed potatoes are grown at a considerable distance from industrial zones and cities;
  • When growing fruits and vegetables, genetically modified seeds are NOT used;
  • Soil processing from weeds is carried out EXCLUSIVELY using ecological means, without the use of pesticides and other chemicals;
  • Fertilizers of exclusively natural origin are used.
  • To receive the coveted label, a product must be at least 95% organic.

Organic puree in Russia

At the moment, the choice of organic food on the Russian market is small, but experts in the field of baby food are increasingly starting to launch products with the "Organic" label. One of these brands is Heinz.

A few months ago, Heinz Organic fruit puree appeared on the market. The assortment includes 4 basic flavors: apple, pear, apple-pear, fruit salad.

Puree Heinz Organic meets all the requirements for organic baby food, and all stages of production are carefully controlled. Puree Heinz Organic is optimal for the first feeding from 4 months:

  • 100% natural fruits
  • Organic certification
  • No added starch or sugar
  • Free from preservatives, colors, flavors and GMOs

The products have passed the necessary organic certification, which confirms its safety and environmental friendliness. Now you don't have to worry about the choice of products for the first complementary foods, because Heinz took care of everything.

By starting with organic puree, you can be absolutely confident that your baby will receive all the benefits of natural vegetables and fruits.

Important: before introducing complementary foods, you must consult with a specialist.

Watch the video: Starting Your Baby On Fruits And Vegetables (July 2024).