
Sanatoriums for children with parents

Most often, an ideal summer vacation for a child with elements of health improvement is understood as a classic camp, where children spend time mainly in the company of their peers. Nevertheless, in many cases, independent, separate rest for children seems inappropriate or even impossible. In such a situation, a sanatorium for children with parents can act as an alternative.


It is not for nothing that such institutions are called not camps, but precisely sanatoriums - here the maximum attention is paid to the issues of restoring health. Many such recreation centers have a specific treatment and recovery profile, that is, they are designed specifically for children suffering from a certain disease - as a rule, for this very reason, parents do not want to let their child go on independent rest. At the same time, in parallel, there are both medical institutions for independent recreation of children and general health resorts for the whole family.

As for those bases where children must be accompanied by relatives, they are divided into mother and child health centers and family ones.

The first are calculated on young mothers with babies, here everything is tailored precisely for this specificity - with the expectation of women and babies.

Sanatoriums family type offer a much more varied entertainment program, given that their guests are likely to be of different sex and age.


The choice in favor of sanatoriums for rest with parents is often made even by those families who look completely healthy and do not seem to be those who need health improvement. Let's open the veil of secrecy - they probably look like this for the very reason that they do not start their health, but put it in proper order in time. In general, the advantages of such establishments look like this:

  • This is a great option for an organized holiday. The program of the institution probably involves not only restorative procedures, but also certain interesting entertainment, which will help children forget the difficulties of learning, adults - difficulties at work, and help the whole family as a whole to unite.
  • Such recreation centers are located in the purest corners of nature, distinguished by special beauty, which in itself helps to relax and recuperate. An additional healing effect will also be provided by clean air, sea or mineral water, mineral salts or therapeutic mud.
  • As a rule, sanatoriums are institutions with a clear medical bias. All vacationers are under the constant supervision of a qualified profile doctor, and the recreation program is built in such a way as to supplement it with special medical procedures that allow you to pacify the ailment for a long time.


Perhaps every children's sanatorium for recreation with parents is individual and has its own unique characteristics. Some of these establishments cannot even be included in any classification - they stand out so much from the general row. Nevertheless, for ease of consideration of options and drawing up a general picture of the available offers, all establishments of this type can be divided into the following types.


Such sanatoriums either do not focus on sick children, more likely to restore healthy ones, or they simply do not have a narrow specialization, having ample opportunities for children with different types of diseases to relax.

It is these recreation centers that usually belong to the classic family - those where you can come with the whole family. Health camps are contrasted with medical camps, in which a significant part of the vacationers' time is devoted to medical procedures.

Speech therapy

Created specifically for those kids who find it especially difficult to pronounce certain sounds. Therefore, it is advisable to rest with mom here, because such problems are usually found in preschool children, who are not yet recommended to be sent on vacation without parents.

In fact, such a sanatorium does not differ much from an ordinary recreation center, it is just that a speech therapist works with the children who are resting here every day, who, in an unobtrusive atmosphere of relaxation, will help improve pronunciation and correctly set speech skills.


Such institutions are relevant for children who have problems with the nervous system. These problems can be caused by trauma, or they can be congenital.

The local medical staff are psychologists and neuropathologists, whose professionalism is aimed at returning the child to a normal life.


People usually come to such a sanatorium on the referral of the attending physician, since they treat such serious diseases as bronchitis, bronchial asthma and pneumonia.

In addition, here you can take a course of recovery after the disease has been defeated. Particularly high requirements are imposed on such sanatoriums in terms of location - the air in a given area must be crystal clear.


All conditions have been created here for the recreation of children with problems of the musculoskeletal system. Beds and mattresses here are selected in accordance with international medical standards, and, if necessary, also individually for each visitor. The program is guaranteed to include therapeutic massages and other restorative procedures.

For disabled children

Recreation centers for disabled children represent a separate category of sanatoriums. Unfortunately, the possibilities of modern medicine are not yet sufficient to help them, but they also deserve a good rest in a base that specifically takes into account their needs.

The requirements are obvious - maximum adaptability of all moves for people with disabilities, a well-thought-out interesting program without active games, and the most sensitive and responsive staff.

In addition, sanatoriums for the recreation of children with adults are often divided into paid and free ones, which is not entirely true. Not a single recreation center works only on enthusiasm, all vouchers are paid anyway, it is just that sometimes they are paid not by the parents, but by the enterprise where they work, or some government organization.

In other words, under a certain set of circumstances, you can get to a paid sanatorium completely free of charge, so you should not divide them according to this principle into good and second-rate ones.


Despite the fact that the sanatorium is an institution of a medical and rehabilitation profile, not everyone can go there and not always. There are contraindications, in the presence of which it is undesirable to go to the sanatorium, and it will not be allowed. Here they are:

  • Any illness in the acute period is a contraindication for a visit. A sanatorium is not an intensive care unit, and not even a multidisciplinary clinic, so if a child suddenly falls ill, you will not cure him here, and you risk infecting other children.
  • Even non-communicable somatic diseases and injuries will become an obstacle for the trip, provided that they require inpatient treatment. Everything is logical here, since the most important thing is the child's health, and if he needs to be treated all day long, you should not replace this with rest with periodic procedures.
  • If a child has recently been sick with an infection and has already recovered, they may still not be allowed to go to the sanatorium. The fact is that traces of infection remain in the body for some time, and if this child has already been ill and has learned to resist this infection, then it is not a fact that other vacationers too. This situation is especially dangerous for infants and toddlers up to 2-4 years old. Upon recovery, the attending physician must establish a certain period of isolation, during which contacts with strangers are undesirable, and only when it ends, you can go on vacation and recovery.
  • In some cases, the child may be healthy, but at the same time act as a carrier of the disease and infect others with it. If the baby is a carrier of dysentery or any other intestinal infection, access to the sanatorium is closed for him, because the likelihood of infection of others is extremely high.
  • Any sanatorium presupposes a certain daily routine and program, so it is unlikely that a child who requires constant individual care will be accepted there. The only exception can be perhaps a recreation center specially designed for such children.
  • Mental illnesses and disorders are a separate group of contraindications. Organized recreation involves communication with others and making new acquaintances, so sanatoriums are not available for children with behavioral disorders or social adaptation. Convulsive seizures can also put an end to rest.
  • Malignant neoplasms and cancer-type diseases will also become an obstacle to travel, unless we are talking about a specialized profile sanatorium.

Sometimes individual recreation centers establish their own list of diseases that are contraindicated for a given resort, which means that there is a possibility that environmental conditions, the specifics of the daily routine or nutrition, as well as the peculiarities of the procedures performed, can harm the patient. Before receiving a voucher, such moments must be clarified.

How to get a ticket?

For a trip, you will definitely need a ticket, and there are several ways to get it, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's consider each method in more detail:

  • Purchase. The main plus of this solution is the ability to independently choose any details, including living conditions and the location of the sanatorium. This option is well suited for those who are picky about everything and want only the best. The negative point will be the cost - this is the most expensive way to get a ticket.
  • Contact at work... Trade unions and social insurance bodies annually allocate funds to improve the health of those in need, including children. If you have a health resort card for the treatment of a child in the form 76/0, write an application at work and wait for the result - the fact is that there are a lot of people who want to relax, so the commission will select only those who really need it. In the presence of two children in need of treatment, such a voucher is free, if there is one, you need to pay 10% of the price, and if you want to travel with the whole family - 20% of the cost. In any case, it is very profitable, but the chances of getting a voucher are not 100%, and the conditions of rest are not always the best.
  • Contacting the polyclinic. You can even get a voucher at the children's clinic - for this, on the recommendation of the attending physician, you must write an application addressed to the director. The advantage of such a step is that the voucher will be completely free, and most importantly - strictly to the sanatorium that will really help solve the problem of this baby. At the same time, the practice of such appeals is relatively small, and the percentage of positive outcomes is even lower.

List of required documents

For the sanatorium treatment of a child, in addition to the voucher and his birth certificate, you will need a whole set of medical documents. Here they are:

  • Health resort card (medical referral for treatment) form 076/0, issued no more than two months ago;
  • A set of documents describing the current state of health of the child: an extract from the medical history, vaccinations, blood tests, urine and feces (no more than a month ago), a dermatologist's certificate of the absence of infections on the skin;
  • Certificate of the epidemiological environment (lack of contact with infectious patients) at home or at the place of study.

In more detail, this list should be specified in a specific sanatorium. Do this early, as it can take too long to gather all the necessary paperwork and you simply won't be able to make it before you leave.

The best sanatoriums

One of the most famous multidisciplinary sanatoriums of the country is located right in the Moscow region - in Kratovo, with the same name. Here they help children with problems of the respiratory system and organs of the bloodstream, nervous and endocrine systems, with disorders of digestion and metabolism. You can come here for prevention and general recovery, as well as for diagnostics and rehabilitation.

The best health resort for children and their parents in the Krasnodar Territory and the entire Caucasus is the “Dzhinal” health resort located in Kislovodsk. Its peculiarity is that you can go through the diagnostics right here, and immediately decide on the necessary procedures. Mineral waters and curative mud will be a pleasant bonus to the stunning nature.

Among the neuropsychiatric sanatoriums, Pavlovsky, located in Bashkiria, has gained particular popularity. This is the best option for those children who cannot rest in other sanatoriums and camps, suffering from infantile cerebral palsy, Down's syndrome, autism and congenital injuries. Local specialists will help you trust that your child's illness is not hopeless.

Foreign sanatoriums are also in demand, especially nearby, in Belarus and Ukraine. They are in demand due to their convenient proximity, low prices and ecologically clean, untouched nature.

Local narrow-profile institutions for children with parents, such as the Raduga dermatological sanatorium and the Bogatyr ophthalmological sanatorium, are known far beyond the borders of their country.

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