
Choosing teenage ATVs

If you still think that every teenager dreams of a good bike, then you are greatly mistaken. Technologies, like time, do not stand still, and today transport should be self-propelled, especially since ATVs as a class are suitable even for preschool children. In a word, the child will be incredibly happy with such a gift, and you just need to deal with all the intricacies of his choice.


Teenage ATV - the concept in many cases is rather arbitrary, because in terms of its technical characteristics, such a unit is usually not much inferior (or even equal to) full-fledged adult quadrics. There are no significant restrictions, as in children's models, because a young driver can easily accelerate his vehicle to 50 km / h or more.

Power also complies - many models allow you to take on board a passenger or a significant amount of cargo, but remote parental control is no longer provided. In practice, a teenage ATV can also be used by an adult.

The current rules state that a license is not required if the vehicle has a gasoline engine capacity of no more than 50 cubic centimeters.

Such models come across in this segment, but these are only the least powerful samples that are suitable only for riding and can hardly be used with benefit in any way. More powerful models require "M" category rightswhich are also useful when driving scooters and mopeds.

Although a teenage ATV may seem like a pretty serious vehicle in its characteristics, he is prohibited from entering the tracks, even if the driver has a license. At the same time, many incorrectly believe that driving such a vehicle somewhere on a country road does not require a license - it is more correct to say that you will not get anything if you are not caught, but when checking missing documents and an engine of more than 50 cubic meters, the driver will be punished ...

Regardless of whether it is possible to drive your quadric without a license, it does not matter is subject to mandatory registration, which must be completed within five days from the date of purchase.


Globally, ATVs (any, not just teenage) are divided into electrical and those that run on gasoline. For a teenager, the electric option is in a sense more practical - from a technical point of view, it is extremely simple: here you just need to charge the battery in a timely manner, inflate the tires and sometimes lubricate the chain, the control is also extremely simple.

Another thing is that electricity does not provide the required power - you cannot count on speeds above 25 km / h, and the cruising range rarely exceeds 30 km, and this is with a full battery charge, minimum load and excellent road surface. The charging process can take many hours.

Gasoline models are more difficult to operate and repair, they require regular additional costs for fuel, oil and replacement filters.

Another thing is that maintenance skills can be useful to the owner in the future, when he switches to more "serious" transport.

Besides, gasoline drastically affects power - 110, 125 and 150 cc models require a driver's license, but on the other hand, they allow you to carry goods, and with 250 cubic meters, you can take both a passenger and a significant amount of luggage. No time is wasted on charging the battery, but with a correctly drawn up route from refueling to refueling (or if you have enough fuel with you), you can theoretically drive through the whole country.

Teenage ATVs already have a classification depending on the main purpose. Utilitarian designed for versatile practical use, they can have additional space for a passenger and are equipped with attachments for attachments. Four-wheel drive tourist quadric will not get stuck even in complete off-road conditions, it is perfect for country skiing, even in the mountains. Sports models are maximally lightened, they are characterized by a special controllability and the ability to develop a breathtaking speed for such a vehicle.


The variety of modern children's ATV models is quite large so that you can confidently single out some of the most popular models. For this reason, we decided to focus on the most common manufacturers.

  • It's nice that one of the market leaders is not a Chinese or Western, but a domestic company Motax... The lineup includes both electric and gasoline quadrics, and in different price categories - there are options for both 25 and 70 thousand rubles.

  • It is impossible not to mention one more company - Avantis, petrol ATVs which are gaining popularity.

  • The company is located somewhere nearby MotoLand, which is known for extremely budgetary electrical units, including those cheaper than 15 thousand rubles.

  • From foreign manufacturers on the domestic market of teenage ATVs, only ATV, but he is also one of the leaders in terms of sales. This is not surprising given the width of the lineup - there are electric and gasoline models for all ages. The price range of popular ATVs of the brand is 25-60 thousand rubles.

How to choose?

The most important criterion for choosing a teenage model is its compliance with the child's height, age and experience. Many parents do not want to spend money buying an ATV several times as their child grows up, and sincerely believe that he will be able to ride the same model from 9 to 15 years old. In theory, this is certainly possible, but do not forget that all control nodes are optimized for a certain growth, and in an emergency it may be difficult for a driver too young to reach the same brake pedal.

Again, if the ATV is heavy enough, there is no question of controlling transport by moving your own body weight - the effort simply will not be enough to achieve the desired result.

A separate moment - power unit. Good, powerful models, adapted for various economic needs, can help with various jobs, and theoretically it is possible to manage them from the age of 14, but if there are more than fifty cubes, you will have to get a license, otherwise you can run into punishment. Category "M" rights are usually obtained from the age of 16.

The transmission is advised to choose an automatic - then the attention, which is usually lowered in a teenager due to age, will not be scattered even more. Cable brakes on an ATV are not recommended for minor drivers, since they require a lot of force, but the hydraulics are much simpler and more practical, and additional disc brakes at the rear will further increase the vehicle's handling.

Operating rules

Without exception, all manufacturers of ATVs, as well as specialists in this technique, place special emphasis on the fact that the ATV should be used strictly in accordance with operating instructions. The driver is interested in this, because this is the only way to achieve high driving safety, and at the same time extend the life of the vehicle. Do not think that an expensive and high-quality ATV allows you to ignore the rules of adequate driving - like any technique, it has a certain margin of safety, and there is no need to forcefully break the vehicle.

The traffic rules state that the driver is obliged to check the technical condition of his vehicle before leaving.

Do you want to ride comfortably and without surprises - do not forget to constantly top up fuel in the tank, as well as check the oil level and replenish its reserves in a timely manner.

ATVs not allowed to ride on the tracks, but many drivers ignore this point, but in vain - you should do it first of all for yourself. A jammed steering wheel, failed brakes, or even just a leaking gas tank - these are absolutely not the discoveries that you want to make on the road.

Like any other transport, quadric need periodic technical inspection... In the process, emerging problems may be identified in the form of deterioration of individual parts, and their timely replacement is not an opportunity, but the responsibility of the driver. Be prepared for the fact that the teenager may lack technical knowledge or he simply may not be responsible enough - then the parents will have to deal with all the issues.

There is also a short list of ATV driving rules that seem logical but are regularly forgotten by irresponsible teens. We consider it necessary to repeat them again:

  • the ATV is quite easily overturned and is usually devoid of passive protection, therefore full equipment, including glasses, helmet, gloves, long sleeves and the same pants, is required;
  • ATVs must not go on highways with heavy traffic, especially if an inexperienced teenager is driving;
  • the consumption of alcohol by minors is prohibited in any case, and in the same way it is prohibited for all categories of drivers, regardless of age;
  • if the transport does not imply the presence of a passenger seat, you should not take the passenger - he can fly out of his impromptu seat even with “normal” shaking;
  • to rehearse driving an ATV is at low speed, choosing a flat area without obstacles, while a driver with no experience should not meddle on the road, even if it is not at all busy.

For children's and teenage ATVs, see below.

Watch the video: ATV Buying Tips - What to Look For (July 2024).