
Children's camp "Artek"

Since Soviet times, every schoolchild has dreamed of spending a summer vacation in the children's camp "Artek". This beautiful center is located in Crimea, on the very coast of the Black Sea. Every year tens of thousands of children come to "Artek" from various cities not only in our country, but all over the world.


The children's camp is located in the southern part of Crimea, near the village of Gurzuf. The nature in this place is truly wonderful and amazing. Almost 50% of the entire territory of the center is occupied by numerous green spaces. In "Artek" there are very beautiful squares and parks. The coastline stretches eight kilometers from the center to the village of Gurzuf.

The children's camp is located in an excellent location. It is protected from strong sea storms by the headlands of rocks, which form beautiful bays, and from the piercing wind, by mountain ranges. During the warm season of the year, the whole air is filled with the wonderful scent of flowering plants and fragrant roses. The wonderful climate makes the rest in "Artek" amazing and will be remembered for a long time!


The idea of ​​arranging the Artek pioneer camp appeared in 1924. The initiator of the creation of a TB health resort on the territory of the Crimean peninsula was Zinovy ​​Soloviev, the chairman of the Russian branch of the Red Cross.

Already in June 1925, the first detachments of the pioneer camp appeared. Young campers were housed in four tents made of plain tarpaulin. Only a few years later, the first houses made of plywood boards were placed on the coast.

During the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War, the children's center was moved to Stalingrad, and then to Moscow. In the post-war period, its gradual reconstruction and restoration began. By the sixties, Artek's infrastructure already included numerous sports grounds, swimming pools, and a real cinema. The medical service consisted of three huge buildings, in which Soviet doctors provided children with qualified treatment.

A voucher to "Artek" in Soviet times was free, and getting it was considered a real success in those days. They were given only to children of party workers, as well as to children who studied very well or showed high achievements in sports events.

Children from more than 20 different countries came to the camp, which is open all year round, to have a great rest and improve their health during the summer holidays.

In the years when Crimea belonged to Ukraine, insufficient funds were allocated for the development of a children's camp. Only after the well-known events, in 2014, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, a whole program was developed to restore and develop the children's camp. During the course of various conferences and meetings, it was decided to add educational standards to the activities of Artek.

Since 2015, free tours have been renewed. As in Soviet times, it is customary to issue them only to children who show high achievements in education and sports. The whole strategy of the center until 2020 has also been developed. According to this document, it is planned to increase funding for "Artek", as well as improve the infrastructure of the center and attract babies from other countries.


Artek consists of several separate camps. This structure has been preserved since 1930 without major changes. The complex includes several camps: "Mountain", "Marine", "Coastal", "Azure", "Cypress".

Each separate camp includes 2-3 detachments or squads. For example, in the "Pribrezhny": 4 squads. These are "Lesnaya", "Rechnaya", "Field" and "Ozernaya". This structure allows all babies to be accommodated in an orderly manner and in compliance with age criteria.

The organization of units in Artek may change every year, but the basic principle remains unchanged. This allows more than 30,000 children to have a rest every year. Kids are accommodated in rooms for 3-6 people. All rooms are equipped with bathrooms and are well equipped with all necessary furniture.


From the residential buildings of the children's center, Mount Ayu-dag or "Bear Mountain" is visible. It is a real natural monument not only for campers, but also for all residents of Crimea. Mount Ayu-dag reliably protects campers from possible strong winds. It is directly connected with the life of "Artek": the guys visit this mountain during hikes and excursions, here they arrange night gatherings around the fire on the mountain slopes.

Children who come to rest in the camp are ordained to the "Artekites" on the Ayu-dag mountain. This wonderful tradition has been preserved since Soviet times.

Another real natural monument, which is located near "Artek", are the rocks of Adalary. Sometimes they are even considered symbols of the Crimean peninsula. There are several traditions in the children's center. Usually children together with their teachers make real sea voyages to the Adalars. At the end of the shift, a joint photo is traditionally taken.

There is also a Pushkin grotto on the territory of Artek. This is a real cave in which an underground source flows. As a result, it is only half filled with water. This is a beautiful place and a real geological find.

"Shalyapinskaya" mountain is one of the attractions of the center. Its cape protrudes strongly into the sea, and the slopes stand out picturesquely against the background of the waves. This natural site was named after the famous opera singer Fyodor Chaliapin many years ago.

In the territory where the children's camp is located, there are many underground springs. Many years ago, numerous communal collectors were laid there, which help to collect water and divert it to the sea.

It is also very important to say how many beautiful parks there are on the territory of Artek. Every year professional florists and masters of their craft work on their creation. Various flowering plants are used to create the ensemble: various magnolias, roses, cedars, larch trees and many others; there is a real olive grove.

Florists have even created real green corridors in which you can walk for several tens of meters. These are real masterpieces of landscape design!

Ever since Soviet times, children on campers have been involved in the process of floristic creativity - together with educators and counselors, they helped to plant various trees and shrubs. So on the territory of the park, several very beautiful green areas were created, where fruit trees, as well as various flowers, grow.

How to get there?

Artek can be reached from Simferopol. After leaving the airport, take trolleybus number 9, which goes to the train station. There you can buy a bus ticket that will follow to Krasnokamenka.

The route passes through the beautiful Angarsk pass. You should get off at the Krasnokamenka stop and cross to the other side of the road. Walk about 60 meters in the opposite direction towards the large Artek stele.

You can also choose a more expensive way - order a taxi from the airport. The driver will take you directly to the camp itself. However, in this case, you will have to pay much more.

Required documents

In order to register a child in the camp, from the date of arrival the voucher must be paid for. If the baby received it for free, then in this case only the original of the document itself is required. All children entering the camp must have a medical certificate of the established form. It can be obtained at the local polyclinic.

In some cases, a characterization for a child is required, a sample of its filling can be found on the official website of the camp. A copy of your birth certificate or passport may also be required.

Tour prices

The cost of rest in a children's camp significantly depends on the season, as well as the number of days of stay. Usually the guys have a rest at Artek for 21 days. In the midst of the hot summer season, the cost of a vacation ranges from 36,000 to 50,000 rubles. At other times of the year (from December to May), vouchers are usually lower - up to 30,000 rubles. From mid-July and throughout August, prices for vacations rise to 60,000.


The opinions of the little vacationers who were in "Artek" are the most positive. Kids really like the organization of leisure activities. Many children celebrate the good quality of the food, as well as the delicious meals served in the dining room. Seasonal Crimean fruits and berries are on the tables every day. Conducting various contests and thematic events makes recreation in Crimea truly bright and memorable.

Interesting Facts

Every year "Artek" hosts various theatrical performances with the participation of real stars.

The ballet "Coast of Happiness" was staged about this wonderful children's camp in the mid-40s of the 20th century. It tells about young guys who met at Artek and became very good friends. History develops during the Great Patriotic War. Having gone through all the hardships of wartime, the young people were so united by real "Artek" friendship that they coped with various difficulties and hardships with honor and dignity.

When creating the anthem "Artek", many versions were invented, and only eminent composers were involved in the work. One of the most popular hymns was the Artek Oath. To this day, little vacationers of "Artek" sing this song, which is considered a real symbol of the children's camp.

Relaxation in this wonderful children's center is an unconditional reward for every child. Children remember this “adventure” for a long time, remember it warmly, and happily strive to tell their friends how wonderful they spent their holidays.

Watch the video: Im a Young Pioneer for the Soviet Union! (July 2024).