
Children's sports camps

Finding a place for a summer vacation for a little athlete is a rather difficult task. Kids who like to spend their free time actively will be happy to spend their summer holidays surrounded by peers with similar interests. Every year, sports camps host tens of thousands of children from all over the world.

Features and benefits

The health improvement of babies has been started since the times of the Soviet Union. Every year, schoolchildren from different cities came to children's health camps to improve their health and prepare for the new school year. Many centers specialize in active summer recreation for young athletes.

Usually, the duration of a shift in children's sports centers may vary. 7 days to three weeks. All centers tend to differ in different sports areas. Rest in such health-improving organizations will appeal to even the most active and restless kids.

The benefits of finding are enormous. They allow:

  • Strengthen your sporty character. A huge number of different sports competitions and events strengthens the desire to win and increases the team spirit.

  • Meet new friends. Participation in team games and living in joint living conditions allows kids to quickly make interesting acquaintances among their peers and develop interpersonal skills.

  • Improve health and endurance. Professional trainers - teachers conduct various trainings with children. This allows the little ones to quickly get in shape and be ready for any competition. The training process is built taking into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the child's body. Usually, during the entire stay in such a camp, the baby noticeably strengthens endurance and improves physical fitness.

  • Organize the daily routine correctly. Adequate sports nutrition, quality sleep, and optimal exercise are essential ingredients for any exercise regimen. Compliance with such a daily routine allows babies to improve their health and become even more active and resilient.

  • Teach self-reliance. Kids are away from home. This allows them to make their first independent decisions. The child is constantly monitored by educators and trainers. This teaches the baby to be independent and to be in new conditions, which are very different from those familiar to him.

At what age to give the child?

Many psychologists and coaches disagree about at what age it is better to go to a children's sports camp for the first time. Some believe that you can teach a child to travel independently at the age of 4-5 years. They justify this by the fact that, as a rule, such kids are very curious and active, and also easily find a common language with their peers.

Others believe that the child's body is ready for intense stress outside the home only by the age of 10. Usually, most of the opinions of sports coaches boil down to the fact that you can go to a sports camp for the first time by 6-7 years. This is the most optimal age to send a child to such a health center. Primary schoolchildren who attend sports sections consider such trips with great interest and then have a good time there.


Currently, there are many different sports camps. They hold trainings and classes in almost all sports. The most professional trainers and teachers work with the kids. Children's sports camps accept kids with different levels of athletic training and physical development.

The most common and popular sports areas in the organization of children's recreation are the following.

Military sports

The Razvedbat children's sports center is an excellent example. The doors of the institution are open for children from 10 to 16 years old. Only professional teachers are involved with the guys. They possess all the necessary skills to ensure survival in adverse or dangerous conditions.

Trainings and various classes in firepower training, rock climbing, training in first aid are conducted with children. All training cycles are certified and safe.


Such centers will be of interest, first of all, to kids who are engaged in various kinds of the respective sport. These sports facilities include large indoor and outdoor exercise pools.

Individual and group lessons are conducted with kids. Training for jumping from a springboard or a platform is also organized. For children with a high level of training, individual lessons are conducted with a professional trainer.

Sports and recreation

A real sports town in miniature "Salute" is glad to meet young athletes from different cities of Russia. Arrivals in this children's sports center are organized every summer. The excellent location among the green forest has a pronounced healing effect on the body. Various health and leisure activities are also organized for the little ones.

Children's health center "Olympian" is located in an excellent natural area. The institution has its own beach. Various health-improving and therapeutic methods are carried out with babies, which allow them to restore health and strengthen their immunity.


These centers provide classes with children at the racetracks. Toddlers are taught to sit and ride horses confidently. Various competitions and contests are organized.

Best in Russia

Russian children's sports camps are distinguished by a good organization of the sports regime. Professional coaches in the respective sports are engaged with the kids. They have specialized pedagogical sports education, as well as sufficient experience in working with children.

Among the best and most popular Russian centers with a sports orientation for children's recreation, several can be distinguished:

  • In the Leningrad region: "Sunny Island", "City of Masters", "Kiy-Biy", "Orange Planet", camp for teenagers "Adults", "Independence and Responsibility", "Vacation Academy. Weekend camp ".

  • In the Nizhny Novgorod region: "RAFT LAND", "Sputnik Kids", "Madagascar", "Emerald. Mini-football "," Dzerzhinets ", equestrian sports club" Olympic "," City of sport "," Forest fairy tale "," Young rescuer "," Vostok ".

  • In Tuapse: “Dream”, “Don”, “Neptune”, health-improving center “Chaika”, children's health-improving camp “Positive”.

  • In the Krasnodar Territory: VDC "Smena" (Anapa), "Eaglet. PILOT Camp "(Tuapse)," Avangard "(Sochi), hockey training camp" JUNIOR "(Sochi), kant" Summer at the height "(Sochi)," Robinsonada. Marine Patrol "(Gelendzhik). The proximity to the sea and an active sports program make the rest in these centers truly interesting and exciting for any little athlete.

  • In Crimea: family camp "Seven feet!", dance camp "Five stars", "Star Coast", "Sports Planet", children's health camp "Omega Island", DCS "Fresh-Crimea".

Overseas sports camps

Young athletes can actively spend their holidays not only in Russia. A huge number of foreign children's centers open their doors throughout the year. Various sports trainings are conducted with children by highly qualified children's coaches. Nutrition and excellent living conditions are provided.

Children's educational and health-improving center "Zubrenok" is located in the Republic of Belarus. The history of the center goes back over 50 years. For the first time, the doors of a children's institution were opened in the Soviet Union. Every year tens of thousands of kids from different parts of the huge state came to the camp to actively spend time and improve their health.

The complex includes 56 buildings. Kids live in residential buildings with all the amenities. Nutrition is organized taking into account the physiological needs of the training child's body. Also, for young vacationers with health problems, various types of physiotherapy are carried out. This helps young athletes to quickly recover from intense exercise and improve their physical fitness.

The complex has a large swimming pool. For the little ones, there are numerous training sessions in swimming and water sports team games. There are also large open areas for volleyball, basketball, football, as well as a huge tennis court.

All educational and sports programs in the children's center are certified and approved for use in children by the regulatory and supervisory authorities of the Republic of Belarus. An active entertainment program is organized for children, providing interesting leisure.

Tips for choosing

Before choosing a children's sports center for your child, use the following tips:

  • Choose a center based on the level of your child's physical and athletic fitness. For children attending professional sports sections, choose centers with a more intense sports regime.

  • Pay attention to the age at which babies are accepted. It can be very different. Most often: from 6-7 years old to 16-18.

  • For younger toddlers, choose a vacation spot closer to home. This will make it easier to visit your child, and he will miss his parents less.

  • Pay attention to the teaching staff. For kids who have a higher level of physical fitness, it is better to choose centers with the most professional trainers and instructors. During the rest, they will prepare the baby for the new sports season.

It is possible to organize an excellent vacation in combination with professional training for young athletes in the conditions of a children's sports camp. Compliance with an intensive training regimen and the correct daily routine during the entire period of the trip will help the kid gain strength for new sports achievements and bring a lot of positive emotions and impressions.

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