
14 weeks pregnant: what happens to the fetus and the expectant mother?

The second third of pregnancy has begun - the easiest and most pleasant period in all nine months. Nausea and toxicosis, characteristic of the first trimester, now no longer torment the expectant mother, and the severity and fatigue characteristic of the last third of pregnancy have not yet begun.

The 14th week of pregnancy is the most optimal time to relax a little and enjoy your new position. About what is happening now with the baby and his mother - in this material.

How many months is it?

When they say that it is 14 weeks, they mean a period of 13-14 weeks. Ovulation in different women occurs in different ways, but always - almost in the middle of the menstrual cycle. For simplicity, it is customary to count the gestation period in obstetric weeks - starting from the first day of the last menstruation.

In this way, 14 obstetric week corresponds to 12 weeks from conception and 10 weeks from the time of the delay in menstruation. Pregnancy has been going on for three and a half lunar months. For 11 full embryonic weeks of its development, the baby has achieved impressive results, and in the mother's body, a lot is now going on differently.

How does the baby develop?

During the first trimester, the baby has come a long way from zygote to embryo. After 9-10 weeks of pregnancy, he is officially called a fetus, and now the fetal stage of development is underway, which will last until the first cry of the baby when he is born.

Fetal period means that the child's organs are formed, now they are developing and improving... The growth of the crumbs at 14 weeks reaches 12-14 cm, and its weight is already 40-50 grams.


On an ultrasound scan, which is planned and may very likely be recommended right now, if the screening has not been completed earlier, the woman will be shown a baby that is very similar to a person. It was in the phase of embryonic development that he had a tail and an oval huge head, but now the proportions are beginning to align. The tail was shortened and turned into a tailbone, exactly the same as that of mom and dad. The head was rounded, a neck appeared.

Often, expectant mothers, especially those who are pregnant for the first time, are literally shocked that instead of a chubby crumbs on the ultrasound monitor, they are shown a thin and skinny baby, whose legs are still shorter than the arms, and the head is still about half the area of ​​the whole body. Do not worry - the child will still accumulate subcutaneous fat, and his body will still have time to acquire roundness. In the meantime, all the main processes in his body are aimed at the growth of bones and muscles - the basis, which will then begin to take shape and be supplemented by those cute rounded shapes that pregnant women so want to see.

If the ultrasound was done in color, then the mother could see that the baby this week is not just thin and wrinkled, but also red. This color is given to his skin by capillaries and larger vessels, which "peep" through thin, almost transparent skin. Some babies already have hair on their heads, but the hair has not yet been dyed with pigment, this week all babies are natural blondes and blondes.

Fingers are formed on the hands and feet, there are tiny translucent marigolds. At 14 weeks, the child acquires the main identification feature - it acquires an individual pattern on the fingertips - prints. The fingers themselves have grown noticeably over the past two weeks and, if desired, they can already be counted during the ultrasound scan.

Facial features are becoming more and more individual. It's hard to imagine, but now the baby is already beginning to look like mom, dad or grandmother, it's just that this resemblance is still subtle. At week 14, the forehead, chin and cheekbones begin to protrude somewhat forward, the nose continues to grow. Due to this, the face no longer looks "flattened", the ultrasound scan perfectly determines the profile of the crumb.

The eyes are now covered with eyelids, the baby still does not know how to open them, but even through the eyelids this week he begins to distinguish between light and darkness. If you shine a flashlight on the pregnant woman's tummy, the baby's movements will become more intense. The ears are in their rightful place, there are the basics of hearing. The baby perceives voices and loud sounds as vibration, which also makes him move more actively.

The baby will begin to hear sounds fully when the inner ear begins to convert sound waves, by about 20 weeks. But this does not mean that now you do not need to communicate with him, talk, sing him songs and turn on pleasant music.

Nervous system

The spinal cord, which until this week "was in charge" of receiving impulses from all parts of the body, begins to transfer these responsibilities to the brain, and itself "focuses" on the production of blood cells. The brain is divided into hemispheres, there is a cerebellum, medulla oblongata. The pituitary gland is already producing hormones. There is more brain matter - up to a quarter of a million new brain cells are formed daily.

Most of the time, the baby sleeps, or rather, is in a state close to sleep. But even in a dream, he continues to move his limbs - this is how the nervous system improves, new neuromuscular connections are established. Reflexes develop.

By the 14th week, the baby is almost perfect in sucking, grasping, swallowing reflexes, and also shrinks when frightened. He reflexively pushes his legs against obstacles, for example, from the wall of the uterus, if he accidentally touches it.

In addition, the baby is already picky enough in food. He does not eat in the full sense of the word, but only swallows amniotic fluid, but developed taste buds already allow him to analyze whether their taste is pleasant or not. If the mother eats sweets, the child likes the waters, he begins to swallow them more willingly. If the mother ate mustard or garlic, then the taste of the waters will make the baby disgusted with grimaces, he will often not swallow them.

At 14 weeks, the baby begins to interact more actively with the world outside of the mother's belly.

Loud sounds, for example, the alarm clock or knocking on the door, as well as other people's loud voices, cause a semblance of fright in the little man, and he necessarily reacts to such stimuli by changing his behavior and increasing his heartbeat.

Internal organs

The placenta is ready for full-fledged work with full dedication, from now on, the child and the "child's place", which is temporary, are a single whole. The formed internal organs are already working. The gallbladder produces bile, and the bile ducts continue to develop. The stomach takes in amniotic fluid, and the intestines, thanks to the villi on its inner wall, have learned to contract.

The pancreas makes enough insulin.

If now the mother eats too much sweets, not only her own pancreas will be activated, but a double load will also fall on a similar organ of the fetus, which can subsequently lead to the development of diabetes in the baby.

The heart is formed and repeats an adult organ to the smallest detail. It ensures an uninterrupted supply of blood to all internal organs of the fetus, pumping over 20 liters of blood per day. The heart rate (heart rate) this week is 157 beats per minute. For different children, it knocks at different speeds, and therefore the norm is expressed in a range of values ​​from 146 to 168 beats per minute.

The work of the kidneys is already fully debugged - they produce urine, which is excreted into the water surrounding the baby approximately every hour. The waters purify themselves.

Baby gender

The external genitals are in their final stages of formation. This week the process will be over and it will become clear who is growing inside - a boy or a girl. True, gender differences are still extremely small, it is rather problematic to see them on ultrasound. Now doctors cannot say with certainty the gender, the probability of making a mistake is still too high, but they can presumably name it, if, of course, the visualization is good, and the child "shows" the genitals.

You can more accurately find out the sex by ultrasound after 18 weeks, which will be the next scheduled.

However, the child himself already "knows" exactly who he is. In boys, the formation of the prostate gland was almost completed, and in female fetuses, the ovaries sank to their assigned place in the small pelvis from the abdominal cavity. Boys produce sex hormones, and girls already have more than 2 million eggs in their ovaries.

Bone and muscular systems

At the 14th week of pregnancy, all bones in the fetus are actively growing. Thanks to the work of the thyroid gland, calcium begins to be deposited in them, and the bones become stronger. The child has formed part of the ribs, the rest will appear in the coming days. The need for calcium is now more relevant than ever.

In this obstetric week, your baby will learn to smile. The development of all muscle groups proceeds with approximately the same intensity. The muscles of the arms and legs, as well as the back, now allow the baby to move more actively, but the mimic muscles now not only allow the baby to open and close the mouth, but also make a variety of incredible grimaces.

The smile will appear unconsciously for now, mainly in a dream. By the way, after birth, a newborn retains this intrauterine "habit" for a month.

What did the baby learn?

The list of baby skills is expanding daily. At 14 weeks pregnant, he:

  • swims, somersaults, pushes off with his legs from the walls of the uterus and makes movements with his arms and legs, like a small swimmer;
  • squeezes and sucks fists;
  • feels herself and hugs her shoulders;
  • plays with the umbilical cord, grabs it, squeezes it easily;
  • begins to catch his own legs with handles;
  • yawns, hiccups.

Fetal ultrasound

Ultrasound diagnostics are now being performed by those who could not participate in the screening earlier. The first screening takes place from 10 to 13 weeks. This week there are six more days to be examined, donate blood from a vein and undergo an ultrasound scan. Of course, ultrasound can be prescribed outside the plan, if there is a medical indication for that - the threat of termination of pregnancy, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, the appearance of pain and unusual discharge.

Be that as it may, the expectant mother, after undergoing an ultrasound examination, is interested in whether everything is normal with the baby, whether it meets all sizes and norms.

Differences in the growth of healthy fetuses at this time are minimal, therefore the norms established for the 14th week are a fairly informative indicator of the development of a child.

This week, the doctor determines the position of the baby in the uterus. Do not panic if the baby is now located not in the head, but in the pelvic or even transverse position. There are many places in the uterus, the movements of the crumbs are intense, and the position of the body can be changed several times per hour. Fetometric indicators will tell about how the child is growing. For week 14, they are normally as follows:

The main dimensions of the fetus at 14 weeks of gestation

The coccyx-parietal size (CTE) this week may no longer be measured, but may be determined for the last time. After 14 weeks, this indicator loses its information content. In the meantime, the norms are as follows.

CTE of the fetus at 14 weeks of gestation

An ultrasound scan will necessarily examine the baby's internal organs, some will be measured, for example, the cerebellum, the size of which in a healthy baby at the current time is in the range from 1 to 1.5 cm.

With special trepidation, expectant mothers await the expert's opinion on the health of the baby.

In the process of ultrasound screening, the size of the thickness of the collar space and the length of the nasal bones are assessed. These two sizes, which are determined only during the first screening, are the so-called markers of chromosomal abnormalities.

Thickening of TVP or a decrease or absence of nasal bones at 14 weeks may indirectly indicate the presence of Down syndrome, Turner, Edwards and other pathologies associated with an incorrect chromosome set.

Do not worry if these dimensions meet the following standards:

  • TVP - 1.7 mm (permissible fluctuations are in the range of 0.8-2.7);
  • The length of the nasal bones is 2.0-2.9 mm.

The number of vessels in the umbilical cord at 14 weeks should be 3, and the thickness of the placenta, if measured (this is not mandatory for this period), should be 16.0-16.85 mm.

What does a woman feel?

Feelings of a woman who is at the 14th week of pregnancy become softer and more pleasant. If before the exhausting toxicosis did not allow to live in peace, now its signs begin to recede, no longer sick from smells, there is no morning vomiting.

Hormones that have been “raging” for three whole months come into relative equilibrium with each other, and the woman is less likely to have headaches. The head, if it hurts, is only due to the fact that the amount of blood that is now circulating in the body of a pregnant woman has approximately doubled.

At week 14, the bad omens, with which expectant mothers often associate the disclosure of their pregnancy at an early date, do not "work." The threat of miscarriage is almost over, if until this week everything proceeded smoothly and without complications, then there is no need to be afraid to talk about an "interesting" situation now.

Now is the best time to inform the employer that maternity leave is coming soon, as well as to please friends and distant relatives who do not yet know about the upcoming addition to the family.

Under the influence of progesterone, a woman may have frequent urination. This is considered completely normal and is not worth worrying about.

The features of the action of progesterone are that this hormone not only ensures the safety of the fetus and its development from the very first hours after conception, but also changes a lot in the woman's body: the mucous membranes become more edematous, fluid is retained in the tissues, the uterus relaxes, but along with it, the intestines relax. That is why a pregnant woman at the current stage may still experience unpleasant constipation, diarrhea, heartburn.

It is progesterone that is responsible for the fact that the expectant mother often wants to sleep, and not only at night.

Sleepiness is a reaction of the body, which is experiencing a deficit of energy, because it is required in large quantities for the development of the child. And again, progesterone is responsible for the mood of the pregnant woman.

Now the psychological state of the woman has become noticeably better - she is less worried about the prospects of a possible miscarriage or other complications, she is calmer, since the screening has also been passed or will be considered completed this week.

Mood swings - from tears to laughter, from anxiety to hysterics and vice versa, characteristic of the first trimester, are no longer relevant now. The baby learned to react to his mother's emotions, and the "wise" progesterone ordered that now all emotional reactions were dull and did not harm the baby.

For this reason many women now become absent-minded, forgetful, are in some euphoria... This is how progesterone “turns on” inhibition processes in the brain. Such a state of pregnant women at this time is a reason for jokes and anecdotes, but if you think carefully, then everything that happens is for the benefit of the growing baby.

Many expectant mothers who are at week 14 claim that their appetite has increased and now they want to eat almost constantly. There is also nothing strange in this - progesterone helps to increase appetite, toxicosis left in the past in itself becomes a good reason to now "take your soul away" and eat everything you disgusted with. The main thing is not to overdo it and not gain extra pounds.

The woman does not yet feel heaviness and special discomfort due to the growing tummy, but some can no longer hide it. The rounded belly no longer allows you to button up the jeans that the woman wore before pregnancy; a couple of centimeters have been added at the waist.

Sleeping on your stomach is already uncomfortable, the uterus is felt, and lying on your back for a long time is also not very pleasant, because your head may begin to spin due to the compression of the inferior vena cava by the uterus.

Some of the expectant mothers this week may experience rather painful episodic cramps - the calf muscles most often "cramp" in the late afternoon or at night, when the woman's body is relaxed. Such symptoms may indicate a calcium deficiency.

A runny nose, which was difficult to explain with a cold or other reasons, because it existed on its own at the beginning of pregnancy, at 14 weeks can pass without a trace. It was physiological rhinitis, which is associated with hormonal effects on the mucous membranes, including the nasal passages. Now the woman can feel a noticeable relief of nasal breathing.

A special source of pride is the chest. Now she is lush and large, luxurious. The plus is that now a gorgeous bust does not deliver strong pain. Previously, the nipples itched and hurt, the mammary glands were tense, sensitive. Now the glandular tissue stops actively growing, and this brings long-awaited relief.

Changes in the body of the expectant mother

The uterus is growing. At 14 weeks, she is already the size of a decent grapefruit, and naturally she already lacks space in her small pelvis. The height of the standing of the fundus of the uterus now reaches 12 centimeters. The reproductive organ changes its consistency, becomes more elastic and soft - this is the main condition for its further growth.

The uterus is now about 4 centimeters above the pubic symphysis, it goes into the abdominal cavity, forcing the internal organs that are located in it to "make room". The ligaments that hold the body of the uterus are under great stress.

In the second pregnancy, the growth of the genital organ is faster, while the weight of the uterus slightly exceeds the weight of the organ in women who are going to give birth to their first child. Those who are carrying twins can no longer hide their belly from prying eyes, the height of the uterine fundus already exceeds 16 centimeters.

Most of the "strange" sensations at week 14 are associated with the constant growth of the uterus - tingling in the uterus, stretching on the sides of the abdomen. A woman may feel that in some positions her lower abdomen pulls, and sometimes her lower back hurts slightly. All these are consequences of the growth of the uterus.

If your back hurts this week, then this may be due to the fact that the center of gravity has changed due to a large chest. The breast itself has ceased to hurt, but it is not as easy for a woman to “wear” it with an increase of 2 sizes relative to the usual size.

A properly selected bra will help to get rid of back aches, which will gently support the mammary glands, relieving the load on the back muscles.

Weight gain this week is recorded in all women, even in those who suffered from toxicosis throughout the first trimester and lost kilograms. For thin girls and women with a normal physique, an increase of 3 to 3.5 kilograms in addition to the initial weight is considered permissible. For curvy women, the increase should not exceed 2 kilograms, and for expectant mothers with obesity for 14 weeks, an increase in the range of 1 kilogram is considered normal.

Hormones (progesterone, estrogens and hCG) mostly have a good effect on the appearance of the expectant mother - the cosmetic effect is manifested by the fact that the hair becomes thicker, the skin smoothes, pimples disappear, eyes shine, the woman looks irresistible and feels accordingly.

The discharge may be slightly more abundant than before, and this also has a "hormonal trail". But neither the color, smell, nor the consistency of the secretions should normally change. All the same healthy discharge is considered white or slightly yellowish (with a lemon tinge), thin, but not watery, odorless or with a weak sour odor.

The appearance of bloody impurities, a change in discharge to pink, orange, bloody is an alarming sign that cannot be ignored. A woman must definitely inform her doctor about this.

Discharge that is greenish or gray, dirty brown may be a symptom of a genital tract infection, and white, thick, cheesy discharge is a sign of thrush. Both types of such pathological discharge are most often itchy, have an unpleasant and even fetid odor. Treatment should be started immediately.

Due to the increased amount of blood (and this happens in connection with the appearance of uterine-placental blood flow, which is essentially a new circle of blood circulation), a woman may pay attention to the fact that her blood pressure level has become lower. But the load on the kidneys, heart and lungs grows, and it begins to be felt: shortness of breath, palpitations occur more often.

The dark vertical stripe, which is now clearly visible on the belly, will not disappear anywhere. It is associated with increased pigmentation, and at 14 weeks it is already familiar to many. The nipples also darkened, as did the areola. Some women now have a bluish mesh in their breasts.

Dangers and risks

Despite the fact that the risks for bearing a fetus have significantly decreased, this week a woman should remain vigilant and closely monitor changes in her health. Consider the dangers that may lie in wait at this time.

SARS, colds

A woman's immunity begins to decline from the first days after conception. Its artificial suppression is the merit of progesterone, which is obliged to protect the baby. The embryo is only 50% related to the genetic set for the mother, and another 50% of the genes in it are paternal. The vigilant immune defense of the expectant mother can perceive the child as an alien object and unleash the full power of her defense mechanisms on him. They will undoubtedly kill a weak and defenseless baby. Therefore, progesterone begins to suppress the activity of the immune system.

By the end of the first trimester, a woman's immunity is weakened quite strongly, which can cause colds, SARS, flu and other unpleasant diseases at the 14th week of pregnancy.

If the "dangerous" season is coming, you should refrain from walking in crowded places, traveling by public transport and visiting hospitals and clinics.

If, despite all the efforts, it was not possible to protect oneself, and the woman fell ill, do not panic. The placenta at this time is already coping well with barrier functions, and the baby's mother's illness will not cause much trouble.

The danger can only be high temperature, since it can create prerequisites for disturbing blood flow in the mother-placenta-fetus system, and the child will receive less nutrients and oxygen. But it is already permissible to fight with fever in this period.

With the permission of a doctor, a woman can take antipyretic drugs (with the exception of acetylsalicylic acid, which thins the blood). The placental barrier will protect the baby from the effects of medication.

Sore throat with angina is an additional source of infection, which is not acceptable for any period. Therefore, it is necessary to treat a cold, bacterial or viral infection as soon as possible, naturally, with the means recommended by a doctor, because not all pills and potions are still allowed, but the consequences of a cold themselves are not as serious as the consequences of taking unauthorized drugs.


Isthmico-cervical insufficiency at this time can be detected only by ultrasound, because such a pathology has no clinical symptoms. During an ultrasound examination, the doctor will find that the cervix is ​​shorter than the gestational age requires. This creates the threat of its premature disclosure and the birth of a child much earlier.

The reasons for cervical incompetence can lie in the anatomical features of the structure of the reproductive organs, as well as in circumstances of an acquired nature - injuries as a result of difficult childbirth, operations with mechanical opening of the cervix, as well as trauma to the cervix during abortion. ICI is a dangerous and insidious pathology, but even with it, medicine can help most expectant mothers to bring the child before the deadline.

Sutures can be placed on the cervix, there is an alternative - an obstetric pessary. The method and method of assistance will be determined by the doctor, he will also tell you what lifestyle is better to adhere to in order to preserve the pregnancy - some are shown completely bed rest, and some - only minor restrictions (do not lift weights, do not bend over, do not get nervous).

Avitaminosis and lack of minerals

Since a child now needs a lot of calcium, a woman may begin to experience symptoms of a deficiency of this mineral in the body. Also, at 14 weeks, signs of a lack of vitamin A can be felt about themselves. Retinol is also required for a child in large quantities. The expectant mother may feel that her hair has become dull, and her skin is dry, this will be a bright sign of hypovitaminosis A.

The lack of vitamin C at this time is manifested by increased bleeding of the gums, a woman can pay attention to this while brushing her teeth - there will be blood on the brush. Also, the need for iron is now very high, since anemia in a mother can be very harmful to a growing baby.

A more accurate answer to the question of which vitamins are lacking in a woman's body can be answered by her attending physician, since he has the results of a biochemical blood test. It is handed over when registering.

In the case of vitamin deficiency and for its prevention, pregnant women are prescribed special vitamin complexes, which combine the main vitamins and minerals in quantities that cover the daily requirement.

Now it is very easy to choose such a drug - there are many names in pharmacies. But it is best to consult a doctor, because the balance of vitamins and minerals in different preparations is somewhat different. Also, the doctor can advise at this time additional calcium supplements, if there is hypocalcemia, and will give recommendations on the organization of vitamin-rich nutrition.

Risk of miscarriage

The threat of miscarriage in the sense that was said in the first three months is now out of the question. The likelihood of spontaneous abortion at 14 weeks is negligible. But threatening conditions now can be low placentation, and marginal presentation, and retrochorial hematoma, which passed from an earlier date or was found simultaneously and in combination with a low-lying placenta.

If there are threats of miscarriage, the woman already knows about it. If you follow all the doctor's recommendations, if you behave correctly and take the prescribed medications, you can avoid a sad outcome.

Women who previously had miscarriages at 14-15 weeks of pregnancy can now be sent to a hospital, where they will stay for at least 10 days during a period dangerous for their child to avoid relapse.

Symptoms of a threatening condition are quite simple to recognize - there are discharge from the genitals that are different from normal, with blood impurities, brown spotting, and the stomach also begins to ache with cramps, pull the lower back. If such signs appear, do not hesitate - call an ambulance.


Fetal growth retardation is a diagnosis that confuses a pregnant woman. It can be put in the event that an ultrasound scan reveals a lag of the baby from the norms indicated above. At week 14, a symmetrical lag is most often found, when all sizes of the crumbs are reduced relative to the existing average values ​​by 2 weeks or more.

There are many reasons that can slow down the development of a child - this is insufficient nutrition, and severe toxicosis in the first third of the baby's gestation period, and the mother's bad habits, as well as infectious diseases that she suffered in the first trimester. The woman is prescribed a detailed examination, looking for the cause and starting to treat. With early detection of the problem, the child quickly "catches up" the standards and is born with a normal weight.

Papillomas and Candylomas

Papillomatosis and candidiasis are frequent companions of pregnancy. It is noteworthy that a woman's genital tract can be affected precisely at the beginning of the second trimester, when the immune system is weakened. The mucous membranes of the genital organs are affected by the papillomavirus not only sexually, but also by household canals, and therefore a woman may not even guess that she has such an infection.

In a pregnant woman, papillomatosis often recurs, its manifestations on the genitals are more extensive. It may well cause difficulties during childbirth, and therefore it is impossible to ignore the problem, if it manifests itself now.

Detection of candidiasis or papillomas is not an unambiguous indication for cesarean section. And after childbirth, in 97% of cases, there is no trace of rashes on the genitals.: they pass on their own, since the virus that causes them has the ability to self-destruct.

Recommendations for the expectant mother

General recommendations that relate to a healthy lifestyle, the need for walks in the fresh air, remain in force this week. At 14 obstetric you can add the following recommendations.

Shoes and clothing

Many people are going to change their wardrobe right now. When choosing clothes for pregnancy, it is not necessary to buy specialized clothing, which is known to be expensive. You can get by with ordinary dresses and blouses, but larger, loose fit.

The only requirement is the requirement to choose clothes from natural fabrics.

Under the influence of progesterone, a woman now sweats, so at any time of the year it is important that she is wearing such clothes, the fabric of which will allow the skin to "breathe" and will not interfere with heat transfer.

It is important that there are no tight belts and tight hips elements. This can disrupt the blood supply to the pelvic area, which is now highly undesirable. Fabrics with an abundance of textile dyes should be avoided. Now, due to a decrease in immunity, a woman may show a tendency to allergic reactions.

Shoes at 14 weeks should be loose, in size. High heels should be avoided, as lifting the heel of the foot now causes an increased tone of the uterine muscles.

Underwear should not be tight, synthetic... Beautiful tight thong panties are now better to put aside and get comfortable cotton panties and a bra with wide straps that will support and fix big breasts well.

If colostrum is secreted, it is better to choose a nursing bra, it has special places for inserting pads so that colostrum does not stain blouses and shirts.


An intimate relationship with her husband may well take place at the 14th obstetric week of pregnancy, but provided that the expectant mother does not have pathologies and complications of an "interesting position", and the doctor did not impose a moratorium on active sex life.

Orgasm is not just physical pleasure. It stimulates the uterine muscles, improves its blood supply. The benefits of full-fledged sexual intimacy for women's self-esteem and psychological state are not worth talking about - this is obvious.

However, the couple should be careful. The tummy does not yet interfere with the pleasures of love, but you already need to choose poses with intelligence and imagination. The main thing is not to allow too deep penetration. Sex should be gentle and gentle.

Don't use sex toys or synthetic lubricants. If pink or brownish discharge appears after sex, it is worth consulting a doctor - it is quite possible that a woman has such a manifestation of cervical erosion.


Now, when toxicosis has passed or is almost gone, a woman may want to pamper herself with delicacies. There is nothing wrong with that, you just need to know when to stop and make sure that the diet is healthy and balanced. Eat right - eat this fractionally, dividing the entire daily volume of products into 5-6 meals.

Each of the receptions should include proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Buckwheat with milk is an example of improper nutrition, and buckwheat with a salad of fresh vegetables and a piece of boiled chicken breast, and after three hours - a glass of milk is a correct and balanced diet.

In order for the child at this stage of development to be provided with everything necessary, it is important this week to include in the menu dairy and sour milk products, cottage cheese, fresh herbs, nuts, tomatoes, apples and kiwi, as well as low-fat meats and fish.

Be sure to eat raw vegetables with vegetable oil, and seasonal berries and fruits will also benefit.

Avoid this week fatty pork, lard, lamb, smoked fish and sausages, sausages, spicy and fried foods, large amounts of starch. A large amount of sugar will not benefit, and it is better to refuse cakes and cakes with butter cream altogether, replacing them with Turkish delight or good marshmallows (naturally, in reasonable quantities). You can't eat mayonnaise and ketchup, spices and pickled foods, canned food.

Don't forget about your water needs. It is needed not only by the body of the expectant mother, but also by the child. Drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day, avoiding drinking at night or before going to bed, so as not to provoke the occurrence of edema.

Courses for pregnant women

14 weeks pregnant is the best time to sign up for a pregnancy course. It is possible to attend classes with your husband, especially if the first child is expected in the family and the parents have no experience with babies. There are courses in paid clinics and in family planning centers, but you have to pay for them.

Classes for expectant mothers who have crossed the line of the first and second trimesters are held free of charge in every antenatal clinic. If the attending physician has not yet suggested that you visit them, now you can ask him a question how to do this.

The expectant mother will not at all regret the time spent on classes. She will learn a lot of interesting things about pregnancy and the upcoming birth, about caring for newborns. Gynecologists, neonatologists, pediatricians, psychologists, geneticists, breastfeeding specialists come to meet with women.

Convenience lies in the fact that a woman at any time can ask the doctor her questions and get comprehensive answers to them.

In addition to theoretical knowledge, a woman will also take part in practical exercises - she will be taught how to breathe correctly at the time of contractions, how to push correctly, they will give detailed instructions to expectant mothers and fathers about bathing the baby, swaddling. Also, the courses teach useful and necessary gymnastics for women in an interesting position. All exercises can be practiced immediately - this week it can and should be done.

Reading and films

Psychologists who study the peculiarities of the formation of the child's mental foundations argue that the inner world of a mother during the period of gestation has a huge impact on who the baby will be - optimism or an eternally dissatisfied pessimist. This week, you can begin to deal with this issue - read kind and positive books, watch good, kind films without scenes of violence and murder.

Perinatal psychologists are sure that now it is important for a child to feel that the world outside his mother's belly is friendly to him.

It is useful to read books for future parents, children's books, fairy tales, you can recite them in an undertone - the baby already distinguishes the vibrations of the mother's voice from hundreds of other voices.

Travel and trips

If a long-awaited vacation and related travel to the sea or somewhere else falls on the 14th week, a woman should definitely consult a doctor about the possibility of air travel in her case. If the pregnancy is going well, then usually there is no ban on flights, it is only important to remember that a sharp change in climate and time zone is not very useful for a woman with a weakened immune system, and these are now 100% of pregnant women.

Independent travel in public transport, where there is always a risk of contracting the flu, SARS, scabies and chickenpox, should be reduced to the required minimum.

If a woman drives a car herself, it should be remembered that the windows in the car must be closed so as not to breathe in exhaust gases, the seat belt must fix the growing belly from below.

It's time to get a special small orthopedic pillow under the lower back so that when driving, your knees are above the level of the pelvis.

Reviews of pregnant women about week 14

Women who left feedback about their 14th week of pregnancy in specialized forums claim that during this period it was quite difficult for them to build harmonious relationships in the family. The tummy is growing, and the expectant mother really wants all the changes in her to be noticed and appreciated by her spouse or partner. However, not all men by the 14th week of their wife's pregnancy already clearly realize that the child in the mother's womb is a living, real and already full-fledged person.

For some of the stronger sex, the baby remains a distant prospect until the very birth. Men do not know how to imagine a baby, they are able to perceive only what is visible to the eye. Naturally, this state of affairs hurts a pregnant woman, especially if she is expecting her first child. The location of the spouse, his interest in what is happening right now, is an important element of female happiness.

Many women claim to have experienced tremendous relief from the completed screening test. It brought a lot of worries and worries. Now everything is over, and this fact cannot but please the expectant mother.

For more information on what happens in the 14th week of pregnancy, see the next video.

Watch the video: 14 Week Pregnancy Update! (July 2024).