
23 weeks pregnant: what happens to the fetus and the expectant mother?

All the woman's attention at 23 weeks is focused on the baby, because she already feels it well. Every day the movements become more and more distinct, you can already feel when the crumb starts to shove the mother from the inside with his elbows or heels. A woman "gets to know" her baby, by the perturbations she begins to guess about his character. This process is a pleasure for all its participants. Let's talk in more detail about what this week is like.

How many months is it?

23 weeks pregnant - the second half of the second trimester. There are still 5 weeks left before entering the third trimester.

If you focus on the usual understandable calendar for everyone, then the sixth month of pregnancy has begun, but pregnant women and doctors are counting down the time until birth in obstetric months. They differ from ordinary ones in that there are exactly four weeks in each such month. If you do not deviate from tradition, now the sixth obstetric month ends, the exact term is now 5 months and 3 weeks.

The beginning of 23 weeks means that 21 weeks have gone from conception and 19 weeks have already passed since the delay in menstruation, the first test, a pleasant notification of new circumstances of family members. The conditional "equator" of pregnancy has been successfully overcome more than half a month ago, about 17 weeks remain before delivery. At this time, everything that happens to the baby and his mother is already clearly visible to others. The activity of the baby is now felt not only by the mother, but also by the future father.

Feelings of a woman

Feelings of women this week can be significantly different: some are still fluttering and enjoying life, while others are already beginning to secretly dream of going on maternity leave in order to be able to relax.

A woman's weight is growing by leaps and bounds, this creates an increased burden on the body. Now the expectant mother gets tired faster, often needs rest, it is already more difficult for her to do the usual everyday things. The sensations at 22-23 weeks are quite varied.


Most women look amazing. Their skin condition improved, their hair became thicker and shinier, and their nails became stronger. Due to increased blood circulation, a blush appears from time to time on the face, and the chest has grown by a couple of sizes.

Even the fact that the waist has almost "dissolved" does not spoil the appearance, the hips have become wider, and the gait is more awkward. The tummy can no longer be hidden from prying eyes, it is already large enough, but still very neat and compact. The only exceptions are women who are carrying twins: their tummies now have quite impressive dimensions.

This week, many are trying to guess from the shape of the abdomen who is carrying a woman - a boy or a girl. According to the generally accepted popular belief, carrying boys' tummy is "sharp" and slightly protrudes forward, while expectant mothers of girls have a more "diffuse" belly. Medicine does not see any relationship between the shape of the abdomen and the sex of the child, there are more accurate ways to determine the sex, and now they are already available.

In some women, increased pigmentation appears; after childbirth, it will disappear. In all, without exception, pregnant women at 23 weeks, the skin becomes more sensitive to the sun's rays, so you should be extremely careful with tanning.

Stirring fetus

Baby movements are the main topic that pregnant women discuss this week. By this time, all women experience quite distinct movements. They can no longer be confused with the fermentation of intestinal gases. If the 23rd week has begun, and there is still no movement, you must definitely visit the doctor and find out if everything is in order with the baby, it is possible that the deadline was set by mistake.

This week, many pregnant women begin to notice that the child has its own daily routine: the periods of activity mostly fall on the same time. Most mothers think that their babies move more actively at night than during the day: these are the subjective sensations of the woman herself. During the day she walks, often changes her body position, does something, works, so she does not always focus on her feelings. Walking in general "rocks" and lulls the baby. But at night, when mom relaxes and tries to rest, all her sensations are exacerbated.

Babies are all different. Already, some are active and restless, while others are calm and drowsy. Therefore, the movements of different pregnant women are different, they cannot be compared. Doctors recommend counting the number of fetal movements from the 28th week of pregnancy, so while a woman should not count anything, the main thing is to mark the activity as fact.

If the child does not make itself felt for too long (throughout the day), you should definitely inform the doctor about it. If he moves continuously for almost a day, this is also the basis for consultation with a specialist, since this may indicate hypoxia or other ill-being of the baby.

Short tremors, uniform in time and cyclical - this is the baby's hiccups. Now women can already feel it. There are no rules regarding the amount of hiccups. Some babies rarely hiccup, others often. If the mother thinks that her baby is hiccuping too often, it is worth talking to the doctor about it, it may be necessary to conduct an unscheduled ultrasound scan to make sure that there is no cord entanglement and the baby has no signs of hypoxia.

Pain sensations

Pain in the current period does not always indicate any irregularities during pregnancy. The uterus is already large enough for a woman to feel it.

Physiological, completely natural and understandable pains can now appear if the expectant mother has taken an uncomfortable position of the body, walked or sat for a long time, and is tired. Most often, the lower back hurts: the uterine ligaments are stretched, the center of gravity changes, and it is on this part of the female body that an increased load falls.

The divergence and softening of the pelvic bones already at this time can cause the pubic bone to hurt in the expectant mother. Mild pains that do not restrict movement, do not interfere with climbing stairs, walking, sitting, should not cause concern. If the pain syndrome is quite severe, you should consult a doctor, the cause may be symphysitis - pathological discrepancy of the pubic symphysis.

The back hurts at 23 weeks, not only because a woman gets tired of wearing her tummy, but also because her breasts have noticeably grown. A comfortable bra with wide straps will help get rid of such pain, which will support the mammary glands and reduce the load on the back muscles. Tingling, "lumbago" in the uterus, in the sides is also a variant of the norm. The growing uterus can compress nerve endings.

Pains of a physiological nature do not have the ability to grow, intensify, and are not accompanied by abnormal discharge from the genitals. Sometimes it is enough just to change the position of the body, walk, lie down, take a warm shower for them to pass. Severe pain that is growing is the reason for calling an "ambulance".


Control over discharge at 23 weeks should not wane. A woman needs to be attentive to their character. The only change that is now considered completely normal is a general increase in the amount of vaginal secretions. Its increased production is natural for the current period, with its help the body tries to maintain the correct balance of microflora of the genital tract.

The not too pleasant sensation of constant moisture in the perineum is easily eliminated by wearing thin daily pads, they will also help to see changes in the color or consistency of the secreted secretion. If bleeding now appears, you should immediately call an ambulance, it may be placental abruption, the onset of premature labor.

Spotting spotting at 23 weeks most often speaks of the failure of the cervix, the manifestation of erosion. Watery discharge is also considered dangerous.: it can be amniotic fluid. In every third pregnant woman with premature birth at this time, the process begins precisely with the outpouring of the amniotic fluid.

Green or gray discharge with a foul smell, resembling rotten fish, is a sign of infection of the genital tract, most often of bacterial origin. White and thick discharge, which "curdles" like cottage cheese, has a strong yeast odor - candidiasis or thrush.

Normal discharge now has a slight or no sour odor. They are white, light or yellowish lemon shade, uniform in consistency, not accompanied by itching and other unpleasant sensations. Any deviation from the norm is a reason for an urgent visit to the doctor.

Other sensations

A woman at the 23rd obstetric week becomes more attentive to her body. Therefore, it is not surprising that during the day she can record a variety of sensations. The most common complaints during this period are that the lower back is pulling. We have already figured out the reasons for this phenomenon. As for the rest of the "troubles", now a woman may well have a runny nose, in no way associated with a cold. This is a physiological rhinitis of pregnancy, its causes lie with a slight swelling of the mucous membranes under the influence of female sex hormones.

If you feel dizzy, headaches appear, you should definitely talk about it with your doctor. Such symptoms often indicate an increase or a sharp decrease in blood pressure. At this time, this happens to many women, because the amount of blood circulating in the body of the expectant mother has increased by almost 50%. The head hurts usually in the evening, and a woman in no case should resort to pain relievers: this is not an option.

Frequent urination during this period is not for everyone. If it is not accompanied by pain and cramps, a change in the smell, transparency and color of urine, its quantity, then you should not worry - most likely, the reason lies in the pressure of the uterus on the bladder.

However, frequent urination with pain cannot be ignored, due to reduced immunity, women are now very susceptible to inflammatory processes of the urinary tract and kidneys: cystitis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, etc.

Mood and psychological state

The more the figure of the future mother is rounded, the more complexes she may have. This is what psychologists who work in antenatal clinics say. Now a woman may begin to think that she is no longer so attractive, clumsy and does not arouse the interest of her spouse. This can cause depression in pregnant women, as well as a reason for family conflicts. There are really no reasons for worries and worries, most men like the changes that have occurred in the female body, even if they do not talk about it out loud.

The woman now looks somewhat defenseless, and this also causes men to have a completely natural desire to protect and patronize their wife. The main thing is to avoid extremes: lack of attention, like overprotection, does not contribute to peace of mind.

This week, many pregnant women begin to pay more attention to home improvement, shopping for the baby, psychologists call this an early manifestation of the so-called nesting instinct. In general, the woman's worldview at this time is quite positive, because the main threats and dangers have been overcome, planned screening tests have been passed, and there is still no strong fear of the upcoming birth.

If at 23 weeks a woman experiences bouts of irritability, cannot cope with her anger, she has difficulties in relationships in a family or a team, she should definitely contact a psychologist at the antenatal clinic. A specialist will help you understand the reasons for the situation and suggest options for a way out.

Changes in the body

The growth of the uterus comes first in the maternal body. He determines most of all the changes that are now noticeable in a woman's well-being. If in the first trimester everything was "controlled" by hormones, now is the time for physiological and anatomical changes.

Weight gain

A woman at 23 weeks may notice that the weight began to arrive at a faster pace. This is a completely normal phenomenon, because the baby himself is gaining weight, and the amount of amniotic fluid and the mass of the placenta also increase. However, too much weight is a real problem during pregnancy, which increases the likelihood of premature birth, and also complicates the birth and the postpartum period.

Therefore, a woman must definitely weigh herself every week and monitor the dynamics, the readings of the scales should be entered into a separate notebook or notebook in order to familiarize the doctor with this information at the next appointment.

  • for women who are underweight, a normal gain at 23 weeks is up to 7.8 kilograms for the entire period of gestation;
  • women who did not have problems with being overweight or were slightly overweight can gain about 7 kilograms;
  • for women who were obese before pregnancy, the norms are stricter - no more than 3.6 kilograms.

If your real weight differs slightly from the norms - by 0.5-1 kilograms, it's okay. It is enough to adjust nutrition and normalize weight gain.

If the increase by the 23rd week of pregnancy has exceeded 10-12 kilograms, you must definitely consult a doctor, choose a sparing diet for pregnant women, donate blood for hormonal research, and make sure that there is no edema.

Uterus growth

In the process of carrying a baby, a woman's uterus grows almost 500 times. More than half of this number is already there: this week the uterus is in the abdominal cavity, its bottom is probed about 3 centimeters above the navel. The location of the uterus is well determined by the woman herself, just as well pregnant women by this time study the signs and symptoms of uterine tone, it is not difficult to determine it.

The height of the uterine fundus this week is in the range of 21-25 centimeters, most often it is 23 centimeters. The length of the cervix should not normally change yet, its size is 40-45 mm. A shorter neck at this time can be dangerous for bearing a child., because the fetus is rapidly gaining weight and the insolvent neck may not withstand the pressure and open up. For women with such a problem, suturing of the cervix with surgical sutures or the imposition of an obstetric pessary is recommended. Suturing is carried out at an earlier date. Now, when establishing isthmic-cervical insufficiency, preference will be given to the pessary.

A woman always feels the uterus when changing the position of the body, in an uncomfortable position. The growing reproductive organ is already significantly squeezing other organs of the abdominal cavity, which becomes the cause of disorders on the part of the digestive system.

The woman is tormented by heartburn, diarrhea, constipation. It becomes increasingly difficult to find a comfortable position for sleeping and having sex. A prenatal orthopedic bandage will help a little to alleviate the condition.

Training contractions

Not all pregnant women experience Braxton Hicks contractions at week 23.Since their nature and purpose have not been fully studied, it is almost impossible to predict which of the women will have false contractions and who will not. But one thing is certain: if the pregnancy is the second or third, training contractions can be expected only in the last weeks before childbirth. But in primiparous, false contractions begin much earlier, possibly already this week.

It is not difficult to distinguish them from other phenomena, the main thing is not to panic. During a training bout, the uterus slightly tones up, there are light sipping sensations in the right and left sides, lower back, after which the tone "subsides", and pulling pains disappear. Training contractions in the current period may occur, but rarely and irregularly. They quickly disappear if a woman changes her body position, lies down for half an hour to rest or takes a warm shower.

Such false contractions do not pose any danger either for the baby or for his mother. With such small contractions of the uterine body, the cervix does not open, even if the woman is wearing an established pessary. But it is necessary to inform the doctor about the appearance of training contractions.

Other changes

Colostrum may begin to flow from a woman's nipples. Moreover, the likelihood that this will happen right now is higher for those who have already given birth and breastfeed. In nulliparous nipples, the nipples are stronger, the ducts are narrow, and colostrum excretion is less likely.

Ugly stretch marks, which can also begin to appear on the body, and a woman's breasts by this time are more pronounced in those who do not control weight and add it too quickly.

By the nature of the movements, women can already understand how the baby is located. If the baby pushes mostly at the bottom and "fumbles" all the time in the same place, most likely, the baby is in the head presentation, and the woman feels nothing more than the movements of the arms and head.

Movements in the middle or upper abdomen can be a sign of a breech presentation. While the position of the baby in the uterus should not embarrass the woman, he still has a lot of time and free space inside the mother to roll over closer to the birth into the correct position.

Some women pay attention to the fact that at 23 weeks, their visual acuity decreases slightly and their heart rate increases. This is due to increased blood volume and changes in blood pressure.

So, with a decrease in blood pressure, the vessels of the retina of the eye also narrow. You shouldn't worry, vision will return to its previous values ​​after a while.

Baby development

The baby in the womb does not get bored. He grows and gains weight. Moreover, weight gain began to proceed faster than growth. Therefore, over the past week, the baby has grown in length very slightly: he added only about half a centimeter to his height. Now his height is just over 30 centimeters.

From the coccyx to the crown (CTE), the baby has grown to 23 centimeters. To imagine what a child looks like, you need to remember what a ripe ear of corn looks like. The size of the baby is comparable to it.

The crumb weighs from 500 to 580 grams. From this week, children will begin to differ more and more from each other in weight and height.... Embryos grow at about the same rate, but now hereditary factors, race, gender and some features of the course of pregnancy begin to influence height and weight: nutrition, vitamin supply, absence or presence of complications, etc.


This week the baby can be congratulated on the next important stage in his development. It is now officially considered quite viable. This means that if the waters have now departed and childbirth begins, they will not be considered a miscarriage, namely childbirth, simply premature, and the baby will have a chance of survival outside the mother's womb.

Sure, babies born in the 23rd week of pregnancy are a serious medical case. Despite all the achievements of modern medicine, neonatologists and resuscitators manage to save no more than 8-9% of such babies, and in the overwhelming majority of cases, the predictions about their state of health are not very bright: such children are mostly doomed to disabilities due to vision, hearing, and profound impairments. central nervous system. But there are also exceptions.

What does a baby look like?

Outwardly, your child is now a full-fledged person, only still thin and small. However, his thinness cannot be compared with the one that was a couple of months ago. In comparison with himself earlier, the baby has become noticeably prettier. He is actively producing subcutaneous fat, and due to this, the skin has ceased to be transparent and red, folds and wrinkles on it are gradually smoothed out.

The baby's body is covered with a thick layer of cheese-like grease, it is held in place and the vellus hair does not let it come off - lanugo. Most of the cheese-like lubricant is observed in the eyebrow area, due to this, the baby's face looks somewhat gloomy and serious, frowning. The legs have grown and are proportionally slightly longer than the handles.

At the embryonic stage and later, the legs lagged behind the arms and head in growth rates. The head now has the correct shape, it is very mobile due to the existing and active neck. There are cilia on the face, thin nails grow on the fingers, each baby has its own individual pattern on the fingertips - a print. While there is relatively little subcutaneous adipose tissue, the legs, arms and chest look like the thinnest parts of the body: all the costal arches can be counted through the thin skin on it.

Nervous system

The kid learns new movements and skills, because the speed of the passage of nerve impulses in his body from 23 weeks noticeably increases. He "hones" reflex skills. For example, the grasping reflex, already formed, from this week becomes more local, the baby can already grab something purposefully.

When the palms and soles are irritated, the baby spreads his fingers in a fan, and now he can reflexively bend his body if something touches his lower body. This week, the baby begins to acquire the reflex of the abdominal muscle wall, and also, when different areas of the skin are irritated, the respiratory reflex can be stimulated.

The development of the brain continues, now the second stage of the formation of the cerebral cortex is coming to an end: grooves and convolutions begin to appear. About a million new neurons are formed every hour, the child acquires new neural and neuromuscular connections every day.

He already knows exactly who he will be - right-handed or left-handed. Now 75% of babies suck on the fist of the hand that will prevail.

Internal organs

All internal organs of the baby are fully formed, now they need to grow up a little, in order to then ensure the life of the child's body in an autonomous mode. The digestive organs are already working. The small heart beats at a fast pace from 150 to 178 beats per minute. The kidneys make urine, and the bladder can store it. The urethra drains urine out into the amniotic fluid.

The kid swallows water, yawns, hiccups, even knows how to spit. In his intestines, the original feces, called meconium, begin to accumulate. The lungs are still immature, but they perform respiratory movements with enviable constancy at the reflex level.

The endocrine glands work, as well as the sweat and sebaceous glands. The baby's own immunity is formed. Its natural defense is still insufficient to effectively resist all external threats, but the mother's antibodies actively support the baby. Penetrating through the placental barrier, they form in these weeks innate (passive) immunity, which will protect the baby for the rest of the time in the womb and in the first months after birth.

Sense organs

Baby's sensations develop as quickly as his body. At 23 weeks, babies hear great. They already have favorite and unloved sounds. They love the beat of their mother's heart, they are used to other noises, which are enough in the mother's body: there is intestinal peristalsis, the noise of digestion, the hum from the blood flow through the vessels.

The world outside the womb is still limited by my mother's voice. Foreign voices, loud and harsh sounds can scare the baby, so now it is better to refuse to stay in noisy places, at large concerts.

From this week on, your child can open their eyes. He learned to blink, in general he distinguishes light from darkness, but there is no detailed vision yet, it will form gradually, and in the first days after birth, the baby, albeit vaguely, can still see his mother's face.

The processes responsible for the formation of smell are completed at 23-24 weeks, and very soon the baby will be able to feel the first prototypes of smells. Tactile sensitivity is very developed, the baby is happy to study everything that surrounds him now, by touch.

Kid on ultrasound

The planned ultrasound examinations have ended. The next woman is waiting only in the third trimester. At 23 weeks of gestation, an ultrasound scan can only be recommended for medical reasons, if a woman feels worse or has concerns about the baby's condition. Also, the expectant mother, if she has no prejudices regarding the harm of ultrasound, can undergo this diagnosis herself, for example, to clarify the baby's gender and get photos and videos that will capture the child in all its glory. Women who did not undergo a second screening ultrasound will go to it this week.

The gender of the child this week is determined almost unmistakably. It is now very easy to distinguish a boy from a girl, if, of course, the kid allows the diagnostician to examine his "charms". There are babies who close and turn away from the sensor, and in this case, it is very difficult to find out the gender.

The development of the baby is judged by the compliance of the basic dimensions with the norms. These sizes in the complex are called fetometry, and the following norms are typical for the current week:

Table of fetometric norms at 23 weeks of gestation

The baby's abdominal circumference at 23 weeks is 169-181 mm, the head circumference is 195-207 mm.

Possible dangers and risks

The risk of premature birth at this time is not considered high, but you should not forget about this probability. Women with ischemic-cervical insufficiency, who have such a higher risk than the rest, are most often advised to continue taking Utrozhestan, while the rest of the pregnant women who were prescribed this drug with the threat of early termination were canceled after 18 weeks.

Even if the pregnancy is going well, a woman should limit physical activity, avoid stress, and exclude the possibility of falling and getting injured to prevent the risk of giving birth prematurely.

Immunity, which during the first trimester was diligently suppressed by the pregnancy hormone progesterone, is now very weakened, and therefore there is a very high risk of contracting SARS, flu or catching a common cold. If this period falls on the cold season, when the overall incidence is increased, it is better to stay away from crowded places, from shopping centers and clinics. The consequences of a cold are not as significant as the consequences of a viral infection, and therefore it is worth observing all preventive measures.

If the disease has come, the throat hurts, a cough appears, the temperature has risen, in no case should you be treated at home with folk remedies or medicines. A woman must necessarily consult a doctor who will select a safe and effective treatment regimen.

Now the list of drugs that are allowed has significantly expanded compared to the first trimester, some antibiotics are allowed, for example, Flemoxin, antispasmodics, such as No-Shpa, sorbents and other groups of drugs.

Since the load on the internal organs, compressed by the enlarged uterus, has increased, the woman may have exacerbated chronic diseases. If earlier she had colitis or peptic ulcer disease, now the disease can manifest. There may also be problems with the joints, especially with the joints of the lower extremities, because the load on the legs has also increased significantly.

The most dangerous complication in the current period may be gestosis. The true causes of its occurrence still remain unknown, but every pregnant woman should know the symptoms. The appearance of edema, both visible and internal, about which only a pathological increase in body weight, an increase in blood pressure, the appearance of protein in the urine can "tell" are signs of late toxicosis or gestosis.

Gestosis increases the likelihood of fetal hypoxia, placental abruption, premature birth, and birth complications. Therefore, it should be taken more than seriously. If the rings have ceased to be removed from the fingers, and the shoes suddenly become too small, in the morning the face looks puffy, you should definitely consult a doctor and get competent recommendations for treatment.

Another danger is hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Disruption of blood circulation in the lower and hemorrhoidal veins is caused by the pressure of the uterus on these blood vessels. Constipation, irregular bowel movements, poor hygiene and dietary habits contribute to problems.

Special underwear will help protect yourself from varicose veins - stockings that tighten the legs and maintain vascular tone.

If hemorrhoids appear, be sure to inform the doctor about this in order to receive recommendations on approved medications for the treatment of an unpleasant delicate ailment.

Analyzes and examinations

At 23 obstetric weeks, if the second trimester screening is successfully completed, only a general urine test is prescribed to find out if everything is in order with the kidneys and genitourinary system. At this time, the woman receives a referral to the laboratory to donate blood. It's time to retest for syphilis.

The second analysis is very important, because the incubation period for syphilis is quite long, and when registering, the analysis could not show an existing disease or infection could occur later. By the way, you can become infected with syphilis not only sexually, but also in everyday life.

If for some reason a woman did not undergo a second screening, now she can only be recommended an ultrasound: blood for a "triple test", which determines the concentration of hCG, alpha-fetoprotein and free estriol, is no longer taken - the study is too late and therefore uninformative.

You should now go to the appointment every two weeks. If the pregnancy is complicated, the woman may be advised to visit the antenatal clinic weekly.

Recommendations for expectant mothers

The chances of an easier pregnancy without troubles and complications will be higher if a woman adheres to all the recommendations given by her attending physician and her own common sense. Only an attentive attitude to yourself and your health will help to maintain vigor and gain strength before the upcoming birth.... At 23 weeks, it is important not to forget about the following aspects.

Work and rest regime

If a woman's work is sedentary, right now it is important to purchase a small bench so that you can substitute it under your feet. You should also take five-minute pauses more often to walk, warm up. This will help to avoid disruption of blood supply to the pelvic area and lower extremities.

Do not take on too hard work that requires physical effort. Now lifting weights and moving them is categorically contraindicated.

Correct postures

Now is the best time to learn how to sit, stand, and lie properly. Now even such simple tasks need an original solution. Do not sit with your legs crossed: this disrupts blood circulation. It is harmful, dangerous and already uncomfortable to lie on your back, after all, a large and heavy uterus presses on the inferior vena cava.

After waking up, you should not suddenly jump out of bed so as not to provoke nosebleeds, dizziness, fainting. First, turn on your side, lower your legs from the bed, and only then you can slowly sit down and gradually get up.


There is nothing more enjoyable than having sex at 23 weeks pregnant. This is evidenced by the numerous reviews of expectant mothers on the Internet. The woman's libido is growing, sexual desires are at their peak.

If a woman has not experienced an orgasm before, it is now very likely that this will finally happen. However, love joys require more and more caution and discretion from spouses.

The choice of posture should be based on common sense: pressure on the uterus should be excluded, as well as excessively deep penetrations. It is also better to refuse anal sex for now.

There are not so many contraindications for having sex at 23 weeks - this is the presence of a pessary or stitches on the cervix in case of isthmic-cervical insufficiency, as well as individual threats, which the attending physician will definitely inform the woman about.

Travel and trips

If a flight is scheduled for this week, no need to worry. The second trimester is considered the most favorable air travel for travel. Before the trip, it is advisable to check with the doctor if the woman has contraindications. If there is a threat of premature birth, surges in blood pressure, it is better to refuse to travel.

Until the 28th week, air carriers do not ask a woman for any certificates or documents about her state of health. Then you will need a certificate from the gynecologist that the flight is allowed. However, airlines have different requirements for the carriage of pregnant women, and therefore, when buying a ticket for a flight, it is better to clarify whether a confirmation certificate from the treating doctor is required.

When traveling by train, a woman needs to buy tickets for the lower seats in the reserved seat and compartment. Travel by car now requires special care. The seat belt should fix the belly from below. If a woman drives a car herself, she should put a small pillow under her lower back - this will be more convenient and useful.


If you now adhere to the principles of a healthy and balanced diet, you can avoid many complications from the work of the digestive system. You still need to eat fractionally - 5-6 times a day. The amount of salt and sugar should be kept to a minimum. It is undesirable to eat fried, smoked, spicy and fatty foods.

The calorie content of the diet should be increased by about 500 Kcal, since the child now needs a lot of energy to gain weight. Don't forget about fresh vegetables rich in coarse fiber. They will help avoid constipation.

Positive emotional background

In the period from 22 to 23 weeks, the baby already feels the slightest changes in the mother's condition well. Perinatal psychologists say that right now the foundations of the baby's worldview are being laid, it is being decided whether he will be an optimist or a pessimist. Therefore, the expectant mother should watch good films and cartoons, listen to pleasant quiet music, sing to her baby and read fairy tales to him. All this will help to create a feeling of benevolence of the surrounding world, the baby will feel welcome.

You should not loudly sort things out, communicate with unpleasant people who cause negative emotions, go into conflicts and listen to other people's abuse. Only good emotions and inner peace will benefit both the mother and her baby.

Reviews of pregnant women

Some pregnant women at 23 weeks complain that fetal movements become not only distinct, but sometimes even painful. Weighty kicks and shocks from the inside during this period are most often felt by thin girls.

For many, the choice of a name for the baby is now relevant. Paul decided, it's time to figure out what to call the baby. This question causes real family battles for some, because not everyone can come to an agreement right away.

Some of the pregnant women indicate that they are again showing gastronomic oddities, which, according to doctors, should have passed long ago. Therefore, at 23 weeks, a woman can only want vegetables for 3 days, and then demand only cottage cheese for a whole week. Doctors warn that indulging in such oddities can cause nutritional imbalances, which will definitely make itself felt with disruptions in digestion or excess weight gain.

About what happens to the fetus and the expectant mother at the 23rd week of pregnancy, see the next video.

Watch the video: Born 4 Months Early, This Tiny Survivor Beats the Odds. Short Film Showcase (July 2024).