
What happens to the fetus and the expectant mother at 33 weeks of gestation?

During pregnancy, many changes occur to both the mother and her baby. At each term, they are different.

How many months is it?

33 weeks equals a full eighth obstetric month and one more week. Also, this period corresponds to the age of the fetus, equal to 31 weeks from conception.

This feature is due to the fact that obstetricians use a different counting system: in medical practice, the term "obstetric week" is used, when the age of the fetus is considered from the date of the first day of the woman's last menstruation. It is used by doctors of various specialties.

Features of the condition of a pregnant woman

At 32-33 weeks of pregnancy, the female body begins to gradually prepare for childbirth. Every day, a woman's hormonal background changes, which contributes to the altered work of her internal organs. Such changes are necessary so that the baby can be born on time.

Physiological changes

At the 33rd week of pregnancy, a woman also begins to undergo many functional changes, the main of which occur in the hormonal background. This is largely due to the fact that the female body begins to actively prepare for the upcoming birth and the next stage of lactation.

Prolactin begins to appear in the blood of a pregnant woman. This hormone acts on the ligamentous and muscular apparatus of the pelvis. Muscle elasticity increases. Such changes are necessary so that the baby does not experience significant damage during its birth.

An increase in the concentration of prolactin in the blood contributes to the appearance of characteristic changes in the mammary glands. The chest hurts and increases in volume. This kind of preparation of the female body is necessary in order for the next stage after the birth of the baby to begin - lactation.

At this stage of pregnancy, a woman may develop colostrum. This is a special nutritious liquid that is necessary for the nutrition of a child in the first time after his birth. The chemical composition of colostrum is not constant. It changes taking into account the physiology of the baby. The colostrum is thicker at first. Then its consistency changes and it becomes more liquid.

When conducting mandatory consultations for expectant mothers obstetricians-gynecologists must determine their weight gain. This research method is quite simple, but informative. It helps the doctor assess the general state of the body of the expectant mother. Also, by indirect signs, the doctor evaluates the intensity of the growth of the baby in the mother's womb.

Doctors recommend keeping a close eye on weight gains during pregnancy. They write down the received indicators in the medical card, which further helps them to assess the dynamics of the course of a particular pregnancy.

The total weight gain in women can be different - it depends on various factors, including the presence of chronic diseases of internal organs in the expectant mother. From the beginning of pregnancy to 33 weeks, a woman's weight can increase by 10-13 kilograms.

This clinical indicator can be considered only indicative: if the weight gain is slightly less or more than the established norms, then the expectant mother should not panic. A comprehensive assessment of her health status, as well as the intensity of the baby's development, is much more important. For this, doctors use other auxiliary research methods.


The 33rd week of pregnancy is the time when a woman already strongly feels her baby inside herself. By this stage, a real emotional and physical connection is already developing between mom and baby.

Many women note that at this stage of pregnancy, they felt strong changes in their usual behavior, as well as numerous sensations in their bodies. This variety of emerging symptoms is conceived by nature. This is necessary for the female body to acquire a new quality - motherhood.

About the nervous system and psyche

At this stage of pregnancy, the expectant mother tolerates psycho-emotional influences much worse. This leads to the fact that it becomes more difficult for a woman to cope with stress.

The mental activity of the brain at this time is already aimed at preparing for the upcoming birth. Reviews of many women indicate that at this stage of pregnancy it became quite difficult for them to cope with a large amount of information.

Also, this period is characterized by a decrease in memory and distraction of attention. It becomes very difficult for a woman to concentrate on performing many actions at once. Strenuous mental activity can lead to rather rapid exhaustion, and the expectant mother will feel the need for more rest.

Strong tension can lead to spasm of the blood vessels in the brain. In this case, the expectant mother may feel that her head is spinning. Usually, this unpleasant symptom completely disappears after rest or in a horizontal position.

Changing hormones contribute to daytime sleepiness in many pregnant women. This symptom can progress every day. At night, however, the opposite situation most often occurs - the difficulty of going to sleep. Many women complain of insomnia. As a rule, this symptom is more pronounced in expectant mothers, who have a tendency to increased anxiety and suspiciousness.

At this stage of pregnancy, many women experience mood swings. Many of them are similar to those that occurred in the first trimester.

Such changes occurring in the nervous system of a woman at this time are largely due to the preparation for the upcoming birth. So, the expectant mother begins to worry more often, to "break" over trifles. Her anxiety and anxiety increase.

Some women may develop the opposite symptom - some apathy. From the outside they look slower, more often they are silent. Such changes should not be mistaken for any pathology. After the birth of a child, the woman's hormonal background will change, and all the symptoms that have arisen will gradually normalize.

About the cardiovascular system

During this period of pregnancy, blood flow rates in the main blood vessels are very important. Through them, the baby receives all the necessary components necessary for growth and development. A woman's blood flow must also be sufficient in order to meet the increased need for the internal organs of her own body during pregnancy.

It is possible to assess the performance of the cardiovascular system in an expectant mother using different methods. One of the simplest tests is a routine clinical examination by a therapist. During the consultation, the doctor must count the pulse and measure the blood pressure.

Deviations from the norm must be assessed by a specialist. It often happens that the first manifestations of pathologies appear in women during pregnancy, since at this time the female body is experiencing maximum stress.

An important indicator of the work of the cardiovascular system is blood pressure. It can be measured both at home and when visiting a doctor.

Some women during this stage of pregnancy may develop high blood pressure, a condition called hypertension.

To normalize blood pressure, the doctor draws up a set of recommendations, which includes many different points. If it is impossible to achieve normalization of blood pressure only with the help of recommendations for changing the daily regimen, medications may be prescribed.

In the treatment of pregnant women, the drug "Dopegit" is often used... Taking this remedy helps to achieve normal blood pressure values. It is impossible to take antihypertensive drugs on your own without the advice of a doctor. This can lead to rather dangerous consequences not only for the expectant mother, but also for her baby.

About the gastrointestinal tract

At this stage of pregnancy, a woman begins to experience specific changes in the work of the digestive system. So, the acidity of the gastric juice begins to increase. This leads to the fact that expectant mothers have heartburn. Most often, this symptom manifests itself in the evening. Inaccuracies in nutrition also contribute to the progression of heartburn.

Women suffering from chronic gastritis or other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are at a high risk of developing adverse symptoms. The increased acidity leads to the fact that the woman has a stomach ache.

Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract contributes to the fact that a woman may develop stool disorders... A common symptom that expectant mothers complain about is constipation. In some women, the general condition is also aggravated by the development of hemorrhoids. Errors in nutrition in this case only increase the severity of adverse symptoms.

It is very important that a pregnant woman receives all the components important for her health and her baby in her daily diet. To normalize the intestinal microflora, a sufficient amount of fiber is required. It is found in large quantities in various fruits and vegetables. The inclusion of plant foods in the diet will help the expectant mother to cope with constipation.

In the event of the appearance of hemorrhoids, a woman must necessarily consult with her attending physician. In some cases, it is required to select special ointments and suppositories (rectal suppositories) necessary to improve the condition.

Such drugs are selected strictly individually, taking into account the initial state of the woman. As a treatment, only those drugs can be used that do not have a negative effect on the fetus.

In some cases, another situation may arise - diarrhea will appear. If loose stools are accompanied by an increase in body temperature, increased pain in the abdomen, and vomiting, this may be due to an intestinal infection or food poisoning. In this case, you should not hesitate to see a doctor. This condition can be dangerous for both the mother and her baby.

The increasing load on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract leads to the fact that the organs of the gastrointestinal tract begin to work in an intensive mode. Characteristic changes can also occur in the liver. Intensive work of the organ leads to the fact that it begins to produce a large amount of biologically active substances. This can lead to the fact that the level of AST and ALT in the blood of the expectant mother will become elevated.

The abuse of fatty and fried foods also leads to an increased load on the liver. Women who like to eat fast food during pregnancy are more likely to experience gallbladder problems. It is especially dangerous to eat such foods for expectant mothers who have chronic cholecystitis..

To normalize the state of the female body in such a situation, the doctor will recommend a woman to follow a diet. In some cases, this measure is not enough; prescription of medications may be required.

They are prescribed by a strictly attending physician for medical reasons. One of these means is Ursosan. The expectant mother should definitely discuss the reception of this remedy with her therapist.

Other changes

By this period of bearing a baby, a woman's belly is already greatly enlarged. This is due to the relatively large size of the baby at this stage of its development.

The enlarging uterus begins to rise. This causes the pressure in the abdominal cavity to gradually change, which contributes to a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen and lower chest.

A woman may feel that it becomes difficult for her to breathe or does not have enough air. Most often, such changes are most pronounced after a brisk walk.

Also a common clinical sign appearing at this stage of pregnancy is the presence of pain in the spine. Women often complain to their doctors that their lower back is very tight or their back hurts. The severity of these symptoms can vary. This is largely influenced by the initial state of the muscular apparatus in the expectant mother. The "stronger" the muscle frame, the less this symptom appears.

In some cases, women may also complain of pain in the pubic bone, as well as in the lower pelvis. These symptoms are usually transient. After intense physical activity, they can intensify. In this case, it is very important to immediately consult with your doctor.

At 32-33 weeks of pregnancy, a woman may experience cramping contractions of the walls of the uterus. These changes are called training contractions.

Most often, they are detected during cardiotocography. However, the expectant mother can feel such changes. They appear as rather short and moderate contractions in the lower abdomen.

A woman should not panic when this symptom appears. This is a completely physiological reaction that can appear at this stage of pregnancy. The appearance of any cramping sensations in the lower abdomen is a significant reason for contacting your doctor.

The doctor must assess how close the approach of labor is. For this, he necessarily assesses the dilatation of the cervix. Only after a clinical examination will the doctor be able to determine how quickly a baby can be born.

Many women experience discomfort due to the development of edema. They can appear not only due to pathological changes. At this stage of carrying a baby, swelling on the legs appears even in expectant mothers who have never experienced problems with swelling.

The enlarging uterus exerts strong pressure on nearby organs. The kidneys and urinary organs are quite compressed. This contributes to the violation of the outflow of urine and the appearance of puffiness.

Edema can appear both on the legs and on other parts of the body. Quite often, swelling appears on the face. In pregnant women suffering from increased edema, the contours of the face also change, its oval becomes more round. At the same time, the eyelids swell and can overhang. Usually, the severity of edema is most pronounced in the morning.

About sex life

The question of sexuality is becoming very relevant for both women and men. Many couples are afraid of causing harm to the baby and deliberately limit sex. Not all situations require compliance with such a “restrictive” regime.

During sex at this stage of pregnancy, it is very important for a couple to monitor the intensity and depth of penetration. Moderation is important in everything. It is better to choose the most comfortable positions for a woman.

With a complicated variant of the development of pregnancy, the doctor may recommend the expectant mother to limit sexual activity. Such recommendations are always made individually.

In order to assess the possibility of having sex and the potential risk to the fetus, the doctor must necessarily know the features of the initial state of both the woman herself and her baby.

Some women may experience some sexual changes during this stage of pregnancy. So, they may not feel vivid and emotional impressions after having sex. Orgasm achievement can also vary. Such changes are caused by altered hormonal levels.

Possible reasons for concern

Even with a healthy pregnancy, the expectant mother may experience various changes. Quite often, they become a cause for concern and concern. Many of these conditions are very characteristic of this gestational age.

Dental problems

During this period of pregnancy, various pathologies in the oral cavity often occur. Such changes are also preceded by a changing hormonal background. So the altered concentration of estrogen in the bloodstream contributes to the fact that the woman may have increased bleeding of the gums. This condition is dangerous because the expectant mother may develop adverse symptoms of periodontal disease.

In order to somewhat reduce the intensity of these clinical manifestations, the expectant mother should use special mouth rinses and gentle toothpastes. The best choice is products based on natural herbal extracts.

As a supplement to the treatment, rinsing with decoctions of homemade chamomile or sage flowers are perfect. If a woman has an individual intolerance to any herbs, she should choose those remedies that will not lead to the development of her allergies.

A dentist can help you choose complex oral products. If a pregnant woman has a toothache, she should immediately consult a doctor. You shouldn't panic at the same time.

Many modern products used in dental practices today are safe for pregnant women. It is better to treat teeth during pregnancy with specialists who have sufficient clinical experience in such work.

Reduced immunity

During pregnancy, a woman's immunity decreases slightly. This natural feature is necessary so that the mother's immune system does not reject the child as a foreign genetic object.

Specific changes in the functioning of the immune system of a pregnant woman contribute to the fact that her body becomes very vulnerable to any infection entering it. Both viruses and bacteria can cause diseases. Also, the expectant mother at this stage of pregnancy has a rather high risk of a cold. Acute respiratory illness is accompanied by the development of numerous adverse symptoms. A woman may have a runny nose, nasal congestion, and nasal breathing becomes difficult.

Quite often, the infection "descends" into the oropharynx. This can cause the woman to develop symptoms of pharyngitis. The expectant mother should always remember about the high risk of a cold at this stage of pregnancy, and therefore take care of herself. A cold can be dangerous by the development of complications both for the woman herself and for the baby who "lives" in her stomach.

A weakening of the immune system contributes to the fact that a woman may develop herpes on her lips. In some cases, local hypothermia is sufficient for the appearance of rashes on the mucous membrane of the lips.

Symptoms vary in severity. In some cases, herpes infection is quite difficult. In such a situation, a doctor's consultation is required. As a rule, doctors try to limit therapy only to the prescription of drugs that have a local effect.

Pathology of the female genital organs

Assessment of the condition of the reproductive organs of a pregnant woman is very important. Only dynamic observation allows doctors to timely identify dangerous conditions and emerging pathologies.

There are many different pathological conditions associated with the shortening of the cervix. Its short length increases the risk of premature birth.

A shortened uterus can cause the development of isthmic-cervical insufficiency. This pathology is dangerous in that the baby can be born much earlier than the established date of his birth.

For the treatment of this pathological condition, obstetricians-gynecologists use various techniques. A therapy regimen is drawn up individually for each patient. In some cases, hormonal treatment is used. To do this, doctors prescribe medications that affect the concentration of female sex hormones in the blood. This treatment also affects the cervix.

One of the drugs used for hormone therapy is "Utrozhestan". The selection of the dosage and the therapy regimen is carried out individually.

Also, taking this drug must be complemented by regular consultations with a doctor. Only in this way can the doctor control the effectiveness of the chosen therapy.

For the treatment of ischemic-cervical insufficiency caused by the shortening of the cervix, doctors can also use special obstetric devices. They are called pessaries.

The use of such products helps to significantly reduce the potential risk of having a baby before the due date. It is important to remember that there are certain medical conditions for placing a pessary. If a woman has any acute pathologies of the external genital organs, this may be a contraindication for its use.

Also, during the carrying of a baby, doctors evaluate other clinical parameters. The tone of the uterus is a rather important indicator of the state of a woman's intimate organs. Its significant increase can lead to the development of dangerous conditions for the fetus.

At this stage of pregnancy, a woman should carefully monitor what kind of discharge she has from the vagina. Normally, they should be light. There should be no sour or fetid odor.

If the expectant mother noticed that the vaginal discharge has become bloody or has acquired a purple color, she should immediately see her doctor. At this stage of pregnancy, this symptom may be the result of dangerous conditions for the baby.

In such a situation, the doctor will conduct a gynecological examination on the chair, during which he will be able to determine the cause of the changes that have occurred. If necessary, he will send the expectant mother to undergo an ultrasound scan. It is also very important to immediately consult a doctor if a woman feels that her ovaries are very sore.

The reduced work of the immune system against the background of altered hormonal levels can lead to the fact that a woman will develop symptoms of thrush. Allowed errors in nutrition can also provoke the growth of candidiasis flora. Excessive love of sweets and chocolate can exacerbate the adverse symptoms of thrush.

With candidiasis of the genital tract, a woman has quite a few changes in the body that bring her discomfort. One of these clinical signs is vaginal itching. A woman may also feel that her perineum is in severe pain. The severity of itching in the intimate area can be different, with a strong degree, it significantly disrupts their usual way of life.

Another characteristic feature of candidiasis is the appearance of a specific white discharge. In their consistency, they resemble cottage cheese. The appearance of these adverse symptoms is an important reason to seek medical advice.

32-33 weeks of pregnancy is the time when a woman's mucous plug from the genital tract can come off. In this case, it is very important to seek immediate medical attention.

Many women start to panic when the plug comes off. This is not worth doing. It is important to understand that only a doctor can assess the approach of labor.

In medical practice, there are cases when a lot of time passes between the initial discharge of the mucous plug from the genital tract and the birth of a child. The need for a woman's hospitalization in a hospital in such a situation is determined by the doctor who conducts a clinical examination.

Leakage of amniotic fluid at this stage of pregnancy is also a symptom that requires the expectant mother to urgently consult a doctor. In this case, it is necessary to assess how much the cervix is ​​open.

In some cases, a woman will need urgent labor. This is usually done if there is a high threat to the life of the fetus. Obstetricians note that there are a lot of children born at 33 weeks of gestation.

Features of the fetus

This period of intrauterine development is characterized by the development of specific changes in the baby. The child at this stage of his development is already quite developed.

It is important to remember that many features may be physiological and not pathological. So, the characteristics of the constitution of babies are strongly influenced by the parameters of his parents. When assessing intrauterine development, the doctor will certainly take these features into account.

It is important to remember that in order to identify pathologies in a child at this time, it is necessary to conduct a lot of different research methods.

Only with the help of several diagnostic examinations can any deviations and disturbances in the intrauterine development of the baby be revealed.

Development at this time

In order to determine the main criteria for the intrauterine development of a baby at this stage, doctors use special clinical signs. Some of them are the anatomical features of the fetus:

  • At this stage of pregnancy baby weight already reaches 2000-2100 grams. At the same time, the growth of the baby is approximately 43-44 cm. It is important to remember that these parameters are indicative. In women who carry several babies at once in one pregnancy, babies can develop in different ways. It often happens that one child develops somewhat more intensively than another. This can also be manifested by the fact that the size of his body will be larger.
  • Head circumference the baby at this stage of its intrauterine development is about 29-33.3 cm. When performing the examination, you can also measure the parameters of other anatomical structures. So, the circumference of the baby's tummy at this stage is approximately 26.8-32.5 cm.
  • With an ultrasound scan, the doctor can also determine the size of some bones. So, the length of the baby's hips at this stage of his development is 5.8-6.8 cm, the shoulders - 5.5-6.3 cm.

Physiological changes

At this stage of its intrauterine development, the baby is already leading a rather active intrauterine life. If there is a sufficient amount of amniotic fluid in the mother's tummy, the baby can move comfortably. The woman herself feels the baby's activity, it can also be detected during an ultrasound examination.

At this stage of intrauterine development, the baby begins to undergo changes in the configuration of the body. Fatty tissue accumulates gradually. This is necessary so that the baby, after birth, is adapted to life in a new habitat.

Adipose tissue has a thermoregulatory function. It is thanks to the required amount of fat depots that the child does not overcool immediately after his birth. Premature babies who were born ahead of schedule often have problems with heat regulation.

The position of the baby in the womb is also very important. As a rule, at this stage of pregnancy, the baby is already taking the correct position. Moreover, his head is below, towards the genital tract.

This arrangement is the most functional. In this case, the movement of the baby along the birth canal during his birth into the world is physiological.

The position of the child in the uterus is an important assessed indicator for determining the tactics of obstetrics. The breech presentation of the baby is physiologically disadvantageous. This condition requires a more careful approach from doctors.

In addition to the anatomy of the baby, the doctor must also take into account the features of other children's organs. Placental tissue is a very important formation. The importance of the placenta cannot be overstated. This organ is a direct participant in the circulatory system between mother and baby.

The blood vessels pass through the placenta, through which the baby's body is provided with all the necessary components necessary for its full growth and development.

In order to determine the pathology of placental blood flow, doctors use a Doppler. There are certain norms for each gestational age. Their use allows doctors to timely identify various pathologies. With the help of Doppler, the doctor can also assess the effectiveness of blood flow through the placental blood vessels.

The baby is in the aquatic environment during the period of its intrauterine development. This is ensured by the presence of amniotic fluid in the uterus. In order for a child to fully grow and develop, it needs a sufficient amount.

A decrease in amniotic fluid can lead to the development of conditions dangerous for the fetus. The amount of amniotic fluid is necessarily assessed during an ultrasound examination.

If this indicator is significantly reduced, a mandatory consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist is required. The doctor must definitely assess the well-being of the baby.

What pathologies can a baby have?

During fetal development, the baby receives nutrients from his mother through the umbilical cord. This unique organ of pregnancy contains blood vessels.

The umbilical cord can be of different lengths, which is determined by many factors. Pronounced shortening of the umbilical cord can be very dangerous for the fetus: it is much more difficult for a baby to move along the genital tract during natural childbirth. In this situation, as a rule, doctors resort to a caesarean section.

Too long umbilical cord can also provoke various disorders in the baby. One of these conditions is a single entanglement of the umbilical cord around the baby's neck.

In this case, it is very important to assess whether this condition leads to the development of a hypoxic state in the baby. With hypoxia, oxygen saturation of the internal organs decreases. To assess the severity of the violations that have arisen, the doctor must necessarily assess the condition of the child in the mother's tummy.

At 32-33 weeks, the baby can change its position in the uterus, which will lead to its "unraveling" from the loops of the umbilical cord surrounding its neck. It is important that there is enough amniotic fluid for this.

If the umbilical cord covers the baby's neck too tightly and leads to pronounced disturbances in his general well-being, a mandatory consideration of the issue of urgent delivery is required.


The end of pregnancy is very important. This time is necessary for the expectant mother so that her body is fully prepared for the upcoming birth. The better a woman looks after her health and mental state, the calmer the birth will be.

What is worth doing?

It is better to make the choice of a medical institution in which childbirth will take place in the future. This will help the woman to significantly reduce anxiety before the upcoming birth of the child.It is also very important that the expectant mother trusts the specialists and doctors who will lead her childbirth.

It is also better to prepare things for a trip to the hospital in advance. It does not always happen that childbirth occurs at a strictly fixed time. If the expectant mother has already collected a bag with everything necessary for hospitalization in a hospital, she will be much calmer. It also reduces the risk that a woman will simply forget something at a crucial moment.

The expectant mother should think about what things she will need in the hospital. You should choose things that are comfortable and easy to wear. It is better that they are made of quality materials with less synthetics. Also, don't forget about comfortable shoes.

In different maternity hospitals, the list of necessary things may be different. It is better to know what is required in advance. Such preparation will help the expectant mother stay calm just before the very birth.

It is very important that in the late stages of bearing a baby, the expectant mother monitors her diet. Some women can eat a lot of food at this time. Thus, they simply "seize" the upcoming stress before childbirth.

In some women, on the contrary, appetite is completely lost. Such extremes of eating behavior are not physiological for either the mother or her baby. It is important to remember that during the entire period of pregnancy, you must eat properly. This is necessary in order for the intrauterine development of the child to proceed in the optimal mode.

In the daily menu of the expectant mother, a variety of proteins, fats and carbohydrates must be present. Also, a pregnant woman should receive vital vitamins and minerals every day.

In late pregnancy, it is very important for women to control the amount of salt they eat. An excessive amount in the diet will lead to the appearance of edema.

A lot of sodium chloride is found in ready-made semi-finished products, salted and smoked fish, as well as chips and crackers. These foods should be excluded.

For excellent health during this period of pregnancy, a drinking regimen is very important. It is better to replenish the loss of fluid in the body with plain water. You can diversify your drinking regime with the help of fruit and berry compotes and fruit drinks.

The state of the nervous system of the expectant mother at this time is very important. Positive emotions can help a woman feel more relaxed and also help her feel less anxious and worried about the upcoming birth.

You can balance the general mental state with the help of special breathing exercises. If the expectant mother feels that it is difficult for her to cope with her mood swings on her own, then she should seek help from a psychologist.

To maintain well-being, pregnant women should take regular walks in the fresh air. Such a promenade will help to improve systemic blood flow in the blood vessels. This will help reduce the likelihood of developing hypoxic changes in the fetus.

What cannot be done?

In order for the pregnancy to end safely, the expectant mother should carefully monitor her health. At the same time, many familiar activities should no longer be performed. For example, expectant mothers do not need to lift weights. Such static loads will increase pain in the lower back.

Many women often have a question about whether it is possible to dye their hair during pregnancy. There are no unified recommendations from doctors on this matter. Some of the experts do not recommend dyeing your hair during pregnancy and lactation, while others do not see anything wrong with this.

Highlighting and hair coloring is best done with more gentle dyes. In this case, the risk of exposure to chemicals on the body is somewhat reduced. It is up to a pregnant woman to decide whether to dye her hair or not.

About what happens to the fetus and the expectant mother at 33 weeks of gestation, see the next video.

Watch the video: 33 Weeks Pregnant by @PregChat (July 2024).