
"ACC" during pregnancy: instructions for use

The risk of viral diseases during pregnancy is quite high, especially during the seasonal SARS epidemic. If a woman in a position has a strong cough, she thinks about using expectorant drugs. One of them is "ACC", but treatment with such a remedy while carrying an infant without a specialist appointment is not recommended.

Features of the drug

A line of drugs called "ACC" is produced by the well-known company "Sandoz". The most common form of such a medication is granules, from which a syrup must be prepared before starting treatment. They are sold over the counter either in portioned sachets or in dark glass bottles with a spoon attached. By adding the amount of water specified in the instructions to such white granules, a sweetish orange or lemon-honey liquid is obtained.

Separately produced and ready-made syrup, which is a slightly viscous colorless solution with a cherry aroma.

In addition, in the pharmacy, among the non-prescription drugs, you can also see products called "ACC Active" and "ACC Long".

The first one is sachet with powder, from which a solution with a blackberry smell is prepared. The second drug is effervescent tablets.

The active substance of any type of "ACC" is called acetylcysteine... Its dosage in 1 sachet or 1 tablet can be 100, 200 or 600 mg. One milliliter of the finished syrup contains this ingredient in a dose of 20 mg, so this form of "ACC" is more often prescribed in childhood. Excipients in the composition of different versions of the medication differ. They are marked both on the packaging and in the paper annotation to the preparation.

Operating principle

Acetylcysteine ​​ingested by the patient affects the respiratory tract, and more precisely, the phlegm, changing its properties due to the destruction of mucopolysaccharides.

As a result, the bronchial secretion becomes thinner and less viscous, so it is easier for the patient to cough up it.

In addition, taking "ACC" helps reduce the activity of inflammation in the mucous membrane.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

In the instructions for all forms of "ACC", including drugs with the prefix "Long" and "Active", pregnancy is indicated in the list of contraindications for admission... Doctors are not sure about the safety of such a medicine for the expectant mother and fetus, therefore they try not to prescribe it either in the 1st trimester or at a later date, preferring more studied analogues.

Occasionally, "ACC" is still prescribed in the 2nd or 3rd trimester, if more benefits are expected from such treatment than harm, for example, when a woman's condition is serious, and there is no possibility of using safer medicines. In this case, taking "ACC" is permissible, but only under the supervision of a specialist. It is prohibited to use granules or tablets during pregnancy without a doctor's prescription.

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

The use of "ACC" is in demand for those diseases of the respiratory tract, in which there is a strong cough with excessively viscous sputum.

The drug is prescribed for bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, bronchiectasis, bronchial asthma and similar pathologies.

He also is included in the complex of treatment of cystic fibrosis, otitis media and sinusitis.


In addition to the waiting period for the baby, "ACC" is not prescribed during breastfeeding.... Means prohibited in case of pulmonary bleeding, gastric ulcer (if the disease has worsened) and hypersensitivity to acetylcysteine ​​or auxiliary components. There are also many diseases in which "ACC" is used with caution, for example, pathology of the adrenal glands or kidneys.

Side effects

During the treatment with "ACC", different negative effects, for example, symptoms of an allergy to the drug (the drug can provoke a rash, swelling, itching, and even more dangerous allergic reactions), increased heart rate, abdominal pain, diarrhea, tinnitus, low blood pressure, heartburn, or headache. If they occur, it is necessary to consult a doctor so that he replaces the drug with an analogue to which there will not be such a negative reaction.

Instructions for use

If the doctor sees the need to use "ACC", then he will individually select the required dosage for a pregnant womanand will also determine how often to take the medicine and how long the treatment will last. It is impossible to change the treatment regimen prescribed by a specialist, as well as to extend the admission if the symptoms persist longer than the doctor prescribed.

If a woman is prescribed granules, then they are diluted with water, tea or juice in a glass bowl. The effervescent tablet is dipped into a glass of water. Recommendations for the volume and temperature of a suitable liquid should be specified on the packaging of the purchased medicine. All forms of "ACC" are taken orally after meals, but no later than 6 pm (taking before bed is not recommended).

It is best to drink the medication immediately after dissolution, but it is permissible to store the diluted medicine at room temperature for no longer than 2-3 hours. To enhance the effectiveness of acetylcysteine, the expectant mother should additionally drink more fluids.


Women who, as prescribed by the doctor, took "ACC" while expecting a child, respond mostly positively about this drug... They confirm that the drug quickly relieved the condition of pneumonia, bronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory tract.

In this case, side effects during the use of "ACC" in granules or effervescent tablets are noted very rarely.

TO pluses the drug also includes an affordable cost, ease of use and a pleasant taste of the finished solution.


There are quite a few drugs with the same active substance (based on acetylcysteine), therefore, if it is necessary to replace "ACC" with a medicine with the same effect, the doctor may prescribe one of them. However, more often they resort to safer drugs that can relieve a pregnant woman of coughing without harming the fetus.

These include the following drugs.

  • "Mukaltin". Such herbal tablets are allowed during pregnancy, but in the first trimester they are used under the supervision of a physician. They work thanks to the extract of marshmallow, which activates the glands in the respiratory tract, dilutes phlegm and helps soften the mucous membrane. The drug is prescribed for unproductive cough, which occurs with tracheitis, obstructive bronchitis, pneumonia and other diseases.
  • "Lazolvan"... This over-the-counter product comes in syrup, solution and tablet form. Its action is due to ambroxol, a substance that stimulates the production of phlegm and surfactant, and also loosens mucus in the respiratory tract. It is not used in the 1st trimester, but in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters the doctor may prescribe "Lazolvan" if a woman has been diagnosed with acute bronchitis or another dangerous lung disease.
  • GeloMyrtol Forte. Such capsules based on limonene, cineole and alpha-pinene have an expectorant effect, therefore they are in demand for chronic or acute inflammation of the bronchi. The drug is prohibited for up to 12 weeks, since its effect on the fetus in this most important period has been little studied, but in the later stages, such a medicine can be prescribed for pregnant women if there is a need to relieve cough.

It is worth noting that many popular herbal medicines, under the influence of which the phlegm in the bronchi is effectively liquefied and excreted, are either contraindicated for expectant mothers or are not recommended due to lack of data.

... These include "Gedelix", "Herbion", "Prospan", "Bronchipret" and other medicines.

During pregnancy, they try to refuse to use them, because, in addition to the risks to the fetus, they can also cause an allergic reaction.

Watch the video on the use of ACC.

Watch the video: Process for ACC Treatment Injury FACS Related (July 2024).