
Oksana Sedykh,


Hello. My name is Oksana Sedykh. I teach computer science to the upper grades in high school. Part-time class teacher in middle school. By my second education, I am a social educator and psychologist. It helps me get along with children and parents.

I am the mother of a wonderful son, with whom I practice and study various methods of education and training.

My position in the upbringing of the younger generation is consonant with the English proverb: "Do not bring up your children, they will still be like you. Educate yourself."

Children of the modern information society are hard to adapt to the real world, the Internet world of illusions constantly promises them ideality and simplicity of life. My task is to break the "fantasy wall" and correctly direct the child and his parents in the right direction. To bring up an adapted and strong personality. And when students find their ā€œIā€ and can defend their position, it is impossible not to be happy for them. Every child I deal with becomes a family in its own way, and all of its ups and downs are extremely important. Therefore, it is important to jointly find ways out of problem situations and help parents and children in terms of psychology and education.

Watch the video: My favourite Hammer Thrower:Sergei Litvinov (July 2024).