
Metrogyl for inhalation for children

Metrogyl is a well-known drug that has been shown to be effective against various microorganisms. For diseases of the respiratory system, the doctor may prescribe inhalation with this medication. How and when are they carried out and in what dose is the medicine used in children?

Form and composition

The drug is available in several forms:

  • Coated tablets.
  • A solution that is administered intravenously.
  • Gel used to lubricate the skin.
  • Vaginal gel used in gynecology for intimate infections.

Metrogil does not have such forms as drops, suspension, capsules or syrup. Separately, the drug Metrogyl Denta is produced, represented by a dental gel. Its composition includes not only metronidazole, but also the antiseptic chlorhexidine. Such a drug is in demand for stomatitis, gingivitis and other diseases of the oral mucosa.

For inhalation use Metrogyl in ampoules and vials, which is a pale yellow or colorless solution without any suspended matter. Ampoules contain 20 ml of such a solution and are packaged in 5 pieces in a pack, and vials contain 100 ml of medicine and are sold one piece at a time. The main ingredient in the solution is metronidazole. Its dosage in each milliliter is 5 mg. In addition, the medication contains hydrogen phosphate and sodium chloride, sterile water and citric acid.

How does it work?

Such a drug has the ability to influence the process of DKN synthesis in the cells of bacteria (clostridia, peptococci, bacteroids, etc.) and protozoa (lamblia, amoeba, Trichomonas, leishmania). As a result of this effect, microorganisms die. When carrying out inhalation Metrogyl gets directly on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, where it acts on pathogens, destroying them.

At what age can you do?

There are no age restrictions in the instructions for Metrogyl, but inhalation treatment with such a drug for a child of any age should be under the supervision of a doctor. It is not recommended to perform the procedure both for children under 3 years of age and for schoolchildren or adolescents without a pediatrician's appointment.


Inhalation treatment with Metrogyl is used:

  • With rhinitis.
  • With inflammation of the maxillary sinuses.
  • With inflammation of the tonsils.
  • With tracheitis.
  • With an infectious lesion of the larynx and pharynx.
  • With sinusitis.
  • With bacterial bronchitis.
  • With pneumonia.
  • With alveolitis.


Procedures are prohibited:

  • With leukopenia.
  • With intolerance to metronidazole.
  • With liver failure.
  • At high body temperature.

Side effects

With Metrogyl therapy, headache, urticaria, diarrhea, redness of the skin, nausea, nervous irritability, dysuria and other symptoms sometimes occur. If they occur, it is recommended to stop inhalation treatment and immediately consult a doctor.

Instructions for use

  • Nebulizer is required for inhalation... If the procedures are prescribed for the treatment of a runny nose, sinusitis or sinusitis, breathe through a mask, and for lesions of the throat and bronchi, a special mouthpiece is used.
  • The child should be in a sitting position or lie with the body raised... After inhalation, you should not eat or drink for some time.
  • Metrogyl for the procedure must be diluted with saline... 3 ml of medicine is poured into the nebulizer chamber, consisting of 1 ml of Metrogyl and 2 ml of saline for small children, and 2 ml of Metrogyl and 1 ml of saline for patients over 12 years old.
  • It takes 5-10 minutes to breathe medicine through a nebulizer... Breathing should be calm. If a solution remains in the device chamber after manipulation, it is poured out.
  • The frequency of procedures is usually three times a day.... The duration of therapy is determined individually, but if there is no positive effect within 5 days, you need to consult a doctor to change the treatment.

Purchase and storage conditions

Injectable metrogil is sold by prescription only. On average, the price of 1 bottle with a capacity of 100 ml is 23-27 rubles. Store such a medication at home at temperatures below +30 degrees in a place where sunlight will not get into the solution. The shelf life of this Metrogyl form is 3 years.


There are many positive reviews about the inhalation treatment of a child with Metrogyl. In them, mothers confirm that such a medicine effectively helps with a cold, bronchitis, sinusitis and other diseases of the respiratory tract. The procedure is usually well tolerated and side effects are rare. However, in some cases, the medication does not have the expected effect and you have to replace it with another antibacterial agent.

For information on how to do inhalation for children, see the next video.

Watch the video: Does Nebulizer Cures Cold and Cough? Jeevanarekha Child Care. 2nd October 2019. ETV Life (July 2024).