
Chemerichnaya water from lice in children

When a child has a problem with lice, parents are looking for a remedy that will not only effectively rid the hair of their daughter or son from both lice and nits, but also be safe in childhood. Is hellebore water, which is often used for head lice, such a remedy? To find out, you need to figure out what such a drug is made of, how it works and other nuances of its use for lice.

What is it?

Hellebore water, which can be purchased today in any pharmacy, is called a remedy based on the medicinal plant Lobel's hellebore, also called puppeteer. The active substance of the drug is the natural alkaloids of hellebore, which have a toxic effect on insects, bacteria and fungi.

Since these alkaloids also have a toxic effect on humans, hellebore water should be used very carefully in the fight against lice.


100 ml of hellebore water contains:

  • 50 ml alcohol tincture of the roots and rhizomes of hellebore
  • 50 ml of purified water

Release form

The product is produced in bottles that are made of dark glass. In the pharmacy, you can buy both 40 ml bottles and a larger package - 100 ml.

Operating principle

When hellebore water comes into contact with lice, the agent penetrates through their chitinous cover, and also flows into the spiracles, which poisons insects. Thanks to the alcohol in the composition of such a drug, hellebore alkaloids gradually penetrate into the bodies of parasites, as a result of which almost the entire population, from larvae to adult lice, dies rather quickly.

At the same time, plant alkaloids, when used correctly, are almost not absorbed into the human skin or penetrate inside in a small volume, without entering the bloodstream.

Although there is an opinion that hellebore also poisons and destroys nits, in fact, the drug is unable to penetrate their dense shell.

In addition to the antiparasitic effect, hellebore has the following properties:

  • Antifungal action.
  • Anesthetic effect.
  • Excitation of the nervous system, which is replaced by oppression.
  • Expansion of blood vessels.
  • Increased skeletal muscle tone.

Indications for use

The main indication for the use of hellebore water these days is pediculosis. In this case, the tool can both treat the head and use it to process clothes, destroying body lice. In addition, the drug is used for arthritis, gout, muscle pain and neuralgia, since it has the property of relieving pain in such pathologies.

Side effects

One of the side, but at the same time, positive effects of hellebore water is a beneficial effect on the hair. The drug increases blood flow to the hair, eliminates dandruff, stimulates hair growth, and makes it stronger and more pleasant to the touch.

Improper use of hellebore water can cause nausea, depression of the heart, vomiting, itching on the skin, redness of the skin, a burning sensation and tingling in the scalp. Such effects of hellebore alkaloids are possible with active rubbing into the skin and repeated long-term use. This promotes the penetration of the product into the deep layers of the skin and absorption into the blood.


Chemerichnaya water is not used if:

  • The baby's scalp is scratched or wounded.
  • The skin is inflamed or covered in a rash.
  • There is an intolerance to the drug.
  • The child is less than 2 and a half years old. Many doctors advise against using this remedy in children under 12 years of age.


The tool is used exclusively externally in such an amount to abundantly wet the hair and scalp.

Instructions for use for getting rid of lice and nits

  • Rinse your child's hair thoroughly using your normal shampoo.
  • Shake the bottle with hellebore water.
  • Take a cotton pad and apply the product to the scalp, paying sufficient attention to the treatment of the back of the head, temples and skin behind the ears.
  • Moisten the entire length of your child's hair with the product, being careful not to leave untreated areas.
  • Tie up your head with a plastic bag or scarf.
  • After 30 minutes, remove the bag or handkerchief, then rinse your head under running water.
  • Wash your scalp and hair with a simple shampoo.
  • While still wet, comb your hair using a fine comb (it is better to purchase a special metal comb). This will remove dead and paralyzed adult lice from the hair and also partially cleanse them of nits.
  • If live lice are found on the head after such treatment, the procedure is repeated the next day.
  • Another treatment in a week will help get rid of the larvae that emerged from the nits, which were not affected by the hellebore.

Rational caveats

When using hellebore water to get rid of lice from a child, it is important not to forget about the precautions:

  • The product should never be taken orally. If hellebore water in a volume of even one milliliter enters the human gastrointestinal tract, serious poisoning is possible, which is manifested by nausea, dizziness, vomiting and an allergic reaction.
  • The drug must be protected from children.... If a child accidentally swallows hellebore water, you should give him a lot of drink and urgently seek medical help.
  • It is unacceptable that hellebore water is in contact with the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose or eyes. If it does get on the mucous membrane, you should immediately rinse it with a large volume of running water.
  • If, after application, the child complains of a feeling of hotness, itching or burning, then the drug should be immediately washed off the head.


The package with hellebore water should be kept in a cool, dark place. The shelf life of the drug is up to 24 months.


Parents who have used hellebore water in their children for head lice, note the ease of use of the drug and its low price.

In most cases, they emphasize that lice die from hellebore water rather quickly, but the remedy does not always give the full effect.

Many people note that even when applied taking into account all the recommendations and instructions, they did not manage to completely get rid of all the nits. Because of this, after 1-2 weeks, it was necessary to perform a second treatment in order to destroy the lice that appeared from the remaining nits.

For information on how you can get rid of lice using folk methods, see the next video.

What you need to know if a child has lice, how to use the drug Paranit as an analogue of hellebore water, see the video.

Watch the video: How to get rid of head lice and eggs fast naturally with garlic (July 2024).